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Now that the teams have been chosen-----

I'd like to direct the thread Back to my opening remarks, that of John McCain's Anger/"trigger happiness". This man endured horrific treatment, which the Human Psyche CANNOT erase.
It's why so many WW-2, and Vietnam vets(and all wars), suffer from the very real disorder of PTSD. No person, be they be republican or democrat, should-Ever-be put into THE position of having to "push the button"! Keep in mind, up to now McCain could be Angry/Aggressive all he wants to in the Senate, because we (as Americans) had about a half dozen "safety switches" between McCain and the "button".

This is Not an Indictment against Sen. McCain. John McCain was brutalized, and through no fault of his own, will carry these Life Long SCARS, to his death. I can Well Imagine that my theory is not popular,- But - my theory is backed up unequivocally by Fact/Truth !
We are not(unfortunately) living in the "la - de - da" peaceful times of the post korean war(early 1950's)

So you prefer a president that was raised in a bubble with no learning experience brought in from any circumstance they happen to endure.
So you prefer a president that was raised in a bubble with no learning experience brought in from any circumstance they happen to endure.
I would prefer a president who doesn't want war with every country in charge. I would prefer a president who makes his choice for vice president based on the qualifications of that person rather than how much wind they can take out of democrats sails by making a "historic" choice the day after the democratic nominee speaks at the DNC. I would prefer a president who sticks with his beliefs rather than make 180 degree changes in order to "fit the platform".

IMHO, I wish we'd abolish political parties and platforms and let any candidate who wants to run - based on the issues. If anything, it would force the candidates to discuss issues, as no single candidate would have the financial resources to conduct a smear campaign against all the candidates. I can hardly wait to see what the "Rove II" team will try to dig up...and I can hardly wait to see the "what if he dies" ads from the democrats.

Both parties and candidates are nothing more than a couple of well financed (deleted by moderator).
Yes, Lets have Nobama with his finger on the button, because we know it will never be pressed.

Instead, we will sit down and talk with terrorist and appease their needs and wants.

Don't think for one second that Terrorist organizations, Socialist and communists are not salavating and drooling at the prospect of Nobama being president !

He said he would sit down and talk to enemy nations not terrorist. BIG difference.
And so you believe Nobama and the Demorats will provide a fence and prevent illeagal crossings ?

Hell, they want to give them drivers licenses and "OUR" social security............what little there is left of it !.............in an express lane for citizenship ! Wake up man !

I'm all for someone coming to the US to better their lives.........."LEAGALLY" !

As for Nobama , I believe any politician will say whatever it takes ,"I will defend the U.S." , to get elected, but at the same time Nobama saying " Hey Ahmadinejad, can't we just be friends and play nice ?" In case you haven't noticed , Terrorists don't play nice !

I agree we should provide a path for legal citizenship but it is not the democrats who do not want to help legalize people who want to come here and work to better their lives it is corporate America who lobbies against this. They want to be able to pay slave labor wages and if these good people become legal then they will have to pay them higher wages. It is that simple.
I sit here reading, in utter Amazement, that Gov. Palin was chosen VP, which would mean to be one "click" away from "the button" ! Contrast Gov. Palin's selection with the extremely thoughtful selection by Sen. Obama, of Sen. Joseph Biden.
I sit here reading, in utter Amazement, that Gov. Palin was chosen VP, which would mean to be one "click" away from "the button" ! Contrast Gov. Palin's selection with the extremely thoughtful selection by Sen. Obama, of Sen. Joseph Biden.

Funny....I distinctly remember many here crowing in defense of the Big 'O's lack of experience as having the best cabinet surrounding him to make up for this lack of expertise.
There isn't a double standard here now is there? 😱
Here's another way to look at these "tickets". We could assign each candidate a number by the "points" system.(Without losing sight that these people will work together as a team)
Assuming that Sen. Obama rates the same amount of "points" as Gov. Palin, then we could write down on our score sheet(say) a "6" for each.
As for John McCain, he doesn't score AS high on foreign policy as Joe Biden(close, but not JB's equal) So we "assign" JB a "5" (out of 5), and JMc a "4"

Now, on domestic Issues(please don't accept my theories, or point assignments, just listen to the "Majority" of the American people), if JB gets a "4" (out of 5), McCain gets a "2", and if we really give McCain a Huge benefit of the doubt, we'll (generously) assign him a "3".
When we compile our "research" the Obama/Biden team Scores Higher !!
(Had McCain chosen Romney, then the "scoring" would have been much closer, -but- he Didn't) !
I sit here reading, in utter Amazement, that Gov. Palin was chosen VP, which would mean to be one "click" away from "the button" ! Contrast Gov. Palin's selection with the extremely thoughtful selection by Sen. Obama, of Sen. Joseph Biden.

Who cares...............she's way hotter looking than Biden. :up:
Here's another way to look at these "tickets". We could assign each candidate a number by the "points" system.(Without losing sight that these people will work together as a team)
Assuming that Sen. Obama rates the same amount of "points" as Gov. Palin, then we could write down on our score sheet(say) a "6" for each.
As for John McCain, he doesn't score AS high on foreign policy as Joe Biden(close, but not JB's equal) So we "assign" JB a "5" (out of 5), and JMc a "4"

Now, on domestic Issues(please don't accept my theories, or point assignments, just listen to the "Majority" of the American people), if JB gets a "4" (out of 5), McCain gets a "2", and if we really give McCain a Huge benefit of the doubt, we'll (generously) assign him a "3".
When we compile our "research" the Obama/Biden team Scores Higher !!
(Had McCain chosen Romney, then the "scoring" would have been much closer, -but- he Didn't) !

So whats the over under then? :blink:

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