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O M G !! Republican MARC RUBIO is "PRO - UNION " !!

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O M G !! Republican MARC RUBIO is "PRO - UNION " !!

More union members vote right more often than not these days as the dems have gone for corporate cash and interests.Lets see, day one, Biden wipes out pipeline workers, which would be union welders and steamfitters, I guess. Lets not forget how many times the UMWA took it in the shorts.......Oh, I almost forgot, police unions supporting Trump.I'm sure there's more.

Look who bought the Biden presidency.
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O M G !! Republican MARC RUBIO is "PRO - UNION " !!

More union members vote right more often than not these days as the dems have gone for corporate cash and interests.Lets see, day one, Biden wipes out pipeline workers, which would be union welders and steamfitters, I guess. Lets not forget how many times the UMWA took it in the shorts.......Oh, I almost forgot, police unions supporting Trump.I'm sure there's more.

Look who bought the Biden presidency.

You win. Now...what have Republicans done for workers. Particularly blue collar workers? I hear them speak of creating "good paying" jobs. Is the definition of "good paying" in 2020 the same as "good paying" in 1970? They seem opposed to a $15 an hour minimum wage since that infringes on what they call a "good paying" job. If we adjusted the pay (including benefits) to account for inflation of a 1970 blue collar workers job to the same job (including benefits) today, have things gotten better for the blue collar worker?
You win. Now...what have Republicans done for workers. Particularly blue collar workers? I hear them speak of creating "good paying" jobs. Is the definition of "good paying" in 2020 the same as "good paying" in 1970? They seem opposed to a $15 an hour minimum wage since that infringes on what they call a "good paying" job. If we adjusted the pay (including benefits) to account for inflation of a 1970 blue collar workers job to the same job (including benefits) today, have things gotten better for the blue collar worker?
I'm not sure of you noticed, but union membership is on a decline and workers aren't interested as much now in representation. Employers have provided, in many instances, wages and benefits on par with the unions in the same job arenas. Reducing taxation is one which benefits workers, free markets and individual achievement also. Then what party was pushing tariffs on Chinese goods.....that will bring back 'good paying' jobs for blue collar and other workers? You have the 'go make solar panels' alternative to good paying, highly skilled jobs, offered by the dems.You'll say the gop opposes unions, maybe, but it's really more like support freedom of choice than being forced through closed shops.

I see you are still all hung up on $15 and hour. Most of the mickey mouse burger flipping non braniac requirement type jobs now are in the $10-12 or more an hour range, depending on locale. The 15 thing is supposed to be an incrementally scaled move to 15 and many jobs are at or near the first stage already.

And it still comes down to skilled vs nonskilled and pay levels.
I remember when the GOP started hating unions. They were the ones who said "they are getting paid $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car". And they were. But that was made up of maybe $30 an hour in wages and $45 an hour in fully paid health insurance and a pension for their retirement and some other things. And yep...it doesn't take much skill to put a bumper on a car. But those guys were also buying houses and cars and boats and campers and taking vacations and putting their kids thru school. Today, a "good paying job" is $25 an hour.....the employee has to pay $300 per month towards their health insurance, there is no pension, but the company will match 5% of their contribution to a 401k. And the goal is usually for the kids to do better than the parents. But if a guy worked for GM and his son works for GM, his dad most likely did better. Because we have accepted that he really wasn't worth what he was being paid.
Those smart liberals? It's getting more purple every day. Those smart people in CA that are flocking to Texas will likely still hold their same views on immigration...guns...gay marriage and other "blue" things. And Texas is already tinged a bit purple. Let them come. But you know how you all like to say that nothing is free? Well...Texas doesn't have an income tax. But they do have some of the highest property taxes in the county. And you have to factor in the increased electricity usage. It could well turn out that what they save in income tax is taken away with just those two things alone. Because Texas doesn't provide services for free...
What I find funny is your dumb ass thinks they are only moving to save money.
You'll say the gop opposes unions, maybe, but it's really more like support freedom of choice than being forced through closed shops.
The left opposes freedom of choice. They always have.

I see you are still all hung up on $15 and hour. Most of the mickey mouse burger flipping non braniac requirement type jobs now are in the $10-12 or more an hour range, depending on locale. The 15 thing is supposed to be an incrementally scaled move to 15 and many jobs are at or near the first stage already.
You are wasting your breath. I have shown these fools post after post of jobs paying 20+ an hour here in Tulsa that require no special skills or higher education. They are just going to keep repeating their mantra despite evidence to the contrary.

And it still comes down to skilled vs nonskilled and pay levels.
A socialist wants everything anybody better off than them has except the sacrifice and responsibility and they want someone else to pay for it.
I remember when the GOP started hating unions. They were the ones who said "they are getting paid $75 an hour to put a bumper on a car". And they were. But that was made up of maybe $30 an hour in wages and $45 an hour in fully paid health insurance and a pension for their retirement and some other things. And yep...it doesn't take much skill to put a bumper on a car. But those guys were also buying houses and cars and boats and campers and taking vacations and putting their kids thru school. Today, a "good paying job" is $25 an hour.....the employee has to pay $300 per month towards their health insurance, there is no pension, but the company will match 5% of their contribution to a 401k. And the goal is usually for the kids to do better than the parents. But if a guy worked for GM and his son works for GM, his dad most likely did better. Because we have accepted that he really wasn't worth what he was being paid.
I would say in an era of 65 inch 4K TV's, PlayStations, laptops, tablets, smart phones, cars teched up to the hilt, designer clothes, online streaming, XM radio, and Starbucks youth today has a pretty high standard of living. They have all these companies providing goods and services to cater to their every whim.

Most people are not broke because they don't make enough money. Most people are broke because they spend their money on stupid sh*t. Unfortunately in a welfare state now we have people spending OTHER people's money on stupid sh*t. These dumb ass youths don't own a home but they have $1200 dollar iPhones, suck down over priced latte's, and wear $200 dollar sunglasses.

You leftist fools should not complain about pay when you encourage a bunch of illegals, many of them functionally illiterate, to violate our borders and drive down wages for unskilled work.

Yes, previous generations had generous pensions. That's because dear old dad stuck junior with the bill. Pensions are not sustainable. That has been proven time and time again. People at the end of the line always get screwed.... always.

PBGC’s most recent Projections Report found the Multiemployer Program is likely to run out of money during fiscal year 2026. There is considerable risk that it could run out before then.

If PBGC’s Multiemployer Program becomes insolvent, the only funds available to support benefits would be the premiums that continue to be paid by remaining multiemployer plans. As a result, our Multiemployer Program would be unable to pay guaranteed benefits at current levels.

If this happens, PBGC's multiemployer premium income will only provide retirees with a small fraction of their benefit.
401k's, are like a roll of the dice on the crap table, just the way big corporations LIKE IT !! (Granted NOW the DJIA is in high gear).

US Railroads, and Longshore Unions won't be buying into 401K's anytime in your lifetime !!
What I find funny is your dumb ass thinks they are only moving to save money.
That's the reason everybody on the right seems to give...they are fed up with California taxes and are moving to get away from them. What is the other reason they are moving? They want to live close to the ORU prayer tower?
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That's the reason everybody on the right seems to give...they are fed up with California taxes and are moving to get away from them. What is the other reason they are moving? They want to live close to the ORU prayer tower?
Right. I am sure California is just great......

It's funny... once people get a taste of life outside California or New York, it's amazing how quickly they realize they were duped all those years they were paying high taxes and getting so little for it.

I've watched countless starry eyed bleeding heart liberals in their 20's become conservatives in their 30's once they start realizing how and what they get taxed on. I'd also guess that a majority of people leaving California, New York, and Illinois are doing so because of over-taxation and the government controlling their lives.

I seriously doubt anyone is talking about gay marriage anymore, KC. It's decided law, everyone except perhaps a few fringe activists on both sides have moved on.

Immigration? Keep dumping illegals into TX and CA (many with COVID), and you'll see how quickly the conversation on immigration in those states starts to shift center-right again....

The people complaining about property taxes and electricity? How many are doing so from brand new 3500+ SF McMansions that need twice the air conditioning they needed in CA?... Get a reasonable size 20+ year old house that was built for the climate (not the real estate market) and suddenly that electric cost isn't so bad. Neither are the taxes.

Homelessness? It's not about money on that. It's about mental health. It's not for a lack of opportunities, either. We've volunteered time and money with homeless shelters in TX, and some people simply don't want to be helped. Those who ask do receive.

Having lived in two of the states and having my son lived in the third, hands down you get better public schools, roads, and public services in Texas than you do in California or New York.

Reasonable people don't mind paying taxes when they see what they get for it. The problem is that so much of the taxes in IL, NY and CA wind up in the hands of public union employees and six figure pensions.

Don't try to compare TX or OK homelessness to CA. It's not even close. Take ANY 3 states and add them together. The total still would not be as high as CA.

You are wasting your breath. I have shown these fools post after post of jobs paying 20+ an hour here in Tulsa that require no special skills or higher education.

Helluva deal. The only problem is that back in the 70's, they were paid the equivalent of $25 an hour PLUS fully paid health insurance PLUS a pension. Today they get $20 an hour and have to pay $300 per month towards their insurance and fund their own 401K....and somehow they are convinced they are doing BETTER.

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