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O M G !! Republican MARC RUBIO is "PRO - UNION " !!

That article was an absolute waste of my time and provided no new relevant information.

Nobody is saying minimum wage should not be raised.

You have a valid point that it has not been raised for the last 12 years. We are in total agreement in that respect.

Where we disagree is the amount.

Again minimum wage had the most value in 1968. Adjusted for inflation that is $12.30 an hour. Raising it to 15 is not keeping pace with inflation. In fact it is 21.95% too high.

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So I ask you again, what makes you think that $15.00 an hour, 21.95% higher than it has ever been when adjusted for inflation, is appropriate?

I would 100% support raising minimum wage to $12.30 an hour, but no more.

Can we agree that given the data provided by the BLS that $12.30/hr is appropriate? After all that is a 69.65% increase in minimum wage.

View attachment 15792
Your silence is deafening.
Let's see how many people choose country life over cosmopolitan life now that just about every major urban employer has been WFH for the past year. That genie ain't going back in the bottle.

My company finally admitted that remote work is here to stay. If I only need to be in the office maybe one or two days a month, staying in a hotel is a lot less than the increased taxes from living in the city...

Living on a couple acres near Kerrville TX looks a lot more appealing than in a subdivision or condo in an overpriced blue county.

Well at least UR living near AUSTIN, where NORMAL people LIVE !!
I don't consider 100+ miles and three counties away "near" anymore than anyone actually Texan considers Austin "normal"...
What's a Texan these days? When I lived there, Texans were fiercely proud...not angry and hateful. And....if someone called your wife ugly, he'd find a fist in his face before he knew it...to do otherwise was a disgrace to Texans everywhere. Today, they vote a guy who not only didn't punch out a man but latched on to his butt and proudly wore the brown lipstick t into the Senate. Plus....many of those flocking to Texas from California are from the incredibly blue parts of the state. The purpling of Texas may be starting.
So KCFlyer, do you have nothing to say about the data I posted?

If you feel the data is erroneous then feel free to validate and dispute it.

Do you admit that $15.00 based on the minimum wage in 1968 (when minimum wage had the highest value in history) exceeds the rate of inflation?

Do you admit that $12.30 an hour (1968 minimum wage adjusted to Feb 2021 using the BLS CPI calculator) is appropriate to keep up with inflation?

If you think minimum wage should be $15 an hour then explain why.
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Maybe if these dumb ass leftist teachers concentrated more on education than indoctrination their students would be passing.

This is why Republicans push for school choice.


UNIONs have the same problem.
What's a Texan these days? When I lived there, Texans were fiercely proud...not angry and hateful.
Never been there, but a dude I met while working at DTW had a saying about Texas:

"Texas, where men are men and sheep are scared"

Never been there, can't be too bad a place, they run gunboats on the Rio with two mounted dual and one single M-240's.
Never been there, but a dude I met while working at DTW had a saying about Texas:

"Texas, where men are men and sheep are scared"

Never been there, can't be too bad a place, they run gunboats on the Rio with two mounted dual and one single M-240's.

Texas used to be a cool place. Even in the cities. Dallas had a small town feel about it back in the mid 70's. People would say "howdy" when passing on the street. It's changed a lot though. I'm sure there was an element of the angry right wing fringe back then. But the cities got too big and too impersonal..and the crazies came out of the woodwork.

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