That article was an absolute waste of my time and provided no new relevant information.
Nobody is saying minimum wage should not be raised.
You have a valid point that it has not been raised for the last 12 years. We are in total agreement in that respect.
Where we disagree is the amount.
Again minimum wage had the most value in 1968. Adjusted for inflation that is $12.30 an hour. Raising it to 15 is not keeping pace with inflation. In fact it is 21.95% too high.
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So I ask you again, what makes you think that $15.00 an hour, 21.95% higher than it has ever been when adjusted for inflation, is appropriate?
I would 100% support raising minimum wage to $12.30 an hour, but no more.
Can we agree that given the data provided by the BLS that $12.30/hr is appropriate? After all that is a 69.65% increase in minimum wage.
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