Nwa New Talks With Mechanics Begin Thusday

I voted against the concession at AA and voted for the strike vote, if I had to do it all over again, I would change both of those votes it is clear to me that strikes no longer work, I don't know what the answer is but I think I know what is not the answer atleast for me, this strike is going to cost many jobs and many of the people who will be losing their jobs did not want to go on strike, many families will be devastated by the loss of income, I for one think that people should be able to make up their own minds as to whether they are willing to give up their job in the pursuit of something more, the one's who want to do it should be able to do just that and the ones who do not want to do it should be able to return to work for whatever pay and benefits that they can live with, we live in a free country and the idea of someone else making a decision for me, has never set very well with me.
Not everyone subscribes to the all or nothing philosophy nor should they have to, I think Northwest will stick to the 13th deadline and some will have to make a tough decision.
I don't propose to say what one should do only that everyone should have the right to make that decision for themselves.

I don't think AA will ever go on strike regardless of what Union is representing the workers as I think the personality of a Union comes from the location of the majority of the workers in AA case it is Tulsa, and Tulsa is made up of a very passive work force that will never change, with Northwest it is MINNEAPOLIS where the majority are obviously much more aggressive, that is fine.

Everyone should have the right to do what is right for them and their families.
PlayTheOdds said:
AMFAMAN here is your que.

Looks like you brought your wife into the conversation, she's fair game now. I don't see any posts prior to yours talking about your wife, so why are your complaining?
Looks like you brought your wife into the conversation, she's fair game now. I don't see any posts prior to yours talking about your wife, so why are your complaining?

Awww lets all pick on a woman because our union got spanked.... Real mature.
He did bring his wife into the conversation, I guess we had better watch what family members we bring into the conversation hugh :shock:

I think that if you don't bring them in yourself then they should be left out and as for slams don't start one and you won't get one.

An opinion is just an opinion nothing more nobody needs to get ugly about it, as that serves no purpose.
Unfortunately as delldude pointed out some posts ago bk is comming. having been there myself my advise would be bend over and grab your ankles.

the other side of the coin is ya should have seen it comming when amfa let the bulk of your jobs go years ago and did nothing. (what ever happened to strength in numbers).

the boys who led ya here should be held accountable---pssst that would be amfa.

anyhow good luck and don't act suprised when the bk judge breaks your knees.
Raptor said:
Everyone should have the right to do what is right for them and their families.


Your post ideaology is why Unions are dead.

Unions were strong when everyone did what was best for everyone.
I am glad to see that you people are finally realizing how useless unions are in today’s world. Quit giving them your money so its executives can live lavishly off of your efforts.
AMFAMAN, I threw the wife bit in there because I knew some sap would say something. I just wanted to see what your comments would be. You didn't surprise me. You people are so predictable it’s pathetic.
PlayTheOdds said:
She certainly is. I am too. We did what every one of you said was impossible. We did it in a shorter time than anyone thought with a lot less men than anyone thought. I bet the bean counters at Northwest are crying about all the company money they wasted paying you guys your huge paychecks and three time the number of employees that they needed.

I am Opus's wife and I arrived this morning via NWA it was a wonderfully safe flight, thank you very much. Several of us wifes are coming in to visit our husbands who we love very much and are very proud of, as I am sure Playtheodds wife is. My husband has shown me many of the post on here about them and I find it disgusting that because a man is working at his craft or trade you belittle him. My husband didnt call NWA and say hey dump your mechanics and give me a job no, they called him. He has many years of experience DAMN GOOD EXPERIENCE and he is VERY VERY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES. He didnt set out to take anyones job, just to work while the sqabbling between the union and the company concluded, in other words to keep the airline in business; however your arrogance at wanting to put NWA out of business is revolting; how dare you. Your self importance is overwhelming. DO NOT DEGRADE MY HUSBAND DO NOT ATTACK OUR FAMILY YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. If you didnt want someone doing your job you should have stayed on your job. Your choice to walk away and strike indicates you didnt or dont understand aviation today and the way the industry works and just how many mechanics are out there looking for work and how many work as contractors. You have no right to be angry with any of these contractors that are working for NWA you should only be angry with yourselves, but that would require an acknowledgment that you miscalculated the industry and todays market. Go on with your stike, I dont care, but put the blame where it belongs and discuss your grievances with company and leave these contractors out of it. By the way, we love the cold and the snow.
It is funny how shortsighted you scabs are. PTO, don't bother buying a house - I doubt your stint as a scab at NWA will be long term. It's funny to read your posts attempting to justify your scabbing. It's not even about the union, you are screwing fellow A&Ps. Hey, thanks for helping NWA to screw our profession. That is something you brag about to your kids. We are A&Ps first, and if we were hired by a company that had union representation - we accepted it. It came with the job! Attempting to demonize the AMFA for supporting the wishes of its membership is a direct slap in the face to fellow A&Ps.

On another note PTO, your assertion that line MX is so easy that anybody that works on a car can do it - is nucking futs. Granted, a lot of check work is mundane; however, lets see what you do when you get a SIF light on a DC-9 during a through trip. Why don't we send that shade tree mech out there to TS and fix the problem. I could list a ton of scenarios, that I know - damn well - couldn't be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time by unfamiliar A&Ps let alone your shade tree mech.

PTO, you and your ilk are not only a detrement to our profession, but ultimately to yourself as well. Continue to prostitute yourself out to the lowest bidder, and see what effect you have on our profession. ;)
what we were told would happen contractwise, prior to BK at U twice now,we now see unfolding daily with NWA.its terribly unfortuneate but you can make some unionist statement for humanity but the bottom line is some other clown got all your jobs and mostly likely will be permanent after next week.
no job loss during contract neg's are palatable but theres a stark cold reality out there that that was going to be the cost.now its all or none....
any loss is unacceptable?? i don't have the answer as to whats right or wrong....
best of luck in new endeavors......
TWU informer said:

Your post ideaology is why Unions are dead.

Unions were strong when everyone did what was best for everyone.

what you think is best for everyone is not necessarily best for everyone, the idea that someone knows what is best for me, is just plane rediculous, I know what is best for me you know what is best for you, there are some who think being unemployed is not best for them while others think that it is, some think that there pay and benefits are not enough and they will not work for what they are, others think that it is enough and will work for what they are, Unions can be a good thing and I am all for majority vote on contracts but when it comes to giving up my job for the majority well that is another matter, I would not take someone else's job but I would not give up my job cause someone else thought I should cause he was unhappy with his pay and benefits, if you are unhappy with your pay and benefits you are always free to leave, just don't try and drag me with you ;)
There are some things that will always be my decision alone.

As for I got mine well you had better look out for yourself first cause nobody else will I learned that lesson a long time ago, and I believe that everyone does look out for themselves.

My goal in life is not to further the cause of Unions, ( I'll let you do that ) but instead to be happy and take care of my family that's my job and my responsibility. B)
Opus said:
I am Opus's wife

Are you sure your not Opus in a dress and high heels, perhaps some fishnet stockings?

Any man that would steal another mans job in a way that Opus did is nothing more than a spineless wuss.

Any woman that comes onto a public forum and supports her husband for doing such a thing a nothing more than ahhh..... I think I'll just let that one go.
Raptor said:
My goal in life is not to further the cause of Unions, ( I'll let you do that ) but instead to be happy and take care of my family that's my job and my responsibility. B)

In other words, you are hereby declaring to AA that you are more than willing to scab if AA were to pull, or better yet when AA pulls the same sh*t that NWA did. In other words, you have no interest in being in a union where the good of all is put before the good of one.

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