NWA mechanics to rally at Capital on Monday

AMFA is stooping to new levels. AMFA doesn't have a strike fund, AMFA racked in millions from its members, promoted a strike it was not prepared for and is now asking the tax payers to pay for their blunder. Give me a break already.
AMFA is stooping to new levels. AMFA doesn't have a strike fund, AMFA racked in millions from its members, promoted a strike it was not prepared for and is now asking the tax payers to pay for their blunder. Give me a break already.

They may not have a strike fund, but they have UNITY from other unions! They also have a SCAB HIT LIST fund and you're at the top!
They may not have a strike fund, but they have UNITY from other unions!
Who? The auto guys? That is sweet and all but don't you think they need a little bit of unity for a union IN THE INDUSTRY? One that might be able to help the cause instead of lining union leaders pockets with more money? How much of that money that was donated actually made it to the strikers? In just a couple of hours I will ask just how much the AMFA members got out of that stash. I will be willing to bet NONE made it to the members.
AMFA is stooping to new levels. AMFA doesn't have a strike fund, AMFA racked in millions from its members, promoted a strike it was not prepared for and is now asking the tax payers to pay for their blunder. Give me a break already.
If you knew anything at all, the membership of AMFA decided not to have a strike fund.

'Cods, shut up before you make yourself look any more dense than you already do....but then your a scab...not possible. :blink: :huh: :blink: :huh:
Who? The auto guys? That is sweet and all but don't you think they need a little bit of unity for a union IN THE INDUSTRY? One that might be able to help the cause instead of lining union leaders pockets with more money? How much of that money that was donated actually made it to the strikers? In just a couple of hours I will ask just how much the AMFA members got out of that stash. I will be willing to bet NONE made it to the members.

If they need money other unions will stand up and help. It's called UNITY PAYS! It's supporting your brothers and sisters!

UNITY is something that you know nothing about, SCAB!

Go here to see what UNITY is all about!

SCAB, shut your pie hole!
AMFA is stooping to new levels. AMFA doesn't have a strike fund, AMFA racked in millions from its members, promoted a strike it was not prepared for and is now asking the tax payers to pay for their blunder. Give me a break already.

Its funny that Plays with Cods fails to understand that the AMFA members earned the unemployment benifits for their years of service to an ungrateful company. He also fails to mention anything about the millions of dollars that Northworst and its executives have pocketed and bilked the tax payers out of since the early 1990s.
Its funny that Plays with Cods fails to understand that the AMFA members earned the unemployment benifits for their years of service to an ungrateful company. He also fails to mention anything about the millions of dollars that Northworst and its executives have pocketed and bilked the tax payers out of since the early 1990s.

You know, I can hardly get through reading these posts... not just in this thread, but in the last five or six in this forum. Most of you have just about nothing to say that's of substance... I'd like to go count how many times you each say 'SCAB' and 'SUPERSCAB' and go on and on... do you realize how stupid this makes you all look? Only a few of you have even kept these threads moving by actually writing something of meaning. I've supported the striking workers of NW in the past, but as I read all these posts, I'm not so sure.

To compound my frustration, I'm surprised such an altruistic group of people would believe you are entitled to unemployment pay for lost wages incurred during a strike that you voted for. That is the responsibility of yourselves and the union that represents you, not me and everyone else that doesn't work for NW. Do I agree with the manner which NW management handled this entire situation? No. But then again, I didn't put my foot down and say "I'm not going to take this anymore." You did. And that was your decision. Your other choices include, but are not limited to, moving to Atlanta, Chicago, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, etc. and continue in the industry, or get another job where you are now. It's not ideal, but then again, neither is the situation you're in now, which isn't ENTIRELY managements fault, I might add.

I think you all need to take a hard look at the way you speak, and how it makes you look.
SCAB, shut your pie hole!
'Cods, shut up before you make yourself look any more dense than you already do....but then your a scab...not possible.
They also have a SCAB HIT LIST fund and you're at the top!
Why don't you just EAT S##T instead? Loser!
Remind me if we ever cross paths, to do this to you SCAB...
I suspect that many of you will come back and say you don't care how you appear to others, and that at least you're not a SCAB. But, without people like PTO, you wouldn't even be here having this conversation because the airline would have folded or planes would be falling out of the sky.... and you'd be minus the option of even thinking of working for NW again. Maybe many of you probably do not plan to rejoin the company, and in that case I'd have to ask what you're doing here still arguing about what happened instead of concentrating your resources and time on your own future.

Bottom line: in business, [stuff] happens. The NW mechs took a big hit, no question. But it was a voluntary hit, and you need to take responsibility for yourselves and your own actions. The Red Tail movie was a good and constructive response, for example. Unemployment is not the answer. That's just placing your own problems on someone else. And, for goodness sake, respect is not given, but earned. Show people why you're worth what you have gone on strike for, and start representing yourselves as prudent and upstanding citizens.
You know, I can hardly get through reading these posts... not just in this thread, but in the last five or six in this forum. Most of you have just about nothing to say that's of substance... I'd like to go count how many times you each say 'SCAB' and 'SUPERSCAB'
VERY well said USAir757.

No PhxMama I am not an AMT I am a A&P Mechanic. What did you think I was?

Kev, I do suffer very badly from insomnia. It is most miserable at times.

Daughter of the IBT, About 50 you say? For a union that boasts "Solidarity" that is a shameful number. AMFA can't even get support from its own members how does it expect to get support from other unions or lobby any government for anything?

Hackman, you have said this before and saying now makes it now less ignorant. How can you not have a fund for the most powerful weapon you have? I don't care if the members voted not to have one or not, it is the responsibility of the union to be prepared. I would really like to know where the members voted their money away to.

Kev, had they not struck they would have been entitled to those benefits