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nwa getting rid of outhouse scabs

UT, here is JET TECH's reason for scabbing at NW, from a posting of his on another thread dated Jan. 3, 2006, 7:21pm...
Typical SCAB mentality - blaming unions for his inability to get a job with a major airline! :lol: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Human Resource departments at airlines are the entities that determine if a person is going to be hired...unions have zero input in the matter! :stupid:

Thanks Pete!!!

Seems I remember this post. :blink:

Ahhhhhhh, yes the SCAB tagteam from Dothan!!! 😛

Thanks for the update Bro! :up:

Take Care,
Remember, less flights, less aircraft - yet maintenance costs have risen 20-30% above pre-strike levels. All is normal, pay no attention to that man behind the green curtain... 😉 Parked Aircraft
Remember, less flights, less aircraft - yet maintenance costs have risen 20-30% above pre-strike levels. All is normal, pay no attention to that man behind the green curtain... 😉 Parked Aircraft
Whoa, that's a pile of Scab Air junk!!! Should get lots of scrap yard bonus money for Dougie Stealin' and his upper management thugs. Hopefully ALLthe rest of the Scab Air flying junk will be out in the desert soon. :down: 😉
looks like even Scabby Patch Air cant keep enough planes maintained due to the unskilled maintaince so off to the desert they go
...Typical SCAB mentality - blaming unions for his inability to get a job with a major airline! :lol: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Human Resource departments at airlines are the entities that determine if a person is going to be hired...unions have zero input in the matter!...
You're half right Pete. HR does the hiring. If this Bozo laid a line of bull on the hiring manager and DID get a position he would still have to pass as a probie. His leads would have to make evaluations of his performance.
The probie period is where this loser probably hit the wall. He couldn't do the job, couldn't learn the job, kept making the same mistake or just couldn't get along with anybody. Probably wouldn't help him if he had SCABBED at another airline either.
Bottom line..Blame it on yourself...
UT, here is JET TECH's reason for scabbing at NW, from a posting of his on another thread dated Jan. 3, 2006, 7:21pm...

I have spent the last six years paying my "Dues" trying to get in with a legacy carrier. Each time blocked by a stinking Union. I have struggled for long enough, and I have no problem doing a job that pays me more than I have ever seen. I will continue to do my job as long as they let me.
You can call me a SCAB all you like, because it does not bother me one bit that I stepped in and did a job that I love when others were too busy crying to do it themselves. Remember nobody made them walk off the job. They chose to walk away from it. Why don't you stop trying to attack what you don't understand. Further more, if you distrust us so much, stop flying. Like it or not we are here to stay.

Typical SCAB mentality - blaming unions for his inability to get a job with a major airline! :lol: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Human Resource departments at airlines are the entities that determine if a person is going to be hired...unions have zero input in the matter! :stupid:

It appears that Jet Tech has the some of the smae habits PTO has. One is to lie. Or at least be incredibly ignorant of how the ailines work. Two, to blame unions for his own personal problems. Those of us who have worked in the airline industry know that his claim that unions kept him from getting a job is complete non-sense. For the past five years it's been almost impossible to get a job for an airline for obvious reasons. Blaming unions is just plain stupidity. And as you have alredy pointed outunions do not control who the company hires.
yes it is jenny! i think UT posted a similar one with a certain scab recently as I can recall :up:
Thanks Pete!!!

Seems I remember this post. :blink:

Ahhhhhhh, yes the SCAB tagteam from Dothan!!! 😛

Thanks for the update Bro! :up:

Take Care,

Tag team from Dothan. Hey if they get canned from Scab air, then perhaps they have a future in WWF... I can see it now...

both with masks on 😛h34r: 😛h34r:

One wearing a cute red "Semper Fi" Speedos with a T-shirt saying "I'm just an opportunist, not a SCAB"

Another one will be wearing coveralls, waiving the southern cross flag - with the caption "I'm not a scab, I just single handedly saved a major airline with one screwdriver"
Tag team from Dothan. Hey if they get canned from Scab air, then perhaps they have a future in WWF... I can see it now...

both with masks on 😛h34r: 😛h34r:

One wearing a cute red "Semper Fi" Speedos with a T-shirt saying "I'm just an opportunist, not a SCAB"

Another one will be wearing coveralls, waiving the southern cross flag - with the caption "I'm not a scab, I just single handedly saved a major airline with one screwdriver"

Problem is that the audience will be the ones wearing the masks. 😛

I stand corrected. You are absolutely right about that. ALso laid off guys like DTW's own Tom Robison. Fired in the late '90's - union got his job back, now SCAB! Amazing the character of scabs and the management that will welcome him back to scab. Is there anymore insult to mgt when they fired someone and have to bring them back? But when you need scabs - you get forget their past record.
Just out of curiosity, would you happen to know what he was fired for?

Tag team from Dothan. Hey if they get canned from Scab air, then perhaps they have a future in WWF... I can see it now...

both with masks on 😛h34r: 😛h34r:

One wearing a cute red "Semper Fi" Speedos with a T-shirt saying "I'm just an opportunist, not a SCAB"

Another one will be wearing coveralls, waiving the southern cross flag - with the caption "I'm not a scab, I just single handedly saved a major airline with one screwdriver"
Thats actually kinda funny...Although the thought of my fat a$$ in speedos scares even me.
The southern cross reference has me befuddled however. I was not aware that Jet tech was from Australia or New Zealand, unless you are in fact refering to the CONFEDERATE BATTE FLAG, which really doesnt fit either, as jettech is the ANTITHESIS of a southern redneck, and is in fact quite a lefty at times.
Just out of curiosity, would you happen to know what he was fired for?
Thats actually kinda funny...Although the thought of my fat a$$ in speedos scares even me.
The southern cross reference has me befuddled however. I was not aware that Jet tech was from Australia or New Zealand, unless you are in fact refering to the CONFEDERATE BATTE FLAG, which really doesnt fit either, as jettech is the ANTITHESIS of a southern redneck, and is in fact quite a lefty at times.
where did ya other two tag team brothers go? We were getting worried.
where did ya other two tag team brothers go? We were getting worried.
Dont know about PTO, but JETECH is currently undergoing a political metamorphisis, and is now spending most of his computer time researching the FEDERALIST PAPERS, and studying constitutional law. I believe he has come to realise that the political party he has affiliated himself with since his youth is not exactly what he thought it was. To quote Churchill, "If your not a liberal at 20, you havent a heart. If your not a conservative at 50, you havent a brain." Right now the poor kid is stuck in the middle....half a heart, and half a brain. 😉 (jettech, you really didnt think I'd let that "pajama" remark go unpunished, did you?)
PTO is on the FedEx site talking bad about his new employer.
Its a good read, lets you know how incompetent the vendors hired at out stations are and how they don't care about their work. Guess it would scare the shet out of me if I were a f/a, pilot or passanger knowing my airplane is being maintained this way.
PTO is on the FedEx site talking bad about his new employer.
Its a good read, lets you know how incompetent the vendors hired at out stations are and how they don't care about their work. Guess it would scare the shet out of me if I were a f/a, pilot or passanger knowing my airplane is being maintained this way.
Ah, I see. Never happy anywhere.