Spock, allow me to help you enlighten Jet Tech. Out of the 880 or so SCAB mechanics currently with NWA, approximately 300 were on the payroll at the time the strike was called, about 300 were on layoff status prior to the strike, and the remaining 280 are all that is left from the horde of strikebreakers recruited by NW last summer.
Prior to all of the layoffs that we had to go through, AMFA represented a workforce of roughly 9,100 people. 9,100 is the number that should be used when figuring out the percentage of former NW mechanics that are scabbing, since NW is using laid-off guys to try and keep their fleet flying.
So, the way I figure it, 300 plus 300 equals 600. 600 divided by 9,100 equals .065 (6.5%). Only 6.5 percent of the total union membership is scabbing - hardly a large number. I will admit that I am disappointed by the number of people who crossed the picket line; even one scab is one scab too many as far as I'm concerned. :down: :angry: :down: