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nwa getting rid of outhouse scabs

.....I have also heard from friends who are work controllers that it is as quiet as a morgue in the hangars and on the line - not many of the scabs talk to others. Could it be that they are ashamed of their ways? 🙁

On a related note, I was picketing in MSP at Bldg. C on the day that the news that contract negotiating would be resuming. A couple of the scabs who like to lip off to strikers as they leave work didn't have anything to say that day...I wonder if they were worried about their job security? 😀
The same is true in DTW on that day. I drove by Hgr 3&4 around 5:45am and the few scabs out on a smoke break (remember NW now charges them more health ins for being smokers) did not lip off back to my verbal wrath. 😛h34r:
The funny thing is, an "inhouse" scab allegedly does not acknowledge a scab from one of the other groups because they feel that it's the other scabs' fault that they crossed the picket line. :lol:

I'll bet they feel superior to the other SCABS. Isn't that all they have left is some feeling? I mean they don't have any seniority for anything, they are all making the same reduced wage. I guess if you're a SCAB you have to pump yourself up somehow just to get through a day. What a meaningless existence.

The same is true in DTW on that day. I drove by Hgr 3&4 around 5:45am and the few scabs out on a smoke break (remember NW now charges them more health ins for being smokers) did not lip off back to my verbal wrath. 😛h34r:
Keep up the Verbal Wrath Spock. I'll bet you upset them so much that they went back in to Hangar 4 and forgot to close up that 747 that had the emergency landing the other day. :lol:
I'll bet they feel superior to the other SCABS...
Most do not feel superior but there are a few that do. It is really comical to listen to them spew their union propaganda while they are Scabs themselves. They moan about the conditions at NWA yet they are still there. Some are very good mechanics and could easily have found temporary work in the contract industry until this mess is over. Or they could have gone and stolen some more jobs from the mechanics over at Spirit who was trying to organize.

Keep up the Verbal Wrath Spock. I'll bet you upset them so much that they went back in to Hangar 4 and forgot to close up that 747 that had the emergency landing the other day. :lol:
:lol: You might have some effect on the AMFA Scabs with your catcalls but the Original Scabs find them a bit comical.
Most do not feel superior but there are a few that do. It is really comical to listen to them spew their union propaganda while they are Scabs themselves. They moan about the conditions at NWA yet they are still there. Some are very good mechanics and could easily have found temporary work in the contract industry until this mess is over. Or they could have gone and stolen some more jobs from the mechanics over at Spirit who was trying to organize.

You almost make sense here scab boy...you equally could have/should have found temp work in the contract world until this mess is over. scabs calling scabs scabs....gotta love it. You ought to practice what you preach.
They knew the only union that would honor a picket line was AMFA. :down:
If that is true, then why have so many of you crossed the line and come back to work. Way to point out the strong from the weak. I once believed that solidarity was a large group of people standing together for a single cause. Having watched a large number of AMFA tech's cross the line, I now realize that I was wrong. Thanks for setting that straight.
If that is true, then why have so many of you crossed the line and come back to work. Way to point out the strong from the weak. I once believed that solidarity was a large group of people standing together for a single cause. Having watched a large number of AMFA tech's cross the line, I now realize that I was wrong. Thanks for setting that straight.
Depneds on what you call "so many". There were 4700+ of us on Aug 19th, 2005. Today, scab air says they have 800+ in tech ops. A large majority of the 800 are still out house scabs..... :down:
Depneds on what you call "so many". There were 4700+ of us on Aug 19th, 2005. Today, scab air says they have 800+ in tech ops. A large majority of the 800 are still out house scabs..... :down:

Spock, allow me to help you enlighten Jet Tech. Out of the 880 or so SCAB mechanics currently with NWA, approximately 300 were on the payroll at the time the strike was called, about 300 were on layoff status prior to the strike, and the remaining 280 are all that is left from the horde of strikebreakers recruited by NW last summer.

Prior to all of the layoffs that we had to go through, AMFA represented a workforce of roughly 9,100 people. 9,100 is the number that should be used when figuring out the percentage of former NW mechanics that are scabbing, since NW is using laid-off guys to try and keep their fleet flying.

So, the way I figure it, 300 plus 300 equals 600. 600 divided by 9,100 equals .065 (6.5%). Only 6.5 percent of the total union membership is scabbing - hardly a large number. I will admit that I am disappointed by the number of people who crossed the picket line; even one scab is one scab too many as far as I'm concerned. :down: :angry: :down:
Spock, allow me to help you enlighten Jet Tech. Out of the 880 or so SCAB mechanics currently with NWA, approximately 300 were on the payroll at the time the strike was called, about 300 were on layoff status prior to the strike, and the remaining 280 are all that is left from the horde of strikebreakers recruited by NW last summer.

Prior to all of the layoffs that we had to go through, AMFA represented a workforce of roughly 9,100 people. 9,100 is the number that should be used when figuring out the percentage of former NW mechanics that are scabbing, since NW is using laid-off guys to try and keep their fleet flying.

So, the way I figure it, 300 plus 300 equals 600. 600 divided by 9,100 equals .065 (6.5%). Only 6.5 percent of the total union membership is scabbing - hardly a large number. I will admit that I am disappointed by the number of people who crossed the picket line; even one scab is one scab too many as far as I'm concerned. :down: :angry: :down:
I stand corrected. You are absolutely right about that. ALso laid off guys like DTW's own Tom Robison. Fired in the late '90's - union got his job back, now SCAB! Amazing the character of scabs and the management that will welcome him back to scab. Is there anymore insult to mgt when they fired someone and have to bring them back? But when you need scabs - you get forget their past record.
My source in MEM reports another tuff talker is working for Swissport, Lou Vergeras. John Graves has been fired from Swissport.(was also fired by scabair before the strike). And also Wayne Hader has returned and is working for Swissport. :down: You work for a contractor that works on scabair equiptment - your still a scab! And remember, the 1st 6 months of 2006 maintenance costs were up by how many % compared to 2005? Yet scabair has 800+ in house, many less flights and aircraft then in 2005 :shock:
Spock, allow me to help you enlighten Jet Tech. Out of the 880 or so SCAB mechanics currently with NWA, approximately 300 were on the payroll at the time the strike was called, about 300 were on layoff status prior to the strike, and the remaining 280 are all that is left from the horde of strikebreakers recruited by NW last summer.

Prior to all of the layoffs that we had to go through, AMFA represented a workforce of roughly 9,100 people. 9,100 is the number that should be used when figuring out the percentage of former NW mechanics that are scabbing, since NW is using laid-off guys to try and keep their fleet flying.

So, the way I figure it, 300 plus 300 equals 600. 600 divided by 9,100 equals .065 (6.5%). Only 6.5 percent of the total union membership is scabbing - hardly a large number. I will admit that I am disappointed by the number of people who crossed the picket line; even one scab is one scab too many as far as I'm concerned. :down: :angry: :down:
According to my numbers from the 33 web site, this is the breakdown on what they show:

Detroit 152 (inhouse and layed off)
MSP 461 (the same as above)
outhouse 386 (permanent)
outhouse 113 (temp)
total of 1112
I could be off by a couple but this is higher than the 880 that they originally came up with.....
According to my numbers from the 33 web site, this is the breakdown on what they show:

Detroit 152 (inhouse and layed off)
MSP 461 (the same as above)
outhouse 386 (permanent)
outhouse 113 (temp)
total of 1112
I could be off by a couple but this is higher than the 880 that they originally came up with.....

Thanks for the update slothman2000, and welcome to the board!

You bring up an interesting point - I remember NW mgmt. stating on several occasions that they only needed 880 mechanics to keep their operations running smoothly. Let's see, even with a reduced flight schedule due to less A/C in service and a higher than planned SCAB headcount, NW is still having problems with maintaining their fleet. :lol:
This is why as aircraft mechanics we cant make a good wage because all of you scabs are the first ones to run in and say "oh oh ill do it for half of what you were paying the other guy". Dont give the line of shti I have a family to support what do you think you are the only one with a family to feed scab. You people are pitty party for one you dont see pilots working for half wages. Thanks to you the "scabs you took a good job (NWA a/p) and made it a dump most of the scabs are the same people that were in the office all night or playing cards. And dont know crap so scabs when you cant make more then 12.00 dollars a hour as a a/p thank your self losers.
If that is true, then why have so many of you crossed the line and come back to work. Way to point out the strong from the weak. I once believed that solidarity was a large group of people standing together for a single cause. Having watched a large number of AMFA tech's cross the line, I now realize that I was wrong. Thanks for setting that straight.

And of course you have had no part in this?
Cut to the chase.
Tell us your story.
Why did you cross a Union Picket Line?

And of course you have had no part in this?
Cut to the chase.
Tell us your story.
Why did you cross a Union Picket Line?


UT, here is JET TECH's reason for scabbing at NW, from a posting of his on another thread dated Jan. 3, 2006, 7:21pm...

I have spent the last six years paying my "Dues" trying to get in with a legacy carrier. Each time blocked by a stinking Union. I have struggled for long enough, and I have no problem doing a job that pays me more than I have ever seen. I will continue to do my job as long as they let me.
You can call me a SCAB all you like, because it does not bother me one bit that I stepped in and did a job that I love when others were too busy crying to do it themselves. Remember nobody made them walk off the job. They chose to walk away from it. Why don't you stop trying to attack what you don't understand. Further more, if you distrust us so much, stop flying. Like it or not we are here to stay.

Typical SCAB mentality - blaming unions for his inability to get a job with a major airline! :lol: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Human Resource departments at airlines are the entities that determine if a person is going to be hired...unions have zero input in the matter! :stupid: