upset. Hardlly.
Tired of you being unable to engage in a conversation without calling me an F** idiot? You bet.
By all means show a post where I've ever written that. Anyone'll do. Take your time.
Maybe it's no surprise that doors that could have allowed you to be an agent of change have been shut in your face.
Working for change at any company is difficult. Working toward it at a place where groupthink rules, and dissenting opinion is seen as a threat is an even tougher climb.
Because I managed to understand the environment in which I live and work w/in those boundaries and CONSTRUCTIVELY implement change HARDLY means I acquiesce to the status quo.
That's an excellent rationalization. Go with it.
… maybe you should ask Anderson why NW did not choose to close the freighter operation and left the dirty work to DL?
Based on his track record, he doesn't like dirty work. He prefers playing the good cop.
Delta pilot pay rates and details on their compensation can be found here. Any DL employee can look at their salaries relative to the pilots if they wish.
Pilots got raises because they control scope and not any other group. DL needed more large RJs and the pilots agreed to give it to DL.
The pilots *negotiated* a 13% raise right off the bat, with multiple 3% ones in subsequent years. They also got a huge boost to their 401k's.
Every other group got 4% (if TOS), or 2%, and zero change to their 401k.
You said you didn’t want to be a pilot. Don’t expect pilot pay or pay raises if you don’t want to do the job.
That's right; I don't. Or an F/A, or an AMT, etc. Not the point. You repeatedly post about raises being doled out, and like to paint this idea of us all rolling around in piles of cash. I'm merely pointing out the value of negotiating vs. begging. You're numbers guy, so I figured you'd understand that.
I’ve posted the average compensation data from the MIT airline data project.
Whatever TOS was, DL FAs managed to bring home better compensation at the end of the day.
Simply not true- all the more so if total compensation is the metric used. Using the 1/13 TOS base rate for an FA (PMNW), they will make all of .76/more per hour than they did 7 years ago. While technically a larger sum of money, it's hardly the brilliant post-BK recovery you so enjoy talking about, and that does't even touch on things like increased insurance rates, short crew pay, monthly guarantees, and so on that directly affect one's bottom line.
At the end of the day, I think you want to tell a good news story about Ma DL. That's nice, but I'm guessing that people posting inconvenient truths that run counter to that narrative is what you find really vexing.
Like I said earlier; nice to see the real WT shine through, though.