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Delta Air Lines to Build Heavy Maintenance Facility in Queretaro, Mexico

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I challenged Kevin shortly after the merger was announced to use his considerable energies and talents to contribute to the new DL. DL mgmt gave Kevin opportunities to demonstrate whether he could work as a leader w/in their system but he fought back against the structure DL had established and has been marginalized since. People have come around Kev to help him improve his skills and abilities that would make him more marketable in any job market, but he pushed back and said he would rather pursue the strategy of confrontation within DL that his peers consistently say they want nothing to do with….
Someone may have all the skills and abilities in the world but if they can’t learn to work w/in the structure in which they have chosen to exist, they are rendered powerless – or have the choice of working independently where they need not interact w/ others.
Kev is a smart guy but four years after the merger – and even longer since he started posting against the evil enterprise that is DL – it is time for him to either prove that he is capable of doing something about the world in which he finds himself and doesn’t like or figure out how to work in that system and succeed.
By failing to do either, he is becoming increasingly marginalized and less able to make the contribution that he is capable of making.
Life allows u-turns and corrections. Now would be as good of a time as any for Kev to re-evaulate, retool, and redirect his efforts to make a positive impact - and work with the people who really would be more than happy to see him succeed at what matters to him.
What the hell?

When I said you were "creepy" before, I said it somewhat in jest. Now I am positive that you should seek some sort of assistance.

You are completely obsessed.
Keep in mind many of the UA hubs have Express handling outsourced. UAX has grown significantly over the years, take a trip to a UA hub and you will see mainline departures are few and far between and significantly more UAX flying. At ORD for example, UAX used to be in Terminal 2/Concourse F and has since grown to Concourse B and Concourse C, mixed in with mainline flying. Much of the increase in UAX flying came in the 2008-2009 time period when the PM-UA 733/735 aircraft were retired and that flying switched to regionals. At the same time, UAL stations were transitioned to UAX employees too. Just look at number of 1000+ mile flights UAX operations ATL-DEN, MCI-SFO, DFW-SFO as a few examples.

...And even earlier (to an extent) when they retired the 737-200's around '00ish...

I also wouldn't be surprised if we see RR language added to the UA IAM PCE contract once joint negotiations are complete.


Obviously, I hope you're wrong, but it's certainly possible the company will try and introduce that language.

It'd be a prime example of how just as one industry leading contract can push things upward for workers, so too can the lack of one push the bar lower...
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