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Now THIS........from the 'DIRTIEST--D I C K'

Dirty D I C K...Cheney gave an exclusive Interview to ABC News, which will be broadcast for ALL to see beginning Monday 7/30, on GMA/7-am/World news tonite, at 6:30 pm (est), and Nightline/11:30 pm.

In it HE says Sara Palin was a Big Mistake for VP pick because she was NOWHERE near QUALIFIED !!!!!........ W O W !!!!

And to think that there are THOSE here on the 'cooler who Think she's qualified to be.......POTUS. Un-F'n-believable.

Oh how I WORSHIP the Ground DIRTY DICK has 'coming to him', after being The MOST responsible for 3,000 + DEATHS of military men and women sent to Iraq !


Besides the fact your an idiot, Barrack is not qualified to be POTUS, either !
You sure about that?

What criteria does he not meet?

Mine ! Never had a real job, ( community organizer is not a real job ), never ran a business and when he had a semblance of a real job, only showed up approx. 1/4 of the time he was suppose to be working !
Obama making less than a quarter of Senate votes


Next !

He is not a Southern White Male.


Didn't know Romney was from the south !
Its always the race card.

This isn't NASCAR.

Romney's Dad was born in Mexico. Does that count as the South?
Great, good for you both.

Still doesn't show how (or why) Obama does not meet the qualifications to be POTUS.

hell I meet the qualifications, doesn't mean I should be though, so let's put it this way. He meets the legal qualifications but experience wise he was and is in miles over his head.

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