Come on Tree!------ Where you at Tree? If your down in the Virgin Islands, AC, maybe! ------- Oh by the way, I've got a place down there I'll rent you!!!! I'll even give you an "Airline discount!" "Abnormally warm for Feb.?," Tell that to someone who lives in Boston!!!Ms Tree said:I have had the AC on for several days here. Finally back to winter weather. Two days ago it was 75. Abnormally warm for Feb.
Ms Tree said:Unusually warm means 75 in the middle of Feb.
eolesen said:Unusually warm usually doesn't mean sleet.
Hey Bears, here are some facts from shippers... Maybe that will help ground your reality?
eolesen said:I can't imagine a bigger waste of time and fuel than sitting at anchor.
Maybe you learned math from the TWU, but I wouldn't consider 66% as just "some" rerouting, and more than half of it targeted for the Gulf/East coast, and almost a third of it bypassing the US ports altogether and heading for YVR...