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Nautical .......... G R I D L O C K !

Most in the 70's economists I have read believe that a higher wage is better for the country. I do not think that it should be increased as much as some have proposed.

We should have been moving away from fossil fuels decades ago. They are carcinogenic, harmful to the environment and unsustainable. Had we made the investment in R&D back in the 70's when we had the first fuel scare instead of letting the oil companies.dictate the rules we probably would not have the issues we have now.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
While even  " I "  have to admit that the wages are semi extreme for the ILWU,  THE point is that  'this' is about what Solidarity among workers can bring about.
Example : 
Working group  A ........(they make widgets)........only produces widgets as fast as whats 'allowed' by adhering to COMPANY safety rules,..........  O R .........agreements agreed upon by the COMPANY and the Union.  (Often referred to by the CAPITALISTS (CAPITALISM At   A N Y  Cost) as a 'Slow Down' )
Working group  B  (they Deliver the widgets) sees thier (working) 'brothers' success is brought about by STRICT Solidarity, so why not employ the same logic to thier work group, due in LARGE Part because they have a 'Signed (in Black and White) legal Contract with thier employer. And on-and-on it goes.
While so much is reported about the fact that the 'Working mans wages have remained FLAT for 15+ years, the reason is... NOT the COMPANY'S  fault, because THEY KNOW Exactly what they're doing,...................It's the employees themselves because they foolhardedly do NOT adhere to STRICT (LEGAL ) Solidarity.
(Lest we forget Russian communism / Berlin Wall / The Gdansk shipyard in Poland - Lech Walesa )
And Joe Sixpack goes down to the local auto parts store and finds he can't get brakes that are sitting on a container ship off SFO for the next month........whats in his mind?
Solidarity! Good for the Union boys!
Naw, its those union assholes screwing up my day again.
Nah, better to let the world see how greedy the $140K workers are.

BTW, did you happen to catch that Walmart has decided to go with a $10/hr minimum wage all on its own? This is exactly how it's supposed to happen -- the world's largest retailer should be the one to decide what they want to pay their workers, not a bunch of politicians who have zero accountability for their actions.
Given Wal-Marts status in society and wage legislation on the horizon you really think they did this on their own volition? Really?
eolesen said:
Nah, better to let the world see how greedy the $140K workers are.

BTW, did you happen to catch that Walmart has decided to go with a $10/hr minimum wage all on its own? This is exactly how it's supposed to happen -- the world's largest retailer should be the one to decide what they want to pay their workers, not a bunch of politicians who have zero accountability for their actions.
Actually Eric, I did 'see' that (walmart).
But rest assured............they didn't do that out of the goodness of thier greedy capitalistic hearts.
Note how the Bear (not me) stands erect and ' Sniffs the Wind ', then proceeds in the direction thats in it's 'best interest'  !!!!!!!!!!
Interesting yet predictable responses from the uber-liberals... Of course they did it out of their own self interests.  They just weren't satisfied with the type of individuals who were applying.
I know that Home Depot was paying that to entice better candidates.  Costco takes the same approach.  Pay better, get better applicants.
At some point, when the candidate pools run dry, you have to up the ante.  That's how the free market works.
eolesen said:
Interesting yet predictable responses from the uber-liberals... Of course they did it out of their own self interests.  They just weren't satisfied with the type of individuals who were applying.
...Or with the mounting pressure from internal/external groups...

At some point, when the candidate pools run dry, you have to up the ante.  That's how the free market works.
No such thing as a free market...
GREAT Responses.............' KEV,..............same for you 'Tree !
Eric. .........Since WHEN did 'Capitalism-Mart'............Err, I mean Walmart...'give a FLYING F**'K about who/ 'what'  they put a uniform on  ???
W H E N  ???????????
Walmart has FEASTED off of Human Misery for Years .  (thats why....... Eric m'boy ...they are ALWAYS located in the poorest of poor neighborhoods a vast majority of the time( Like Liquor Stores/pawn shops  all over the heavily minority 'hoods)   NOT so Target / Costco  !!!!!!!
Look where WM is from...ARKANSAS.   With YOU having spent so much time in N. Texas (CenterPork), you know dam well the horrible condition of that Toxic state. (Bad health / very uneducated etc.   etc.   etc.    ( Hel the list goes on and on)
DON'T come on here trying to BULL SHIITE us by EXTOLLING the  V I R T U E S of Walmart, or the Waltons(SAM), or where they're from.    BROTHER,.........We're not talking WARREN Buffett, or a seattle origin or a  (Minneapolis ) Target here  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Walmart must be doing something right -- their $74M per store sales are almost double that of Target's $39M, and you'll find Walmart in 3x as many locations.

Save your pawn shop/liquor store crap for someone who doesn't know any better. Target is almost always within a mile of a Walmart. It's like Burger King always opening up next to a McDonalds.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Walmart has FEASTED off of Human Misery for Years .  (thats why....... Eric m'boy ...they are ALWAYS located in the poorest of poor neighborhoods a vast majority of the time( Like Liquor Stores/pawn shops  all over the heavily minority 'hoods)   NOT so Target / Costco  !!!!!!!
Look where WM is from...ARKANSAS.
With YOU having spent so much time in N. Texas (CenterPork), you know dam well the horrible condition of that Toxic state. (Bad health / very uneducated etc.   etc.   etc.  
   ( Hel the list goes on and on) DON'T come on here trying to BULL SHIITE us by EXTOLLING the  V I R T U E S of Walmart, or the Waltons(SAM), or where they're from.    BROTHER,.........We're not talking WARREN Buffett, or a seattle origin or a  (Minneapolis ) Target here  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Its a shame all those rich soccer moms have to drive across town to shop at Wally's. Must be money on the poor side of town then.....
aRkAnSaS which give us those azzhole CRINTONS.......
delldude said:
Its a shame all those rich soccer moms have to drive across town to shop at Wally's. Must be money on the poor side of town then.....
aRkAnSaS which give us those azzhole CRINTONS.......
dell,....you mean like the next POTUS.........................." HILL.....'CRINTON'   ????????
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
dell,....you mean like the next POTUS.........................." HILL.....'CRINTON'   ????????
You are quick to diss the state but forget about their real trailer trash, the CRINTONS
I think its going to be a right to work country.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
dell,....you mean like the next POTUS.........................." HILL.....'CRINTON'   ????????
yeah right.......zzzzzzz

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