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Nautical .......... G R I D L O C K !

cltrat said:
yeah right.......zzzzzzz
AH,...then tell us GREAT ORACLE,...........who you think will win the GOP primary, and who will beat 'HILL in '16  !!
rtw...C O U N T R Y  ??
How many states in YOUR rtw country ?
20,.........30,........40,............48,..........50  ???
For starters, PA. won't be one of them  !
According to Obama, there are 57 states, no?

Brian Williams has been Governor of three of those.

Interesting how quick Bears was at deflecting away from the question... The Clintons are Arkansas royalty. So are the Waltons. You can't diss one without dissing the other.
eolesen said:
Walmart must be doing something right -- their $74M per store sales are almost double that of Target's $39M, and you'll find Walmart in 3x as many locations.Save your pawn shop/liquor store crap for someone who doesn't know any better. Target is almost always within a mile of a Walmart. It's like Burger King always opening up next to a McDonalds.
Target's not exactly a friend of labor, either; they just do a better job of packaging themselves...

Buy local.
eolesen said:
According to Obama, there are 57 states, no?Brian Williams has been Governor of three of those.
Well, if you split NoCal & SoCal, let Jefferson (OR) secede, and count Puerto Rico and Guam, you're almost home...
eolesen said:
According to Obama, there are 57 states, no?

Brian Williams has been Governor of three of those.

Interesting how quick Bears was at deflecting away from the question... The Clintons are Arkansas royalty. So are the Waltons. You can't diss one without dissing the other.
Make NO mistake,....................'HILL is an Illini (Park Ridge IL.)
No  ' Shiit-kicker ' is she.
Slick willy was just the charmer, an Elvis if you will, But 'HILL has always, IS and always will be the BRAINS of the operation.
Better get use to the Phrase Eric,.....................Madam PRESIDENT  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure, Bears. Trying to frame her as another Chicagoan is just what America wants to hear to be convinced, because the last eight years have been so successful.

Then again, she seems to have left Illinois when she was 18, and spent her entire adult life as an Arkansas resident, up until the point they moved to New York so she could get residency to run for Senate.

Actions speak louder than where you were born. She had no choice about being born in Illinois. She chose to move to Arkansas.
At the end of the day Eric, Unless Elizabeth Warren runs and beat Hillary in the primary, ...You Ain't got NO  ONE who can propel the F'd Up... GOP  to '1600   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
N O  ..........O N E  !!
Getting Back on Topic,...........................PMA (Pacific Maritime Association) ( The COMPANY)..... " C A V E  - I N  to the ILWU demands " !
This wasn't the TWU we were dealing with here... Eric  !! 
Will be interesting to see how many shippers avoid PMA and ILWU ports for the duration of that contract, if not longer.
eolesen said:
Will be interesting to see how many shippers avoid PMA and ILWU ports for the duration of that contract, if not longer.
Absolutely Eric.
I can see all those " Sonys " sailing westbound through the Indian ocean, via the bay of Bengal then around the Cape of Good Hope to dock in port Elizabeth NJ  !!!!!!!!!
(Then again, with some more global warming there's always a possibility of an ARCTIC PASSAGE)
Get REAL !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Absolutely Eric.
I can see all those " Sonys " sailing westbound through the Indian ocean, via the bay of Bengal then around the Cape of Good Hope to dock in port Elizabeth NJ  !!!!!!!!!
(Then again, with some more global warming there's always a possibility of an ARCTIC PASSAGE)
Get REAL !
"Global warming"? Has it been excessively hot in your neck of the woods lately?
Bears, I'm not the one in need of a reality check. I know a few people who work in logistics, primarily moving containers to/from Asia to the US.

There are already ships who rerouted weeks ago at the height of the lockout. It was cheaper for them to get to an open port, unload, and get back to sea than it was to sit loaded at anchor.

Some of those companies will work out the costs and come to the realization that the cost of a few more days at sea are offset by the lower port charges (and faster turnaround?) at the Gulf and East Coast ports, plus they can eliminate the time it takes UPRR and BNSF to get those containers east of the Mississippi and interchanged to CSX or NS. In some cases, they skip the railroad altogether and just hit the road for the last miles direct from the docks.

It all comes down to money. If PMA and ILWU's costs go up, people will always look to see if they can keep their costs flat.

That's reality. PMA knows it. ILWU seems to be putting their head in the sand a bit on the issue.
MCI transplant said:
"Global warming"? Has it been excessively hot in your neck of the woods lately?
I have had the AC on for several days here. Finally back to winter weather. Two days ago it was 75. Abnormally warm for Feb.
Unusually warm usually doesn't mean sleet.

Hey Bears, here are some facts from shippers... Maybe that will help ground your reality?



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