Now It's Confirmed!

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:wacko: No!!!!!!! :huh:

For now I'm in OJT at the 425 TFS in Bagotville. I should be posted here until april 14th 2005.

.....BUT....My career manager wants us (me and 2 other guys with me...) to be prepared for Moose Jaw at that date (the 14th...). So I should be in Portage around september or later or before that.....because all the courses are full for the summer (as I've eared)

I'm so anxious to be back again in a cockpit. It's been almost 8 months since I have flown so.......and hopefully I will do find in Portage and Moose Jaw to get my wings as soon it's possible.......

For now it's really interesting to meet all the pilots back at the squadron and we are waiting to see what kind of work we will do during the summer.

So....That's it for now!!!!!! :p

Gryphon, just to know, what's AFT (RW)? and is the summer as begun in Portage because here in Bagotville it's raining continuously! :wacko:
Hey Ironman

You will enjoy your ojt at 425. I have alot of friends who worked there while we waited (I did botc in 2000 and I'm supposed to get my wings in I know all about ojt. I waited 18 months between PFT and Moose Jaw, PLUS 8 months of second language training after botc. I spent my 18 months towing gliders avec les cadets a St Jean). Those who did ojt with fighters went on alot of flights/trips....some went to Florida, Las Vegas, Denmark etc. Make the best of it!!!

AFT (RW) is advanced flying training rotary wing.....helo course. I finished Moose Jaw October 2003 and started here in March 2004. The guys who went jet had no delays (but are scheduled to finish the same time as us), the guys who went multi have to wait til this July and will graduate in October (you will probably be on their grad parade if you are here).

Anyways, best of luck to you....enjoy your time in Chicoutimi. If you have any questions, please ask.

Oh yeah....summer has finally arrived (after a 3 day snow storm on May 11...see picture....)'s now 27 degrees. It's frickin hot in the helos....but at least we can take the doors off!!!!
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Just received good news this week!!!!! :p I'm gone on land and sea survival training july 6th. First week in Winnpeg and the other in Comox!!!

I've heard that the bugs are pretty big in Winnipeg during summer. I won't forget that great bottle of Muskol!!! :wacko:
