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Northwest Airlines Pilots to Vote on Strike

Yes. But when NWA employees elected to walk over the AMFA strike picket line they effectively "voted" themselves all out of a job.


I agree that every NWA employee should have walked out the door on 20.Aug.05-you'll get no argument from me there. This was one time where everyone should have shelved their differences and stood together for the greater good.

Don't let the opinion(s) of one CSA fool you; there are many people across the NW system who feel the same way about DePace as you do about Jim Little.
Is this the Eastern Airlines forum? Oh wait, it's the Northwest Airlines forum. The senario is setting up to be the exact same thing.

I support all the NW Pilots, Flight Attendants and Mechanics. Do what you feel is best and all your brothers and sisters at other unionized carriers (excpet the non-union folks at Delta) will support your cause!
Is this the Eastern Airlines forum? Oh wait, it's the Northwest Airlines forum. The senario is setting up to be the exact same thing.

Sure seems like it, doesn't it? The paralells are numerous.

I support all the NW Pilots, Flight Attendants and Mechanics....

What about all the ground ops folks? We're in the middle of this as well...
If ANYONE has DOUBTS, as to which is the best course of action, I refer you to the thread.....RED TAIL MOVIE !!!!!

Enuff said !!

Kev, "Don't let the opinion(s) of one CSA fool you; there are many people across the NW system who feel the same way about DePace as you do about Jim Little."

I am not fooled. But the iam is like the twu international isn't it? The upper echelon is appointed and NOT elected by the full membership. They are not democratic.

If people are not happy with the iam then vote them out. The AMTs did it. We at AA tried it but were foiled by the unforseen DEAD PEOPLE who seem to have been added to the eligibility list. Doa!

Fighting for what you believe in IS possible. NWA AMTs did it. SWA AMTs and other AMTs have done it. People just have to try.
Kev, "Don't let the opinion(s) of one CSA fool you; there are many people across the NW system who feel the same way about DePace as you do about Jim Little."

I am not fooled. But the iam is like the twu international isn't it? The upper echelon is appointed and NOT elected by the full membership. They are not democratic.

Yes. Yes it is. By going the "change from within" route, I have learned this lesson the hard way; hasn't stopped me from trying, though.

If people are not happy with the iam then vote them out. The AMTs did it. We at AA tried it but were foiled by the unforseen DEAD PEOPLE who seem to have been added to the eligibility list. Doa!

Until the IBT left the AFL-CIO, I would have been against this. Who would we want? The TWU? Not hardly. Now with the Teamsters in the Change to Win coalition, that might be a good option.

Fighting for what you believe in IS possible. NWA AMTs did it. SWA AMTs and other AMTs have done it. People just have to try.

I'm still fighting for a better tomorrow for labor in America. I won't stop either. However, as I've mentioned before, sometimes I feel like Sisyphus (sp?) rolling the rock up the hill.....Your CSA friend in SAN is a prime example of what those that wish to affect change are up against.
Kev, "I'm still fighting for a better tomorrow for labor in America. I won't stop either. However, as I've mentioned before, sometimes I feel like Sisyphus (sp?) rolling the rock up the hill.....Your CSA friend in SAN is a prime example of what those that wish to affect change are up against."

The CSA here is not for change. She is a sheep. When voting for concessions and not a strike under the current NWA management team she, and those like her are throwing themselves under the bus.
Kev, "I'm still fighting for a better tomorrow for labor in America. I won't stop either. However, as I've mentioned before, sometimes I feel like Sisyphus (sp?) rolling the rock up the hill.....Your CSA friend in SAN is a prime example of what those that wish to affect change are up against."
The CSA here is not for change. She is a sheep. When voting for concessions and not a strike under the current NWA management team she, and those like her are throwing themselves under the bus.

I applaud all of you for standing up for what you believe in. Unfortunately, there will be pilots out there who will cross the line in order to log heavy time in their logbooks. This has been proven time and time again by those that will "pay to play" i.e. buy their jobs (can we say Laker, anyone?).
As we can see the pilots will have a decision to make. Im sure they are smart enough to realize what the outcome will be for all the employees of this proud company. I dont envy anyone having to make a decison that may end their career, their income and that of other employees. Whatever the decision is that is made, Im sure they have thought of the repurcussions(sp?). Many of your fellow union members will support your final decision and Good Luck to all involved. Regards, Mama
As we can see the pilots will have a decision to make. Im sure they are smart enough to realize what the outcome will be for all the employees of this proud company. I dont envy anyone having to make a decison that may end their career, their income and that of other employees. Whatever the decision is that is made, Im sure they have thought of the repurcussions(sp?). Many of your fellow union members will support your final decision and Good Luck to all involved. Regards, Mama

Good point, Mama. I've been saying all along that everyone must weigh their decisions carefully. Everyone here wants to be compensated reasonably. The arguements are over the method in which to achieve that end. There is no "one size fits all" solutions because everyone's situation and needs are different. I firmly believe that the hyprocritical elements in BOTH the corporate and union camps need to be accountable for their actions. I don't think anyone here would disagree.
The pilots are a little smarter than the AMFA.


I have not heard that Northwest management is hiring and training pilot SCABS like they did with the mechanics..

Looks to me that management KNOWS the pilots will just roll over when it's all said and done...

It would be nice to see ALPA take the whole SCAB infested mess down, But I doubt it.
They will put up a good show until the time to vote. I just do not see it happening. Damn, am I trying to second guess as to whether some union is willing to strike or not? I blew the last one, I better keep my mouth shut.
The CSA here is not for change. She is a sheep. When voting for concessions and not a strike under the current NWA management team she, and those like her are throwing themselves under the bus.


I should have said that the CSA is an example of what those of us who wish to affect change are up against. The sheep mentality is everywhere. NW's psychological warfare campaign is working pretty well on some people.

I better keep my mouth shut.

We should be so lucky.

I should have said that the CSA is an example of what those of us who wish to affect change are up against. The sheep mentality is everywhere. NW's psychological warfare campaign is working pretty well on some people.
We should be so lucky.

Kev, I understood your meaning. For those wishing to fight against greed and fight for thier craft & profession I support and salute you all.

This psychological warfare that NWA (mis)management has been unleashing is simply, as Mr. Spock would say, "Illogical."
Why would management of ANY company wish to unleash this type of negative aggression onto a highly skilled and professional work force? THEIR OWN WORK FORCE!

First NWA said they were losing money and maintenance was a drain. So they present a scenario where their AMTs have no choice but to strike. They then farm out all they can and hire unskilled, greedy, self serving SCABS to replace a trained, professional workforce. But alas they still lose money!

pto, "I blew the last one, I better keep my mouth shut."

Promises, promises!
Looks to me that management KNOWS the pilots will just roll over when it's all said and done...
This is it in a nut shell. The pilots will beat their chests and say all the right things, but when it comes right down to it, they will not walk out.