Nonrevs behaving badly... what's new?

When Tempe chooses to pay min wage to people that don't give a crap and are more interested in talking on the cell phone while checking people in what do you expect? A few bad apples spoil the bunch. No excuse for her being rude but these days you have to watch the entire process from start to finish. In PHL the agents just do whatever they like whenever they wish! In other stations as well. While trying to get to work you're wondering....are they going to leave me? Is the process working out right? I myself caught agents leaving 5 non-revs at the gate with 8 seats open a few weeks back. the Capt ordered the door reopened! Is that the way you want your family treated? So blame the few that make the process a nightmare and inconsistent. period.
I'll say this much, after flying in and out of PHX for over 13yrs as a nonrev, I don't even have so much as a bad thought about the gate agent working my flight at that time, for fear of being stranded there until the red eye. It's happened many a time to me. Until we put up a hard copy of who's listed on the flight and in what order they go, there will always be problems and manipulation.

I don't agree with what the FA did and she should be dealt with, but the agent could be getting paid back by the Karma Police.
You're given an aisle as a form of currency that can be traded for a window. Instead of raising hell about a family fix it in a more appropriate way. Ask the family to trade their window for your aisle, as an example. Being pushy and indiscreet is a sure fire way to PO the very people who give out the seats-not very smart.

As far as the non-rev policy(besides same year "splitting the baby")how is it that much different from the Old U's way of DOH?

On a side note I've seen DAL have a screen at the gate w/ all the non-revs listed in order of seniority. No Problems.
PLEASE write this person up!!!! We do not need folks like this working here anymore, they do nothing but bring all of us down; I can only imagine how she treats our customers and coworkers. :down:

Get rid of the garbage! :up: Write HER UP!!!!!!
On a side note I've seen DAL have a screen at the gate w/ all the non-revs listed in order of seniority. No Problems.

Yes, but DL has a website that works...the people in Tempe still can't get the US website to work properly and look at all of the problems with SHARES. Anyway, IMHO, I think the fatties should get lowest priority since they cause the plane to burn more fuel. Board by dress size, starting with 0.
OMG!! I had the same situation on flt 1408 clt to lga, but the crew was her friends and they stuck together like glue, which pissed me off to the moon round trip..ugh....anyway i tried to pull her off and the shift manager was more interested in d:00 :down:
Forty Nonrevs?

Wow, I'd just be happy to get on the plane.

As far as I know seniority gets you on first, not a particular seat.

Many apologies for what is obviously a F/A without manners. Many thanks from the ones who do have manners.

As for writing her up, I don't like to do that to anyone. You never know what kind of day someone's having or what they've just gone through. Now leaning over and telling her that if she doesn't quiet down she can kiss her travel passes goodbye, that is something I'd do. Some people just have to be reminded that they are a privelege, not a right.

On behalf of nonrev mommies everywhere thank you thank you thank you thank you for seating them together. A little kid is terrified sitting next to a stranger and the mommy is flipping out too. I took jumpseat once just so I could be closer to my child.

Kudos to you for your patience.
What blame on executives?

This was a tale of gate agents trying to act proactively to keep from having massive re-seating issues on the plane and some employee getting in a snit because that employee got an aisle seat. The agents were guessing, probably correctly, that by them owning the problem they would help get the flight out on time rather then have folks griping to flight attendats that they needed to be seated with their families or children. So, the agents tried to be nice to the crew onboard and the non-revs by working the potential problem earlier rather than later.

Now, how is this an issue that could in any way be the fault of executives instead of a poorly behaved employee who has a snit at the indignity and horror of being assigned an aisle seat?
Well she may have had a point seniority wise if the families you were accommodating were junior to her. These days all you have left is your seniority and if she is commuting and wants the window seat so she can rest better then I can see her point a bit.
In the end it all comes down to how you deal with people and she went about it the wrong way.
Well Said