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Seatacus said:
I believe nonrevs shud be helped whenever we can. Our pass benefits are one of the few perks we have and that isn't much. We shud treat others as we would like to be treated. Isn't there enough anxiety in this world already? 😉
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
SHUT UP!!!! (if pitbull can say it, so can I)!!!! Get on some damn prozac or something you babbling fool!!!!!!!

If you are gone from US Airways, maybe there IS hope.
firstamendment said:
If you are gone from US Airways, maybe there IS hope.
Not.. IF... I am gone!!! I'm still in town and have a little time on my hands, so I will continue to follow the situation at U, have many friends that I made over these past years. Your statement reminds me of when I was angry and had no hope. Now, I at least have some hope. When someone replies, and you go off on a tangent, I remember the stress that we are all under. It's not fun!! I chose to move on, you are choosing to stay....That is great!! I wish you the best, I mean that. If I hit a nerve, I apoligise. I do not mean to inflame, but, I obviously have some strong held beliefs as others' do on this board. In return, with your 1st Ammendment monicker, you would think that you would not be so quick to attack anyone you disagree with!!! If my leaving provides hope for you, thats great!! I hope my leaving makes the difference of US surviving!! GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!
You wear these boards out and if that makes you happy, so be it. My entire intent here was to compliment those doing a good job and defending positions against nay sayers. You then come along with a passive aggressive remark and picture (which IS a form of anger). I hold to my screen name and give all the right to speak, but that doesn't give you the right to throw it in my face when I get angry or "go on a tangent.

For your info, I am NOT angry and I still love my job. I just got a call from a customer who was on our Freeport to Charlotte flight, who's son wasn't feeling well. I felt in my gut that he had appendisitis (Sorry spelling). It just sounded too familiar as I had mine out as a kid, as did his mom. I was there with them the whole time and even lent my thermometer to them (sanitized of course). At landing his temp was almost 102 and after landing and a call to their pediatician, they went to the hospital where they discovered his appendix ruptured. He is fine, but the parents are thankful and will be in Charlotte for a couple of more days.

After that call, in the midst of writing to you, i REALIZED THE PROBLEM LIES WITH YOU, NOT ME. I love my job and my years of experience may have saved this little boys life, so send all the nasty pics you want because I feel proud of the job I did and THAT, NFS, gives me hope. 🙄 :up:
BTW, this is the time to show our customers we care. This may be out of line,but I am doing it anyway. If anyone wants to send a card or flowers (remember he's about 9), his name is AJ Olt and is at the following hospital:

Presbyterian Healthcare
Hembly's Children's Hospital
200 Hawthorne Lane
Charlotte, NC 28204

His mom's name is Bonnie. The direct number to the room is 704.384.4203. It is 8:36pm so a call of support would probabaly be good until 9 pm.

I feel this would show the class act that all of us really are and if someone in management is reading, I'm sure a call from you would be appreciated as well.

Just be respectful to time of day and time on phone. He will be there at least thru Wed. as the ifection has to be out. 😉

Thanks all,
I'm sorry firstamendment, I did not read your post correctly.

I apologize.


😳 :wub:

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