Does AA have a program where employees are allowed to buy discounted tickets? At US we have the ED 20 program, which is great for someone like me with a kid going to college 2500 miles away:
The ED20 Positive Space Discount Program allows employees of US Airways mainline and wholly owned subsidiaries, retirees, and their eligible pass travelers to purchase positive space tickets on US Airways and US Airways Express at a 20% discount off the lowest available fare at the time of booking.
Attempting to travel space available while holding a confirmed, positive space reservation on the same flight may result in disciplinary action, including loss of pass travel privileges and up to and in- cluding termination of employment. All published fare rules apply to ED20 passengers.
ED20 passengers are subject to all fare rules and restrictions of the fare purchased including change fees, UM fees and non−refundable, minimum stay or advance purchase restrictions. The passenger is also subject to all checked baggage and excess/overweight baggage fee policies (refer to BAGGAGE section for information on applicable checked baggage fees and exemptions) and unaccompanied minor escort fees. Lost/damaged baggage claim procedures and compensation are the same as for revenue passengers.
Denied boarding compensation is applicable to ED20 travelers. Involuntary compensation is based on actual amount paid.
An ED20, albeit a revenue ticket, is considered to be part of the US Airways pass travel privileges and thus governed under the employee pass privilege guidelines, stipulations, and policies set forth in the Employee Travel Guide.
ED20 tickets are prohibited from being used to travel in connection with company business activity for self−employment, personal gain, or for a firm other than US Airways.
ED20 passengers may accrue mileage for the trip flown. The Dividend Miles membership number(s) should be given to the Reservations agent at the time of booking or added online at http://www.usair-
First Class upgrades while traveling on ED20 tickets are subject to the current upgrade programs available to revenue customers. Employees and eligible travel dependents may not use non−rev up- grade coupons to upgrade on an ED20 ticket. For the current upgrade programs available to revenue customers that apply for ED20 travel go to
Currently ED20 revenue tickets can only be purchased through the ETL (1−800−325−9999, option 2) or at a US Airways full service ticket counter.
Seat availability and fares are always subject to change. Ticketing fees normally charged for booking revenue travel through Reservations or at the airport are waived for employees and eligible travel de- pendents when purchasing ED20 tickets.