What are the costs associated with non reving if you don't have more than 10 years? Just curious because I have more anyway
Here are some examples taken from the NRSA travel charges page on the employee computer portal. Be aware airlineforums.com doesn't tab very well so I'm not going to space out the amounts as I normally would. All charges will be listed in F,J,Y (First, Business, Coach) order. If there are only two amounts, there is no J charge associated. Note that all non-rev charges are based on distance traveled. A DFW-ELP trip will cost less than DFW-SEA.
D1/D2 represents employee (active or retired), spouse, children under 18, Domestic Partner, Registered Companion
DFW-ELP-DFW First --- Coach
Under 5 years: $38.22, $22.66
5 or more yrs: $38.22, $0.00
25 or more yrs: $28.16, $0.00
D3 represents friends, non-immediate family members, children over 18. There is only one charge for D3 domestic travelers. They pay the same whether F/C or coach on domestic flights; so, I just go ahead and list them for First in hopes they get it.
DFW-LHR-DFW -- First Business Coach
Under 25 years: $513.20, $433.20, $280.60
25 or more yrs: $443.20, $363.20, $174.20
-------------------- $813.20, $663.20, $460.60
I'm fairly sure that when I first started with AA in 2000, employees with 25 or more years flew free in F/C, but it appears from the information on the Jetnet website, they now get a discount, but not free travel except in domestic coach (which everyone gets at 5 years).