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Like I said, how much of its own money did HP use to "buy" US?

NONE, cause they did not have it and it was a MERGER, not a buyout.
Like I said, how much of its own money did HP use to "buy" US?

NONE, cause they did not have it and it was a MERGER, not a buyout.

Lawyers, the IRS, US Airways (in the form of it's filings with the SEC and the bankruptcy court) all disagree with your interpretation.

So I suppose the question is whether you know more about these things than whoever prepares the filings (signed by Parker, among others) to the IRS, SEC, and the BK court?

I'd stick to what I know, and

Don't let the facts get in your way.
700 UW-love your last posts..

This is OUR BUSINESS.. :up:
:up: B) B) AMEN!!!! Pin Piney are u listening, why dont u go to your "business", whatver that is a do a commentary on that. Your NOT and airline employee, and have no reason to comment on...pure and simple...
700 UW-love your last posts..

This is OUR BUSINESS.. :up:
Why do any of you care if a non-employee comments or not??? Besides, this is a PUBLIC form--if you don't want the public "in our business"--DONT POST HERE!!!!

Reminds me of "Mom ..tell Billy to stop looking at me!" 😀
Just out of curiosity.....and wnating to stir the pit a little.....

As a CP, would you want your upgrades based on Miles Flown or FCFS? What if you were a 200K flier vs a 75K flier? What if upgrades were based on how long you have been a CP?

Just a prospective kinda thing.....

Good point!
DOH is fair at US East and FCFS is fair at US West. Any change will disadvantage those used to the other way. Neither side deserves to be disadvantaged but it's clear that a lot of us are gonna be unhappy with whatever changes come.

My opinion: FCFS evens the playing field and makes more people happy. I've worked under both ways. (TWA was DOH).
DOH is fair at US East and FCFS is fair at US West. Any change will disadvantage those used to the other way. Neither side deserves to be disadvantaged but it's clear that a lot of us are gonna be unhappy with whatever changes come.
I agree. My fear is that people on the "losing side" will use it as yet another reason for negativity. Hopefully everyone (at least most people) will be adults and accept whatever decision is made. We would look like a bunch of whiners to passengers if we complain about free travel.

So? Your CEO signed a document submitted to the SEC indicating an acquisition. Besides, you do realize that nowhere on the page you linked to does the word "merger" appear.

Facts, dude. Don't let 'em in your way.
Here's another whack to that dead horse...on the Feb PHX webcast of Crew News a HP f/a asked Doug why they took on Usairways name even though HP "purchased Usairways". Doug told the HP employee that no one purchased the other. OUTSIDE INVESTORS POURED MONEY INTO THE NEWLY COMBINED CARRIER. Someone should probably tell Doug the truth. :shock:
Who cares where the money came from...bottom line is we have jobs and a future.
If people keep bringing this up to see "who's right" whats next...whipping out privates and seeing who can pee farther????
Here's another whack to that dead horse...on the Feb PHX webcast of Crew News a HP f/a asked Doug why they took on Usairways name even though HP "purchased Usairways". Doug told the HP employee that no one purchased the other. OUTSIDE INVESTORS POURED MONEY INTO THE NEWLY COMBINED CARRIER. Someone should probably tell Doug the truth. :shock:
Who cares where the money came from...bottom line is we have jobs and a future.
If people keep bringing this up to see "who's right" whats next...whipping out privates and seeing who can pee farther????
LOL . I love it!!!! 😀
There are plenty of old merger threads available if you want to rehash that. Just check out the archives. THIS topic is about Non-reving and related issues.

Any more off topic posts will be deleted and time off given.

What I don't get about the argument "for" DOH is why people seem to think that using DOH will guarantee them a seat. There is only one person that will have a 100% guarantee with using DOH, and that's the person with the highest seniority.

Even a 30 year employee could be bumped at the last minute by a 30-year, 2-week employee.

There is NO WAY to plan for such a situation. Even if the ETC were modified to show the seniority of employees listed, that can always change up until departure time.

With using FCFS, it's easier to plan. You can always see how many employees are listed. If the number of employees listed is higher than the number of seats left, you plan ahead and check in early. If you are the first employee checked in--you will ALWAYS be the first employee checked in for that flight.

Those that argue for DOH also continually argue that they shouldn't have to rush to the airport. Are you forgetting about online check in? It can be done 12 hours ahead of time.

Also, just because the company has put dependents traveling without the employee at a lower priority--that does NOT mean they don't care about the family. The management just recognizes that EMPLOYEES should be able to use their benefits first. As an employee, if I were traveling to visit my mom on Mother's Day, I would NOT be happy if I was bumped by another employee's wife, traveling alone to do some shipping in NYC.

Seniority does count for something: it counts for higher pay, more vacation time, and better schedules (for most jobs). Traveling is a benefit: senior employees don't get better rates on health insurance. And, as pointed out in a comment to Row23 Middle, a more senior person doesn't get to go to the front of the line at the company union.
AMEN!! I'm finished hearing about how the senior people have nothing left. The last time I checked they STILL get better schedules and higher pay along with contracts negotiated in their favor (most of the time). They even had the jumpseat policy changed to their favor a few years ago, still have that insane "Bid Sheet" from the 60's and continue to hold out trips on the trade board!! I say FCFS, it's about time the rest of us get something for all of our years since we cannot seem to get ahead any other way.

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