Unfortunately, most of the post on this topic, voice the feelings of most Americans today. Generations past have always respected their previous generations. They respected the time they put into their profession, for working to maintain and improve working conditions, for striving to make things better/easier for the next generation.
The majority of todays generation seems to respect little or nothing. Not their leaders, not their elders, not their co-workers, often not even themselves. I will be the first to say...respect must be earned, it is not just given...but if it has been earned, it should be given. Face facts, that is the kind of world we live in today. I fear it is only going to continue to go down-hill. It's only and all about ME.
After 38+ years, I retired. I have returned to the airport 3 times since retirement. One time to turn in my badge and keys. One time to talk to the outsource company that was offering me a job (turned them down cold). One time to rent a car. I havent' flown since March 2004....don't plan to in the near future. Don't worry about me bumping you.
Now, I'll put in my 2 cents worth on the issue....Honor my time I put in....I'll honor yours. If you are retired or still working and have completed more than 38 1/2 years....please sir or madam, board before me! As a station manager back in 1967 told me when I complained about having the worst schedule/days off/etc, (I began in '66), "Those who have put in the most time deserve the best they can get...they are the ones who have helped make this company what it is today. I can't offer them much. The perks for their giving years of service are few. Maybe, if you have what it takes and you hang in there, you will be able to get these few benefits one day."
You know, if the decision is made to take this away too, I'll live with it. I've had so much taken away, this is just a minor thing. Glad I'm not an active part of yall anymore.