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Companion Pass Travel to Europe


Apr 25, 2003
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I understand companion pass travelers to Europe during June 1 thru August 31, have to accompanied with the employee and/ or a registered family member when traveling. Do they actually have to get on the flight or can they just check them in. The reason I ask is my family lives in the UK and my companion pass travel (my brother) will be getting dropped off at gatwick from my mom (registered family member on my term pass) and he would be visiting myself (the employee) in the US. He will be accompanied by either the registered family member and/or the employee on both ends of his travel. His travel iternary originates in the UK and I believe the reason for this rule was to prevent companion pass traveler from getting stranded at European airports during peak summer travel. If that is the case, and since my brother lives in the UK, does anybody recommend who I can talk to or what I can do to maybe get this waived? Or is it hopeless cause?
Thanks in advance
I understand companion pass travelers to Europe during June 1 thru August 31, have to accompanied with the employee and/ or a registered family member when traveling. Do they actually have to get on the flight or can they just check them in. The reason I ask is my family lives in the UK and my companion pass travel (my brother) will be getting dropped off at gatwick from my mom (registered family member on my term pass) and he would be visiting myself (the employee) in the US. He will be accompanied by either the registered family member and/or the employee on both ends of his travel. His travel iternary originates in the UK and I believe the reason for this rule was to prevent companion pass traveler from getting stranded at European airports during peak summer travel. If that is the case, and since my brother lives in the UK, does anybody recommend who I can talk to or what I can do to maybe get this waived? Or is it hopeless cause?
Thanks in advance

The employee or registered family/guest has to physically go with compannion pass travelers not just check them in.
Good luck with that waiver. 🙄
Even with a death in my family, we were unable to get any help from anyone in Tempe --- had to fly to London to pick up a family member and bring her back. And to everyone's amazement in my office, I didn't suffer jetlag the next day when I returned to work!
What IS the point of having these embargos to Europe anyway??? I understand the loads are larger during the summer-but if the plane is full, the person simply can't get on anyway. Why not allow them to travel if there ARE empty seats?
What IS the point of having these embargos to Europe anyway??? I understand the loads are larger during the summer-but if the plane is full, the person simply can't get on anyway. Why not allow them to travel if there ARE empty seats?
I Thought There Was NO Embargo This Year.
There is an Embargo but it ends August 31st. In the past it went thru November. I think it is the fact that Companion Pass Travelers were getting stuck for Days in Europe and causing problem for our Agents accross the Pond.
There is an Embargo but it ends August 31st. In the past it went thru November. I think it is the fact that Companion Pass Travelers were getting stuck for Days in Europe and causing problem for our Agents accross the Pond.
I can understand the reasoning behind the embargo, but I think it is punishing a great many for the few, uninformed companion pass holders that have caused problems. Thanks to all those employees who send their companion out into the wilds with little or no explanation of what to plan for, expect, etc! It causes problems for the majority or at least great many, companion pass riders, that are well-behaved, informed, etc.

If I was an agent I'd have sympathy for and try to help them if I had time, but I'd have no sympathy for companion pass riders that are rude/don't understand the system etc./ and would send them on their way.
Even with a death in my family, we were unable to get any help from anyone in Tempe --- had to fly to London to pick up a family member and bring her back. And to everyone's amazement in my office, I didn't suffer jetlag the next day when I returned to work!
It's pretty hard to become jetlagged if you don't stay somewhere long enough to get used to that time zone.
No matter how many times you explain things, some people just don't (or won't, or don't wish to) get it.

There will always be those companion pass riders (5% rule) who think that they are special because their friend works for the airline. And they expect special treatment. And the understaffed stations just don't have time to deal with their self-centered nonsense. For some reason they think that after waiting around for three or four days that their status will magically change from bottom-of-the-heap to me-first. And those 5-percenters will NEVER see it any differently.

Those people caused the blanket embargo which punishes everyone.