Non-polarizing candidate?

700UW said:
HRC will be the next President, she already has the blessing of the Bilderberg Group.

I prefer Bernie.
lol yeah right lol you're funny
of course you do
SparrowHawk said:
Bilderberg Group doesn't vote! Yes they may control who gets the donations, but they don't control who any of us vote for. Ron Paul started the Brushfire, Bernie Sanders is fanning the flames, Trump, Carson and Kid Paul are heaping wood on the fires of ballot box revolution, so we wait and see.
Hillary is in a world of hurt right now. Down for the count? Hopefully. If not just one more river to cross on the road to returning the country to the people who actually do the work.
Regarding Mr. Trump. He says in public what many think in private. Personally I think the Presidency is but another trophy on his wall of fame. However with Billions of his own money he can speak his mind whenever, wherever he chooses. He can't be bought because of his wealth so he keeps it interesting at worst.I don't think he'd be a great President because compromise is not a word found in his playbook.
Do you mean in the same way BaRack has compromised?
SparrowHawk said:
.Regarding Mr. Trump. He says in public what many think in private.
He's the reactionary part of peoples brains.  The part that blurts out something incredibly stupid but then the logic and reason portion of our brain takes over.  That's when we say to ourselves "Now that's just stupid" or "That would never work in a million years".  Unfortunately as we have seen there are a lot of people out there who don't have a well developed logic and reason center in their head. 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
You're correct 'Rat.
Whether  Joe B.  runs or not, if I'm in vegas, my  $$ Bet says that she will win the nomination.
With that said, I never said that HRC was the most qualified person in the party.
Make NO mistake, she's 'light years' ahead (in qualifications) of 99.5 % of anyone in the party, with Joe Biden being the absolutely most qualified of anyone in government, from Either Party  !!
Gaffs or no gaffs, NO ONE commands or gets  more respect from foreign leaders, No One !
Ya think being the Chairman of the Foreign Relations committee for Decades (as a Senator) has anything to do with that  ?????
Wake up......two GOP candidates with no government quals are leading the field because America is fed up with career politicians.
If oBama hadn't stopped the TP revolution 2012 would have been another 2010 massacre. 2014 should have showed the left whats in store next year.
I think voter revenge on both sides of the aisle will put these progressive stooges back in their boxes just like some 100 or so years ago.
Perhaps you are correct. However the more I read about his immigration stance I like. We are a nation of LAWS not MEN. The laws as written are piss poor and I don't think to many would argue that point.
As a Libertarian, I favor open borders. However in the age of terrorism that position is not realistic on several levels. If you came here illegally GET OUT and come in after we've come up with a comprehensive policy. Unless you're an Indian, we are all immigrants and we need to be respectful of that fact going forward. Liberty and fairness demand it
700UW said:
HRC will be the next President, she already has the blessing of the Bilderberg Group.

I prefer Bernie.
305 classified emails and rising.......backup server found possibly containing all those erased emails.
700UW said:
Well look at this Colon Powell used personal e-mail while Secretary of State before HRC did.
Was using a private email account allowed?
"Yes,” the campaign said, citing a PolitiFact post. Here's what Politifact found:

  • “We interviewed several experts on government transparency and records preservation. While Clinton might be able to put together a case that she 'complied' with the rules, experts said her actions are nevertheless hard to defend.”
  • “It seems she didn’t break a rule simply by using a personal email to conduct business. Rather, by using personal emails exclusively, she skirted the rules governing federal records management."
  • “(Former Justice Department official Daniel) Metcalfe pointed to Clinton’s use of the word ‘allowed’ and ‘opted’ throughout her press conference, when referring to her decision to use private email. He said both words give the false impression that the law and its proper implementation presented her with a choice. She might have been ‘allowed’ to use only a private email account in that no one stopped her, Metcalfe said, but that’s not the same thing as lawfully complying with rules.”
another drone blew out of the sky
dude are you aware of any GOP candidates being investigated by the FBI like the democratic front runner?
SparrowHawk said:
Perhaps you are correct. However the more I read about his immigration stance I like. We are a nation of LAWS not MEN. The laws as written are piss poor and I don't think to many would argue that point.
As a Libertarian, I favor open borders. However in the age of terrorism that position is not realistic on several levels. If you came here illegally GET OUT and come in after we've come up with a comprehensive policy. Unless you're an Indian, we are all immigrants and we need to be respectful of that fact going forward. Liberty and fairness demand it
Oh, so you're a libertarian but not really because the terrorists are out to get us.  Did it ever enter your mind how we would remove 11 million or so illegal immigrants in this country?  Here's a hint.  A massive expansion of the federal bureaucracy.  Think about that for a bit.  Take all the time you need. 
777 fixer said:
Oh, so you're a libertarian but not really because the terrorists are out to get us.  Did it ever enter your mind how we would remove 11 million or so illegal immigrants in this country?  Here's a hint.  A massive expansion of the federal bureaucracy.  Think about that for a bit.  Take all the time you need. you don't mind federal bureaucracy for other endeavors though.

Built in transportation already there, school bus and bus drivers!
While they both begin with a "P". Philosophy often gives way to Prudence. I don't see terrorists at every turn, but they do exist. Do we need TSA, NSA, DHS and the Patriot Act? I don't think we do. Do we need to know who is in this country? YES we do. With an out of control immigration situation this is impossible to know. The next President didn't allow 12 million in, but they sure as heck need to address it.
Trump's plan could cause us to have yet another bloated useless agency. Maybe a day forward approach is easiest. However it doesn't respect the rule of law which to me is a huge problem. Just because 20+ years of politicians looking the other way doesn't mean the 2 million here illegally should win the immigration lottery by default.
Trump bringing the issue out front is Trump's boldest & best move. Win, Lose or draw the issue is now firmly in the public arena and that's very positive.
southwind said: you don't mind federal bureaucracy for other endeavors though.

Built in transportation already there, school bus and bus drivers!
I would try and explain the point I was trying to make but it would be beyond your understanding.
777 fixer said:
Oh, so you're a libertarian but not really because the terrorists are out to get us.  Did it ever enter your mind how we would remove 11 million or so illegal immigrants in this country?  Here's a hint.  A massive expansion of the federal bureaucracy.  Think about that for a bit.  Take all the time you need.
You don't think self deportation will work?
I still don't get why either party is talking about imigration. Both side benifit from it and they have no intention of stopping it. A good portion of Trumps empire was built with illegal labor.

No one is building a wall. We can afford it and I don't care how delusional Trump is the Mexican go is not paying for it.

I think the only way to stop the current of immigration is to stop the supply of jobs. The only way to do that is to give companies the incentive not to hire. The only way to do that is to fine the cap out of them. Only way to do that is to get congress to pass a law ..... and the only way that happens is when pigs start to fly.
ncentic is just another word for corporate welfare.
How about a law with stiff fines and penalties (like not being allowed to bid on government work)
This is well within the purview of the Federal Government.

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