I'd rather be a loser trying to better my craft than being a good little union mouthpiece who supports whatever his beloved TWU wants.Not always. I have voted no in my career.
Doesn't matter what you voted in the past. You are cheerleading for the the TWU and bashing AMFA as if your life depended on it.
We all get it, you adore the TWU because your fleet service group is at the top.Have you seen the current Fleet BASE rates of UAL, DL and SWA. Comparing ourselves only to them, we're at the bottom. But thankfully I also don't work for any subcontracting company who's employees are well below me.
You may be at the bottom now, but historically you have not been. Mechanics at AA have been near bottom longer than fleet has.
You fit right in where the bus driver union wants you to be. What do you have against Bus drivers? Sounds rather elitist again?
I have nothing against Bus drivers. But this is THEIR union. The ATD is merely a small piece of it. Especially at the MTA, they are doing better than ALL of us as far as pension and benefits go. So, once again we see the TWU doing a better job of representing the transit workers than the airline workers.
How many jobs has TWU (All the issues since the 1978 deregulation act) lost for your group? Remember cabin service? Facilities cleaners? Remember all the smaller stations staffed by fleet?I remember all those jobs quite well.
So deregulation is the lone cause of job loss at AA? The TWU had nothing to do with the loss of ANY jobs at AA. Wow you will defend the TWU to the end, won't you?
I'd rather be labelled a loser striving for to rid myself of a worthless union than being a TWU sheep who supports a union that screws some its members in favor of others.So why do you support AMFA then?
Tell us, where has AMFA screwed its members in favor of others? Don't use SWA as an example...They were created with outsourcing ....
Are you going to deny that the TWU had catered to Fleet/Cabin service prior to MX getting our own locals? You know, when we could;t get mechanics elected to any position of power? All negotiators where either fleet service or a/c cleaners?
Were you at AA for those decades?