"NOW THEREFORE, TWU and IAM agree to propose a defined benefit pension with the IAMNPF in negotiations with the New American Airlines for single, combined Collective Bargaining Agreements covering Mechanic and Related, Fleet Service and Stores employees in order to provide a defined benefit pension for those employees at American Airlines whose pensions were frozen in American's bankruptcy, and to continue the participation of those employees at US Airways who currently have defined benefit pensions in the IAMNPF for Mechanics and Related, Fleet Service and Stores employees."
later, in same document...
"TWU and IAM further agree that TWU will propose a defined benefit plan with the IAMNPF in negotiations with the New American Airlines for Collective Bargaining Agreements covering the Other TWU-represented Crafts or Classes, and that the IAM will facilitate the participation of these in the IAMNPF."
from the TWU and IAM Joint Agreement on Pensions
dated 09 May 2013
signed by Robert Gless TWU and Sito Pantoja IAM
Did we have a say in this agreement?
later, in same document...
"TWU and IAM further agree that TWU will propose a defined benefit plan with the IAMNPF in negotiations with the New American Airlines for Collective Bargaining Agreements covering the Other TWU-represented Crafts or Classes, and that the IAM will facilitate the participation of these in the IAMNPF."
from the TWU and IAM Joint Agreement on Pensions
dated 09 May 2013
signed by Robert Gless TWU and Sito Pantoja IAM
Did we have a say in this agreement?