No to the Alliance!

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scorpion 2 said:
You do try and sell horse shet  to a class n craft your not part of though. There's nothing wrong with being cautious and its not like we haven't tried to get answers. So who's really talking out their backside here? If the union told you to swan dive off a cliff because the muddy water is deep would you do it?  If you questioned the union and they wouldn't respond any further would you jump? If AMT's told you that you were being paranoid and to just jump and you will find out how deep the water is would you do it?  That's the sales pitch you are throwing around on these boards Mr. Swan Dive!
I already gave you guys all of the reasons in the past that your wackadoo, doomsday, bogeyman scenarios hold no water both economically and with simple common sense so I'm not going back and forth through the playbook one more time if you can't or don't want to learn the plays.

If dummies want to buy the bridge your trying to sell them well that's their problem now and they're the ones going to look the fools at the end of the day.

Don't care if I'm in your (Group) or not. Can't stand liars.
Rogallo said:
It was an inside job!
The TWU is for You!
See a pattern?
So why all of a sudden did you decide to chime back in with your drivel?
Just to be a pest. Or as the other guy called me, an ***hole.
WeAAsles said:
I already gave you guys all of the reasons in the past that your wackadoo, doomsday, bogeyman scenarios hold no water both economically and with simple common sense so I'm not going back and forth through the playbook one more time if you can't or don't want to learn the plays.

If dummies want to buy the bridge your trying to sell them well that's their problem now and they're the ones going to look the fools at the end of the day.

Don't care if I'm in your (Group) or not. Can't stand liars.
And who are you that we should take your logic as anything as substance? Are the twu and iam confiding in you and using you as their conduit to dispel the fear? The only dummy here is the one saying its all good even though you don't have anything as substance to prove otherwise. Most of us are searching for the truth and are asking the right people the right questions but getting no answers. You on the other hand are using your own opinion as fact with nothing at all to substantiate what you say. I wouldn't call you a liar but disingenuous and misleading would be an accurate accusation.     
WeAAsles said:
Exactly. Hey Elvis and Morrison are still alive, man didn't go to the moon, and JFK was shot by Gandhi.

2 more weeks to go with this crapola right? Getting super desperate now. Keep grasping for that air.

The fat lady is about to sing.
You really believe that?  I can't tell you how many times I have heard "it's over", "the fat lady is singing" etc.. Even if this drive falls short, the drive to rid ourselves of the TWU & IAM will continue.  The mere fact that the company was pulling for this joint venture between the IAM & TWU really ought give one pause.  We don't really need to use fear to convince anybody to sign an AMFA card.  We just have them consider our circumstances, pay and benefits, and who was the biggest cheerleader - oh yeah - the TWU International.  Probably one of the best motivators, for a fence sitter to sign an AMFA card.
Vortilon said:
You really believe that?  I can't tell you how many times I have heard "it's over", "the fat lady is singing" etc.. Even if this drive falls short, the drive to rid ourselves of the TWU & IAM will continue.

Of course it will. The drive has been on for 52 years now and counting. I'll be 50 next month. That's one mighty long drive.

The mere fact that the company was pulling for this joint venture between the IAM & TWU really ought give one pause.  We don't really need to use fear to convince anybody to sign an AMFA card.  We just have them consider our circumstances, pay and benefits, and who was the biggest cheerleader - oh yeah - the TWU International.  Probably one of the best motivators, for a fence sitter to sign an AMFA card.

You know that May 15 is a Friday right? So is the big announcement that you got it and will be on the ballot going to come out soon? It has to be, right?
"American Dream"
I used to see you on every T.V.
Your smiling face looked back at me.
I used to see you on every T.V.
Your smiling face looked back at me.
Then they caught you with the girl next door,
People's money piled on the floor,
Accusations that you try to deny,
Revelations and rumors begin to fly.

Now you think about reaching out
Maybe get some help from above.

Now you think about reaching out
Maybe get some help from above.
Reporters crowd around your house.
Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,
Speculating what they may find out,
It don't matter now, you're all washed up.

You wake up in the middle of the night.
Your sheets are wet and your face is white,
You tried to make a good thing last,
How could something so good, go bad, so fast?

American dream, American dream
American dream, American dream.

Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
Reporters crowd around your house.
Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,
Speculating what they may find out,
It don't matter now, you're all washed up.

Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
American dream, American dream.
Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
American dream, American dream.
WeAAsles said:
"American Dream"
I used to see you on every T.V.
Your smiling face looked back at me.
I used to see you on every T.V.
Your smiling face looked back at me.
Then they caught you with the girl next door,
People's money piled on the floor,
Accusations that you try to deny,
Revelations and rumors begin to fly.

Now you think about reaching out
Maybe get some help from above.

Now you think about reaching out
Maybe get some help from above.
Reporters crowd around your house.
Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,
Speculating what they may find out,
It don't matter now, you're all washed up.

You wake up in the middle of the night.
Your sheets are wet and your face is white,
You tried to make a good thing last,
How could something so good, go bad, so fast?

American dream, American dream
American dream, American dream.

Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
Reporters crowd around your house.
Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds,
Speculating what they may find out,
It don't matter now, you're all washed up.

Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
American dream, American dream.
Don't know when things went wrong,
Might have been when you were young and strong.
American dream, American dream.
WeAAsles said:
You really believe that?  I can't tell you how many times I have heard "it's over", "the fat lady is singing" etc.. Even if this drive falls short, the drive to rid ourselves of the TWU & IAM will continue.

Of course it will. The drive has been on for 52 years now and counting. I'll be 50 next month. That's one mighty long drive.

The mere fact that the company was pulling for this joint venture between the IAM & TWU really ought give one pause.  We don't really need to use fear to convince anybody to sign an AMFA card.  We just have them consider our circumstances, pay and benefits, and who was the biggest cheerleader - oh yeah - the TWU International.  Probably one of the best motivators, for a fence sitter to sign an AMFA card.

You know that May 15 is a Friday right? So is the big announcement that you got it and will be on the ballot going to come out soon? It has to be, right?
Wouldn't you like to know, right? 
1AA said:
How sad. A Co worker told me his father is a retired truck driver. He has a teamsters pension. The pension plan was adjusted twice since he retired.
OK so this is the teamsters pension but what happens to the iam pension if they can not get more members in the plan and guys start retiring? Insolvency comes to mind. 
This should be absolute proof to you that a UNION pension is nothing but a ponzi scheme
This should also show you why IAM is so interested in forcing its pension plan on the employees of American Airlines.
Some people on here need to get a clue (I am not directing that at you !AA).
scorpion 2 said:
Why not unfreeze our current AA pension and keep the company match.  
I have a better idea. Why don't you focus your energy toward goals that actually have a chance of succeeding instead of a head in the clouds fantasy. Like getting rid of the TWU and getting a real negotiator.
CMH_GSE said:
Except, if we get a 9.9% match then we really aren't funding our own, the company would be contributing a significant amount.
And we still have more control over how the money is invested than any other vehicle.
I am not debating that. 
However most places don't offer a 9.9 match. 
The truth is pension used to be from employer to employee..... now it is employee to corporate America (whoever you buy stock in) through 401k. 
The direction of traffic has changed so to speak.
Let me restate my position.
700UW is absolutely right. 
Instead of your employer investing in your future through a pension your investing in theirs through a 401k and HOPING you see a return. 
I had that same conversation a year before 700UW posted it.
WeAAsles said:
Can't stand liars.
That would explain the self loathing. 
scorpion 2 said:
And who are you that we should take your logic as anything as substance? Are the twu and iam confiding in you and using you as their conduit to dispel the fear? The only dummy here is the one saying its all good even though you don't have anything as substance to prove otherwise. Most of us are searching for the truth and are asking the right people the right questions but getting no answers. You on the other hand are using your own opinion as fact with nothing at all to substantiate what you say. I wouldn't call you a liar but disingenuous and misleading would be an accurate accusation. 
I always knew you were scum WeAAsles. Thanks for proving me right. :)
WeAAsles said:
Not really. Just continuing to be a smart***. Living up to the expectation.
See above.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I have a better idea. Why don't you focus your energy toward goals that actually have a chance of succeeding instead of a head in the clouds fantasy.
That was a rhetorical analogy and trust me I have no pie in the sky illusions.   
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