ualdriver said:
I agree Jungle. Crap or get off the pot! If the IAM thinks that their typical members' educational background and experice will allow them to command a $15-20/hr job with full benefits and a pension in the real world, have at it!
Strike away!
Well, to be fair to IAM members, there are a few reasons why at least some haven't changed jobs yet. For example, in our situation, part of the reason is the aforementioned flexibility. We have an 8 month old daughter: my wife can work a schedule which requires minimal child care. With good quality child care often running $150-200/week, that's a heckuva burden for another job to overcome.
Second, this is a job where once you're off-duty, you're off-duty. The hours are regular unless you work OT (unlike most salaried jobs out there, where you'll be working over 40 hours for at least part of the year), and you don't have to take work home with you. Once you clock out/sign out/whatever, you're done.
Of course, for most people there's a certain amount of inertia. Finding a new job is usually hard work, and nobody really enjoys that process. Not that it justifies it, I'm just sayin'. In my wife's case, being pregnant and then having an infant around the house has kinda gotten in the way of the job search.
FWIW, I'm currently at a job that pays me less than I would likely command at several other places, but it's 40 hours a week and no more, I have a good boss and a good work environment, and there's plenty of potential for growth.
Having said that, UAL is obviously not a good work environment any more, there's lots of job
insecurity, and superior performance is not rewarded. And in my wife's department a number of people are leaving, so a lot of people are getting off that pot and flushing their United job away.
However, I will reiterate that AFAIK the majority of people in my wife's department do
not have college degrees, and I believe they'll be hard pressed to find replacement jobs with similar compensation packages and benefits.
PS- the flight benefits can be an irrational attraction as well. Even when (like us) you don't use them AT ALL for an entire year, and even though logically you know that plane tickets only cost X dollars and that higher pay of Y thousand could buy an awful lot of plane tickets, you still may think "yeah, but if what if I wake up one day and just feel like buying fresh lobster in Maine? I can do that now."