Your post links of doom and gloom. Yes times are bad. Yes LCC is in a financial bind. Yes consolidation this year with anyone looks like a lost cause. Yes the pilots and flight attendants haven't reached a combined CBA. That said. The collective minds at LCC still have the oportunity to succeed. The synergy DP stated at the merge still hasn't taken place to its fullest extent. The savings alone from the Pilots and F/A's saves the company better than 500 million a year given the 05 estimates. Fuel prices being what they are make that model obsolete. What you will see in the very near future is a complete change in the business model. One that reflects change and a realistic prospect for profit.
While I don't like the thought of more paycuts, work rule changes, etc... They will be coming along with layoffs... This to shrink the business model to a realistic state. You can't make money if your costs are not reflective to reality. And the reality is change will come again in the form of layoffs. DP will have to shrink to become profitable. Parking of A/C. Changing Hub cities to Focus cities. Droping unprofitable routes. This is all change. And it is coming.
Now it may sound that I am a doom and gloomer, and to some extent I probably am to a point. I do however feel that the real change will come in the next few months with a change in leadership to the company. I think the stockholders of this company will vote out it's present management. This includes DP and Kirby. Who will take their place is yet to be seen. But change is coming. LCC makes it money from the east not the west. The stockholders, the real stockholders...(institutions, mutual funds, bond holders, etc)will have to decide if the long term prospects of this company are viable. They are... The NY Shuttle alone can fetch 300 to 500 million alone. The PHL feed and the fact that it brings in 76% local traffic speaks volumes. The long term investers, not present management hold the future of LCC.
Watch and see... Change is inevitable... Whether we like it or not...
Just my opinion...