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NMB Makes Ruling on IAM/IBT Mechanics

Don't worry 700, I will not respond to your nonsense nor ever read these boards any longer, it’s over for me, just a damn shame the IAM is still there. I just wanted to point out some very real facts to balance your insanity called posts.[/b]

Thank you and good luck.
Thank you and good luck.

This to all of the West Mechanics. As a West Fleet Service agent prior to May 11th(IAM took over) I heard a lot of but bad things about the IAM but in the 3 months I have been in the IAM I believe I no make that I know that I have recieved more communication from them then I ever did from TWU and I have been with the airline since before the first contract was even negotiated. We All must make this work I believe you to will see that its all for the best.
Brother don't get your hopes up because the light at the end of the tunnel is the IAM train coming right at ya! With Doug driving it!

you are exactly right. There are many blind people who fail to look at evidence but instead puts blinders on as if the IAM is going to finally change and represent workers. Puh leeesssee.

I certainly wish it were true that the IAM is a justice fighter but nothing could be farther from the truth. IMO, the only hope fleet service had was if the mechanics had an election to keep the IAM from a full blown sweetheart.
Now with decision in hand, the workers are defeated and history tells us that they will pay a 'painful price' as the IAM will put the pressure on management to squeeze any profits to the IAM institution, not necessarily the workers.

I would suspect this would translate into a quick transition agreement where the IAM can obtain more $ from new US West members. Mechanics will be sweethearted also. Only the Pilots will obtain a 'final transitional agreement' that is fair but they won't be able to sign it until the IAM's sweethearts are signed. Look for the sellout deal to begin, and then afterwards look to see who are the new AGC's and IAM stooges. Those will be the ones who sold out for the dollar. Happens every time in America's Labor movement.


This to all of the West Mechanics. As a West Fleet Service agent prior to May 11th(IAM took over) I heard a lot of but bad things about the IAM but in the 3 months I have been in the IAM I believe I no make that I know that I have recieved more communication from them then I ever did from TWU and I have been with the airline since before the first contract was even negotiated. We All must make this work I believe you to will see that its all for the best.

that's how they won the fleet service election, all talk. They been talking for 10 years. In fleet's first bankruptcy contract, the IAM spoke for the company and deceived many fleet service into thinking that an 1113 letter would mean the company can't come back for more. Many tried to tell the workers that the IAM was BSing but the majority wanted to believe the IAM's lies.
Then in a couple months, guess what? They came back for more and the IAM loyalists threw their hands up and said something like 'what cha going to do' 'we can'ts do nott'n'. "It better than wal mart".

Somewhere around there they also said repeatedly "No more concessions". Fleet service took so many concessions I forget when they started saying this one. So another concession was signed and the IAM got more $ as workers took more cuts. One group even wised up and voted against a contract, the IAM rallied and announced to the media that its members were confused, like a good company moutpiece would do instead of standing up for its members expressed opinion. It became clear that the IAM would redo a vote until the members got it right [implicitly, right meant do as the IAM sez do].

OTOH, I have lived long enough to know some things change so I'll give you points for being hopeful. Many have mailed it in already and don't really keep up with all the Union rhetoric.


I know the IAM is not your union of choice.

Did you ever consider the possibility that if you quit fighting the union, you could work to make it better for the workers?
I no longer have a dog in this fight but I can tell you when I first started working for PSA back in 87 we were IBT and because of the weak language of the contract the company pretty much did as they pleased.

The day after the US Air/PSA merger took place and the IAM was in control management's attitude changed for the better and our entire work environment improved drastically.

I worked at Sky Harbor and because of my job at the time I would have to go to AWA hanger on a regular basis. I saw the conditions that the AMT's work under and I can almost guarantee that in time your going to see a positive improvement in not only your pay but your working conditions as well.

As far as 700UW is concerned, I saw him stand up to Buffenbarger for what he believed in and like him or not he knows what he's talking about and when your backs up against the wall and your facing the Company goons there's no better person to have in your corner.

The dude abides
Consider the source.

Tim is bitter as he was removed from his Grievance Position, he tried to start his own union several times and failed.

The IAM was faced with a crappy situation, and the members did what they had to do and that is the bottom line.

You always live to fight another day and now the other day is here.

The time is to solidify and stop the in-fighting, if we fight each other the only winner will be Doogie.

And Tug,

Thanks for the kind words. You reminded me of that situation with Buffy while attending that conference. But you know I earned his respect and Roach's and other Officials that day.
And Tug,

Thanks for the kind words. You reminded me of that situation with Buffy while attending that conference. But you know I earned his respect and Roach's and other Officials that day.
Without a doubt 700 and IMO they deserve that respect.

My point is that the AMT's on the west only see you as a spokesperson for the IAM but your more than that, your one of the few people that actually stand up for what you believe in.
You poor B@$t@rds. I feel for you having the IAM represent you. I can not understand how they hang on. Best of luck! You are the poorest paid in the industry and deserve it since you voted them back in. My condolences to you and your families.

Consider the source.

Tim is bitter as he was removed from his Grievance Position, he tried to start his own union several times and failed.

The IAM was faced with a crappy situation, and the members did what they had to do and that is the bottom line.

You always live to fight another day and now the other day is here.

The time is to solidify and stop the in-fighting, if we fight each other the only winner will be Doogie.

And Tug,

Thanks for the kind words. You reminded me of that situation with Buffy while attending that conference. But you know I earned his respect and Roach's and other Officials that day.

700, the whole living to fight another day philosophy ruined this airline industry for labor. I'll give the IAM points for what they did at Eastern Airlines.

They eliminated the cancer of corporate greed and worker exploitation at Eastern by burying that airline. It preserved the industry jobs. In fact it perserved it so good that many Eastern mechanics were able to get jobs at other carriers that recognized the true worth of a mechanic. Who hasn't worked with an old Eastern Employee?

Unfortunately, when the same cancer faced the IAM in this century, the IAM sold out and pretty much said what you just said, the whole live to fight another day.

As soon as the IAM sold out one group instead of taking care of what it had to take care of, other airlines wanted the same piece of 'butt'. They all whispered, "Give me some". Now, the whole industry is corrupted with corporate greed as a result of the "UNIONS" as they tried to maintain members and other perks from companies on the backs of workers.

Now, if a mechanic gets laid off at US AIRWAYS, where's the family rearing job? Where's he going to go within the industry for a fair wage?

The unions put the screws to companies now by milking profits out of companies to build up the union's ranks and otherness. The workers sure don't get anything and what the company would have given the workers, now goes to unions.
On your property, how much more would workers have received in negotiations if the company didn't have to recognize the IAM at MDA? How much did it cost workers to have an IAM person who works at United sit on your BOD?
Who paid the millions of dollars to the IAM for their 'experts' during negotiations? I know the company flipped the bill but who do you really think paid?
Among many other things.

The American Labor Movement is useless for the worker. The worker knows this and that is why the IAM desperately avoided a union election last year. Union membership is now only 7.9% of the private workforce and it wouldn't surprise me if it hits only 5% by 2010.

Another sellout involves trying to sign up immigrent workers. The AFLCIO just made a pact with an institution which I believe supports illegal workers. Let's wait and see how that unfolds. I understand the AFLCIO hedging for more members from a business standpoint but it isn't right. It will eventually tear down the wages of all the good honest hardworking construction workers/plumbers/electirians, etc. Of course, in the end they will blame Bush.


I know the IAM is not your union of choice.

Did you ever consider the possibility that if you quit fighting the union, you could work to make it better for the workers?

Good question.

From the start
without rehashing all the nonsense fleet service has had to deal with from the IAM I will simply say I tried.

I realized one would have to change the officers to at least have a chance for a semblance of justice. Keep in mind that if any elected officer doesn't tug the IAM National position then the guy could get booted anyways.
But nonetheless, I helped coordinate a campaign, following the IAM constitution for DL officer elections. The candidates were successful in obtaining the necessary amount of local lodges to support them. This was achieved by tying in both US AIRWAYS Locals and United locals [JFK].

Immediately, the DL didn't recognize a local or two. It was appealed to Buffy and Buffy [INTL Pres] said the workers basically couldn't be on the ballot because of 'irregularities'. The process went to the Labor Department. Of course the Labor department did not side with Buffy but brought in the DOJ and made a ruling.

Even though the labor department ruled in favor of the candidates, Buffy knew, the election was long gone.

Dog wonder, been there done that. I wouldn't even recommend anyone to do what I did. It's worthless and a complete waste of time. It's easier to get rid of the whole union moreso than getting rid of your representatives.

I give points to the mechanics who organized a campaign to vote down one of their contracts. Unfortunately, even though the IAM never spoke against your company in the press, it was quick to tell the press that the mechanics were 'confused'. Wow, it made the mechanics look like complete retards. Of course, the IAM was not going to sit by idly and let the vote stand since a real sweet deal was waiting for the IAM around the corner. They always get their way. And it isn't a case of the IAM only, the IAM is just representative of the whole American Labor Movement. A bunch of businessmen overtook the American labor movement long long ago. They don't give a rat's rear end about you.

Consider the source.

Tim is bitter as he was removed from his Grievance Position

In all fairness, is he any more bitter than the IAM partisan who was terminated from the company and constantly attacks every single thing about US on here?

Tim's posts may be stridently anti IAM, but he does put some effort in articulating an intelligent basis for his beliefs, other than simply parroting a party line.

I'm not saying I agree with all his posts, but I do think its a cheap shot to attempt to dishonor his beliefs while you have such bitterness and hatred in your own posts.

You have a personal agenda and you have been less than forthright with your own history and lack of integrity.
First of all every single union in the airline industry has been forced to take concessions as you may not realize the industry has changed and will never be the same.

Second, when the IAM had a BOD member it was Joseph Mantineo Sr, a retired US Airways Mechanic who worked at EWR and became an AGC for 141, so where do you get that a UAL employee sat on the US Airways BOD?

Please explain to me that when the IAM went on strike for five days and came back with concessions that we milked the company for its profits?

Please explain to me how that when it took from 1995 till 1999 for the IAM M&R to reach a new CBA, when we were topped out and got no raises, that we milked the company out of profits?

The true reason organized labor is on the downslide is due to the apathetic attitudes of the membership and how they vote. Until people wake up and vote with their wallet instead of moral issues, things will only get worse.

All unions on the property got representation at MDA and they were not a seperate company nor a seperate airline and flew on the mainline certificate, just like TED at UAL, the respective unions at UAL represents TED employees, just like Metrojet here.

And during the first round of concessions after it was voted down the membership bombarded the locals and the company wanting to vote again, since you are not an M&R nor an IAM official or a company labor relations person, I would not expect you to actually comprehend those facts.

Dave Siegel came out and stated he would hold his own vote if the IAM would not revote, as a matter of fact Siegel sent a letter to all of us about how he made some mis-statements and explained the company position to all of us and said he would hold his own vote.

The IAM HDQ stepped in and took ownership of the issue and ordered the District to hold another vote. (something I totally disagreed with)

If the members truely wanted to vote it down, why did it pass the second time?

And once again, another topic that has been hijacked by anti-IAM people.

The topic is about the NMB certifying the IAM at US for all AMTs.
the IAM is just representative of the whole American Labor Movement. A bunch of businessmen overtook the American labor movement long long ago. They don't give a rat's rear end about you.


And just like the sheep in America which blindly follow either political party which doesn't give a damn about the people of this country, some union members allow labor "leaders" who don't give a damn about their membership to lead them around by the nose, while "working class" men and women continue the rapid slide down to poverty wages and broken dreams.
Just remember, now the true war starts, the former HP 737s and A320 family aircraft will now have to be done in-house, Al "head in the way" will fight tooth and nail to cut costs, stand tall and together and show the company we mean business, remember Doug's motto "cost neutral" while he and others make millions.

And to b737 mechanic, you have not lost anything, you are whining prematurly.
Only 50% of all b737's and all small airbus