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New TWU president talks tough against DOJ lawsuit, American Airlines layoffs, industry outsourcing

You must be so proud. First using deceased and unskilled to prevent a vote. Then next bringing in the Teamsters to prevent the vote. What exactly is it that causes you to fear a ballot reaching the dues paying member? You seem so confident in your praise of the TWU, yet the strategy is always prevent a ballot from reaching the member to make the choice. If you are that confident, then stop derailing the ballot and see what the membership's choice might be. Campaign on the TWU skills you praise and put this to rest. Instead, TWU stays on the property with massive dissent against. And you call that a strong Union? Illogical and pathetic. Now even the most supportive TWU members are questioning the legitimacy of their representation. Success? Not hardly.
Weld on brother
Wrong. Using 2012 numbers AA RASM was 12.27 cents and SWA 12.02 cents. The spread is minimal.

AA labor CESM (stage length adjusted) is 4.48 cents and SWA is 2.98 cents. Total costs for CESM are even more striking. 11.30 for AA and 6.30 for SWA.

Looking at the facts you can easily see that SWA has very similar revenue (the low fare thing is not true at SWA anymore, have you looked up a fare lately?) to AA and has lower operating costs. The labor CESM shows that SWA spends less on in-house labor and the total costs shows that spend even less due to outsourcing. The story is similar at the other airlines as well.

So SWA generates similar revenue as AA with about half the cost. You should do some research next time.
Wrong again, half the labor costs but thats only half the story because as you said SWA outsources most of their maintenance, so you have to add in what SWA pays to have other work thier aircraft, but at least you admitted that they generate .25 cents more per ASM, minimal you say but when you multiply that .25 times each seat times each mile times each flight the numbers come out pretty big, AA earned around $8 billion more than SWA last year, this year will likely be even more, and SWA had pretty much the same number of aircraft.
65% of TUL? How did you come up with that number? Not going to happen. It's not possible per the formula.
You claim its not possible per the formula? Prove it. In one thread you admit that Tulsa will continue to shrink due to new aircraft coming on line, then you claim that we will soon see a big raise with the mid term wage adjustment which raises total costs on a decreasing workload which will allow the company to farm out more work thats currently done in Tulsa, you have claimed all along that we had to agree to work for much less to save those jobs in Tulsa, well when we all get the raise doesn't that undo what you said must be done to save Tulsa? Lets see your numbers and language that prove that by the time we get to new negotiations, real ones not the BS early openers, that prove that they will have to keep more than 35% of what Tulsa was when they filed C-11.
Wrong again, half the labor costs but thats only half the story because as you said SWA outsources most of their maintenance, so you have to add in what SWA pays to have other work thier aircraft, but at least you admitted that they generate .25 cents more per ASM, minimal you say but when you multiply that .25 times each seat times each mile times each flight the numbers come out pretty big, AA earned around $8 billion more than SWA last year, this year will likely be even more, and SWA had pretty much the same number of aircraft.
Wrong again. Are you really that short sighted? It's total seats not total aircraft that's your commodity that you are selling. I can sell more seats on a fleet that ranges from A319s to B777s than SWA does with B737s. Also I gave you labor and total CESM. That is stage length adjusted cost equivalent seat miles. That is an adjustment for the size of aircraft and stage lengths flown which makes a more apples to apples comparison. The total CESM includes the cost that SWA pays to have their aircraft worked on.

The total CESM includes all operating costs excluding fuel. That means that SWA does have lower total costs of which a significant amount can be attributed to outsourcing.

Research man, research.
Wrong again. Are you really that short sighted? It's total seats not total aircraft that's your commodity that you are selling.

You talk more like management than a union man. I am selling only my labor in exchange for pay/benefits. Why dont you go to mangement since you talk like you know the airline business ends and outs so well? Most of us labor folks just want to sell our labor for good pay/benefits and a safe work place.
65% of TUL? How did you come up with that number? Not going to happen. It's not possible per the formula.

Did you read the NMB told AMFA no deal on allowing a vote?

You are right overspeed, I mistyped on this one. Should have said 65% of total membership by 2017. And that Tulsa will be the station hit starting this year into 2014. Not 65% of Tulsa. My bad. I apologize for the mistake, and at least I owned up to it. The ending result is more lay-offs are coming to Tulsa, the numbers we were told from this former employee of Tulsa is 3-400 by the time they are done. I am well aware that 400 is no where near 65% of Tulsa, but I think you, as well as most out here, knew what I was or meant to relay as we all know the 65% is directly related to the total membership by 2017 in which the TWU did agree to and sell to the membership for a YES vote. Way to go TWU, way to go... I thank you for pointing this out so I could correct it.
You talk more like management than a union man. I am selling only my labor in exchange for pay/benefits. Why dont you go to mangement since you talk like you know the airline business ends and outs so well? Most of us labor folks just want to sell our labor for good pay/benefits and a safe work place.
So when the debate elevates to a more detailed level you belittle the person instead of arguing the facts? You call them management and then degrade yourself and the profession. I thought you wanted to be treated as an educated and concerned professional? No we know where the true problems lie, a failure to dig deeper while keeping an open mind. I'm for understanding all the facts and making an educated and informed decision.

I'm pull for you to put down some of that hate, it's clouding your judgement.
They are. It was a little dig to mean go back to work, you are full of it again.

Some of my best friends are welders.
thats like saying I'm not a racist I know lot of blacks hmm overspeed now doesn't like minorities
They are. It was a little dig to mean go back to work, you are full of it again.

Some of my best friends are welders.
Most folks I know that meet you, talk behind your back about your ego and chip on the shoulder. And that has been since our high school days. Are the facts you live by similar to the facts you post about who you are and where you work and what your job function really is? Are those the "facts"?