So is going from 18000 to 6500. Bottom line is NWA no longer exists, they won the battle but lost the war. Those 3200 mechanics have moved on, many doing better than they would had they rolled over, you forget the fact that if the guys at NWA had rolled over they would have lost 50% anyway and the reason why NWA struggled along with just 900, when they wanted 2000 is because they could not find 1100 more scabs.
Temporary jobs? Am I missing something, didn't we also get rid of the "P" and "S" for system protection? So technically we are all temporary workers and just like the MROs if they don't have work for us, even if they are outsourcing work we could do, they can lay us off just like the MRO's who are non-union.
Does it really matter whether you lose your job due to outsourcing or efficiencies gained through mergers or concessions? Well, Yes, but you support losing your job the way thats worse for the profession but good for the company, no suprise there. Losing your job due to efficiencies, which you claim is what caused us to lose over 50% of the jobs at AA, is worse than losing your job due to a transfer of work to a different location such as through outsourcing. If work gets transferred to a different location then there isn't a net loss of jobs, with efficiency gains, like those you advocated with JLT, PLI and concessions such as giving up a week of vacation those jobs are actually eliminated permanently from the system as a whole. So, not only did we lower our compensation, but we also agreed to efficiencies that eliminated jobs permanently from the industry as a whole. We not only agreed to massive cuts in compensation but we agreed to work harder and work more hours essentially for free in addition to the compensation cuts and productivity gains. Instead of the jobs being shifted to a low wage MROs, where kids out of school can get experience with the hopes of getting a good paying job at a legacy carrier, or SWA, we helped eliminate those jobs entirely, with the company getting all those savings, and we lowered the wages at one of the legacies to be more in line with what MRO's pay than what legacies typically pay.
Once again you come out on the wrong side of the argument, you blast AMFA for creating thousands of low wage jobs, while admitting that they have preserved wages at SWA and defend the TWU for not only eliminating jobs permanently, but also lowering the wages of all the mechanics they represent.