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new routes eff 11/04


Aug 19, 2002
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Here's the new routes:

DEN adds ABQ (yes, I'm surprised)/AMA/AUS/OKC/SEA
MSY-BHM finally returns
OAK-TUS returns after about a ten-year hiatus

In addition to the previously discussed October route deletions (all transcons except BWI-SAN, MDW-SNA, PHX-CLE), the single ELP-MAF RT is also being dropped 11/4.
Oh no, the ELP-Odessa flight is being nixed? What is this world coming to?
Jealousy doesn't become you mags....how many unprofitable routes is UAL flying that they won't pull? Every time the wheels break the ground on that flight, your airline loses money. Are you mad because SWA will acknowledge that some routes don't warrant as much service, yet your airline won't??
Oh no, the ELP-Odessa flight is being nixed? What is this world coming to?

Almost as much of a heartbreak as when one could no longer fly to all 50 states on UAL.
Hard to believe there wasn't enough demand to fill up that ILG-RIC 727... :unsure:
Almost as much of a heartbreak as when one could no longer fly to all 50 states on UAL.
Hard to believe there wasn't enough demand to fill up that ILG-RIC 727... :unsure:

I'm glad that someone else remembers UA's "50 states" campaign. I was a college student at the time and was an airline enthusiast. UA kept adding flights to small, remote airports -- with service to about 45 states at the time. I looked at the route map one day and exclaimed, "OMG, United trying to be the FIRST airline to fly to ALL 50 states!!!!"

Sure enough, about 6 months later, UA proudly announced that they were "First to Fly to all 50 states". I was so proud of my airline "expertise" at the time. Did UA's service last a whole year???
I'm glad that someone else remembers UA's "50 states" campaign. I was a college student at the time and was an airline enthusiast. UA kept adding flights to small, remote airports -- with service to about 45 states at the time. I looked at the route map one day and exclaimed, "OMG, United trying to be the FIRST airline to fly to ALL 50 states!!!!"

Sure enough, about 6 months later, UA proudly announced that they were "First to Fly to all 50 states". I was so proud of my airline "expertise" at the time. Did UA's service last a whole year???

Had to consult the schedule archives...Proudly announced in the October 28, 1984 timetable "First to Fly to All 50 States!" actually lasted far longer than a year--over three years, in fact!
Casper and the aforementioned Wilmington (DE) were quietly dropped (CPR went to UA Express, ILG was dropped totally) sometime in December 1987 or January 1988.
Jealousy doesn't become you mags....how many unprofitable routes is UAL flying that they won't pull? Every time the wheels break the ground on that flight, your airline loses money. Are you mad because SWA will acknowledge that some routes don't warrant as much service, yet your airline won't??

UA has dropped many cities over the years KC. SWA has used irrational route subsidise by fuel hedges for many years. In fact SWA has been a bit like the EAS services. Well now that the fuel is being paid for in todays dollars SWA has to look at the decisions they have made and are scampering to find profits. According to news today SWA would have lost money in 8 of the last 16 years had it not been for hedging.

I think UAL has been very proactive in leaving markets that were not justifying staying in them. Can't say the same about SWA, until now. Glad to see the axe being swung at the route map. But of course they are getting the BHM to MSY flight back and that should quell any fears of an implosion.
I'm glad that someone else remembers UA's "50 states" campaign. I was a college student at the time and was an airline enthusiast. UA kept adding flights to small, remote airports -- with service to about 45 states at the time. I looked at the route map one day and exclaimed, "OMG, United trying to be the FIRST airline to fly to ALL 50 states!!!!"

Sure enough, about 6 months later, UA proudly announced that they were "First to Fly to all 50 states". I was so proud of my airline "expertise" at the time. Did UA's service last a whole year???
I remember UA back in the mid '70's flying Chicago-Ely-Elko-San Francisco route. Now DL I believe is doing the 50 state thing.
I think UAL has been very proactive in leaving markets that were not justifying staying in them. Can't say the same about SWA, until now. Glad to see the axe being swung at the route map.
I hate to bust your bubble but SWA has cut flights between markets before. For example a little over a year ago SWA cut flights between MCI and MHT as well as BNA and MHT. They have also pulled out of the IAH - DAL market. This isn't the 1st time in SWA's history that they have pulled out of markets, and it won't be the last.
SWA (which still makes a profit) is different than UAL in many ways.

Two of which are that SWA mgmt is nimble and will modify its business model before Ch 11 forces such a modification. A second is that SWA employees will do what it takes to see that SWA's success will continue.

Another advantage SWA has over UAL is that we take great care to ensure that we don't hire classless acts like Mags/Busboy.

Moving resources to DEN. Why? Because competing with UAL is STILL like clubbing a baby seal.
I remember UA back in the mid '70's flying Chicago-Ely-Elko-San Francisco route. Now DL I believe is doing the 50 state thing.

EKO/ELY were the first two markets dropped by UA in 1979 when deregulation started.
The actual flight routing was (SFO)-RNO-EKO-ELY-SLC-(ORD or elsewhere). UAL's last DC-6 flights were on this route until it was finally replaced by a 737 about 1969 or 70.

The difference in DL's '50 state thing' is that they use Delta Connection partners to serve some states. UA's 1984-87 "First to Fly to All 50 States" promotion featured all mainline equipment. It was amazing seeing a 737-200 and a 727-100 at ILG in 1986!
Really doubt if they were full flights... B)
I personally flew on the DC-6 in 1976 from SLC-ELY and then ELY-EKO-RNO. Couldn't pressuize coming out of ELY and circled for about 30 mins before landing again. I remember that trip like it was yesterday. Thanks for a blast of the past.

In regards to fuel hedging, SWA has been doing that for about 5 or 6 years, not 16 MAGS.

just my thoughts.........