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Sw's Next City

WNrforlife said:
Our next city will be PIT.
We had a long range planner here about a year ago. A few of us from PIT were selling it strong. I hope it is but the Allegheny County has to realize "If you build it they will come." doesn't apply with the airport. They have to market themselves a little better. I remember a sign outside of headquarters stating something like "Virgina is for LUVERS" before we flew in to ORF. It looks like the town is waiting for an offer that isn't going to come if they don't work at it. They ought to give the company what ever they want with in reason. With growth held in check at CLE with CO. How could they lose?
funguy2 said:
Still Ft. Myers seems to be VERY seasonal. I just think that LUV probably has bigger fish to fry in the short term...

True - WN stepped out of it's usual "plan" with PHL. Before 9/11, it was talk of COS and other smaller markets. That just can't hold up now. I'd bet a market like CLT would be the level we're looking for nowadays. I mean, what can possibly compare to PHL?
uafa21 said:
I don't think anyone is excited Usair may go belly up.

Yeah and the previous reply with a cheering hands up suggest otherwise. There's no getting out of that one. We learned to see thru the best of deceptineness. Remember we work for US Airways. Shame!! :down:
firstamendment said:
Point made. :down:

firstamendment, just because a few posters may be spouting off it doesn't mean the whole airline feels the same. In fact the poster may not be looking at it on a personal level as he may not know anyone at U, he is just looking at it as a opportunity for our airline, I dunno. Hell, maybe he does know people at U and is just one mean moe-foe.
Once WN gets a couple more gates at PHL, I think it's time for RIC to come online. Too close for RIC-BWI to make sense since people already drive from RIC to BWI to catch WN, but RIC-PHL is a whole other markets. Lots of O&D traffic (RIC-PHL), plus connecting opportunities (BDL, MHT, PVD), screaming for lower fares because of US.

Throw in a couple nonstops to MDW, ISP, one or two to MCO, TPA. we have a winner.
Tanker said:
From what I hear SWA's next city will be Ft Myers in Apr. However if USAir goes out of business before Apr it will be CLT.

PIT's O&D is greater.

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