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Sw's Next City

DFW would be interesting with about 25 flights a day. NO intra-Texas service. All long haul. PHX, LAX, LAS, OAK, MDW, BWI, TPA, MCO, FLL, SEA, BNA. It would only need 3 gates and would definitely be exciting to see AA's response. Just dreaming.........
AA's response would be to open their two gates at Love with flights to Austin, New Orleans and maybe ABQ?
mrman said:
AA's response would be to open their two gates at Love with flights to Austin, New Orleans and maybe ABQ?

AA tried DAL-AUS several years back with MD-80's and later ERJ's -- even though they matched WN on frequency and fares, they got their butts handed to them on a polished aluminum platter. Load factors were somewhere in the 20-40% range if I recall correctly. It's unlikely that the result would be any different today, and AA can't really afford a protracted fare war with WN.
WNrforlife said:
Our next city will be PIT. Just waiting for USAir to go belly up. :up:

If that event does indeed occur (hope it doesn't), I'd pick CLT first, then maybe PIT.
mga707 said:
If that event does indeed occur (hope it doesn't), I'd pick CLT first, then maybe PIT.

From what I hear SWA's next city will be Ft Myers in Apr. However if USAir goes out of business before Apr it will be CLT.
WNrforlife said:
Our next city will be PIT. Just waiting for USAir to go belly up. :up:

You are excited US Airways may go out of business? Despicable.
I don't think anyone is excited Usair may go belly up. I guaranty you though that Luv can pick up some of the pieces though. They may look at both Pit and Clt. Why not? It would be a good move on thier part. They would just need to figure out how to get enough planes to service the markets.

Maybe this talk between Air Trans and Luv is not so far fetched. Luv could in fact use those planes for exspansion needs and probably get them at a bargin rate.
Tanker said:
From what I hear SWA's next city will be Ft Myers in Apr. However if USAir goes out of business before Apr it will be CLT.

That can't possibly be true... LUV is too smart for that... Why would LUV open Ft. Myers at the end of Winter Travel, instead of at the beginning?
richb624 said:
Richmond may be a better opportunity for Airtran than for Southwest. Four out of the five top markets out of Richmond are New York, Atlanta and DFW. and Boston (none served directly by LUV).

You can't use past history as a guide when determining market potential with SW. There was no market between Baltimore and Providence/Manchester before SW start service. Now both city pairs are in the top 100 most traveled in the United States.

Here are the top 15 O&D numbers from ORF before and after SW arrived.

2Q, 2003

CityST Passengers/Day One-wayFare LgstCarrier
Orlando, FL 458.8 88.14 WN
Atlanta, GA 380.86 136.1 DL
New York, NY 306.08 201.62 US
Jacksonville, FL 288.26 96.68 WN
San Diego, CA 285.65 205.99 DL
Chicago, IL 267.71 145.03 WN
Los Angeles, CA 257.39 195.22 AA
Las Vegas, NV 232.06 174.84 WN
Baltimore, MD 217.06 72.12 WN
Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL 205.32 103.91 DL
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 200.86 113.46 WN
Seattle, WA 199.45 213.71 AA
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX 190.97 218.03 AA
Providence, RI 186.73 129.18 WN
Detroit, MI 163.47 230.33 NW

2Q, 2000

CityST Passengers/Day One-wayFare LgstCarrier
New York, NY 569 181 US
Atlanta, GA 519 121 DL
Chicago, IL 273 226 UA
Orlando, FL 220 118 US
Boston, MA 213 191 AA
Dallas, Tx 204 219 AA
San Diego, CA 203 256 US
Los Angeles, CA 179 300 US
Philadelphia, PA 162 230 US
Detroit, MI 156 216 NW
Jacksonville, FL 145 129 US
Seattle, WA 143 265 TW
TAMPA, FL 140 136 US
Houston, TX 135 198 CO
Las Vegas, NV 120 213 DL
A potential April or May start-up of Fort Myers service would coincide with the opening of the new terminal
jimmyd said:
A potential April or May start-up of Fort Myers service would coincide with the opening of the new terminal

Ok... I didn't realize that... So there is at least some logic behind Ft. Myers...

Still Ft. Myers seems to be VERY seasonal. I just think that LUV probably has bigger fish to fry in the short term...
funguy2 said:
Still Ft. Myers seems to be VERY seasonal. I just think that LUV probably has bigger fish to fry in the short term...

Two major problems with RSW, as I've claimed before. One is that it's very seasonal. The other is that it offers very few workable short-haul destinations, which are WN's key niche. FLL, PBI, TPA, and MCO are all too close. JAX probably doesn't offer enough traffic to fill more than one daily flight in the best case. I'm sure they could reach 10-12 dailies with service to MDW, BWI, PHL, ISP, BNA, and MSY, but the seasonal nature of the north-south routes doesn't help.
I think DesMoines,IA (DSM) would be a good choice.
considering, it is served by 2 airlines that are in trouble ATA and US
so that may leave a major hole in the routes flown out of DSM, plus SWA could offer Non-Stop flights to both east and west coast, which non of the others airlines seem to do, and the other routes compliment those already flown by WN. so it would be an instant set up right in the heartland of america.
coolflyingfool said:
With all that is or could be happening in the industry in the very near future, I wonder if SWA will committ to a new city in 2005. IF, and I mean IF ATA were to fail, MDW would need more flights immediately. IF, and I mean IF US were to fail, PHL and the East Coast would need more capacity right away. I wonder if there will be a city in 2005 and only time will tell. Just my thoughts.......

Why doesn't anyone ever mention XNA (Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport)?? One of the most modern and fastest growing mid-size airports in the country and near substantial population bases. No LF competition at all.

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