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New refurbished 767

Sweet Mother of Mary and Joseph! I mean everything they touch is a disaster! I can't wait to get that mess of a plane. I digress as the whole thing makes me want to laugh or throw up. I choose to laugh.
Happy Birthday Etops! Hope you didn't party too much in MAD! :wacko: As for the 767! Another half assed job by Tempe! No improved chillers? Those galley should have been ripped out and thrown into a landfill! They are beat up, outdated and cooking the meals it's a miracle you don't get electrocuted. This whole thing it like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang across the Atlantic. 🙄
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What... your telling me that isn't the remodeled 767?
Spelling LOSER wrong kind of makes you seem like the loser
Here’s the latest game to be installed in the US Airways Clubs, right next to the video poker machines:

Sweet Mother of Mary and Joseph! I mean everything they touch is a disaster! I can't wait to get that mess of a plane. I digress as the whole thing makes me want to laugh or throw up. I choose to laugh.
You know what, honestly I have totally given up. I was just thinking that everything and I mean everything they touch has been turned into a complete disaster. I mean this place is like Hiroshima. Now they're "looking" at what to do about the plug in carts on the 67. I think we should just leave it alone cuz the next thing you know they're gonna have toaster ovens back there that they found on the cheap at the goodwill. And I'm not kidding!!!!!!!! I tried to let it go with the 320, then the 321 and I thought ok maybe a little Xanax, now I'm just hoping we merge again or get sold off. No wonder nobody wants to have anything to do with U.
This hansy pansy, shoe string, hootenanny operation is a joke.

Hootenanny! Love it! How apropos. Pretty much sums up the simple-minded, small-time, regional-airline thinkers in the halls of Tempe. And folks made fun of the Andy Griffith crowd at Piedmont! They had vision. They had style. They built an airline customers loved. Now, Tempe is tearing what little that was left of that era (excluding what East had already F'ed up) to shreds. They're trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, such as:

now I'm just hoping we merge again or get sold off. No wonder nobody wants to have anything to do with U.

Well becareful for what you wish for...you just might get what you want, but the company buying US just might not want to include you in the mix...be thankful you still have a job from the merger we are still in. All I can say is go in do your job and most importantly take care of the customer the best we can with the tools we have. Without the customer, we will all be out of a job.
Well becareful for what you wish for...you just might get what you want, but the company buying US just might not want to include you in the mix...be thankful you still have a job from the merger we are still in.

You know what? UNLESS we merge with another carrier, you can have this sh*tty F/A job at America's Most Hated/Least Favorite Airline Worldwide. I'm sick of 'doing the best woth the tools I have'- we have no tools, we have no incentive. It's an embarassment to work for this company. The ignorant trash in Tempe have no business being in the major airline business.

US has become such a joke none of the carriers want anything to do with it, but trust me that if anything's 'not included in the mix' it's not the East. Maybe you should be thankful you're somewhat attached to something bigger.

The "new" America West style US Airways reminds me of Jack Nicholson in the last scene of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest". Breathing, but lobotomized, with no dignity. I hope some other airline makes likes the Indian.

You know what, I don't give a flying fat rats a$$ about "being glad I still have a job". I like EMBFA am sick and tired of trying to do the best I can with the least amount of tools this jackass management will provide. Sherry Shamblin is an absolute joke and embarrassment. I have repeatedly tried to give this chick the benefit of the doubt. I can barely tolerate the chop job they have taken upon the aircraft cabin. NOW we have to deal with a jacked up galley too? No chillers on the new to be delivered airbus aircraft to throw in with the airplanes that DO have them? The ONLY talent this management team has is cutting EVERYTHING to the core. They have absolutely NO ability to run an airline. Have you ever been to that Mexican cantina place across from headquarters? Just look around at some of the folks that are USAIRWAYS.....AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I mean really. I honestly feel that many out there feel like they have "hit the big time". You can just SEE it in their faces. I know there are good people out there in that headquarters building but they are so lost in the sea of morons. Usairways is a shadow of it's former self. Though we were at deaths door we were still basically ran like an airline. What do they wanna consider cutting next? An engine? We can get this b!tch cross country on ONE? 🙄
Yeah you can fly CLT-SFO across the country on one engine but you'd need two for takeoff and the fuel stops in STL & DEN.
Well becareful for what you wish for...you just might get what you want, but the company buying US just might not want to include you in the mix...be thankful you still have a job from the merger we are still in. All I can say is go in do your job and most importantly take care of the customer the best we can with the tools we have. Without the customer, we will all be out of a job.

Oh please spare me!! Since 18 I've managed to survive 2 mergers and even a Chapter 7 after working my way up through the ranks into management and now here I am 2BK's, 3 paycuts, 1 furlough (2actually), and another merger later. I think these tools from Tempe expected the legacy employees to be exactly like the AWA folks and just put up with whatever happened and as you can see it ain't happening. If they're going to ruin this place it ain't going down without a fight. As far as taking care of the customers, that is getting harder and harder everyday due to the half a$$ way this place is operating. And for the record, I think you should let the management in on your epiphany about "without the customer, we will be out of a job."

Oh yes as far as fragmenting goes you might be the one worrying because as long as we have separate contracts the West AFA agreement does not have the same protections as the East AFA agreement.
Hootenanny! Love it! How apropos. Pretty much sums up the simple-minded, small-time, regional-airline thinkers in the halls of Tempe. And folks made fun of the Andy Griffith crowd at Piedmont! They had vision. They had style. They built an airline customers loved. Now, Tempe is tearing what little that was left of that era (excluding what East had already F'ed up) to shreds. They're trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, such as:

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I have an Aunt that thinks Beehive Hairdo's are still in fashion.

Those seat covers on the 767 look like Deep Blue Colored Glad Bags! Are they the Drawstring types or the self ties? 😛h34r:
I have an Aunt that thinks Beehive Hairdo's are still in fashion.

Those seat covers on the 767 look like Deep Blue Colored Glad Bags! Are they the Drawstring types or the self ties? 😛h34r:

Definitely the "Sinch Sak" variety. Using the kind that require making a granny knot would cost far too much to install.
thanks for all the warm wishes guys. i had a good time. i managed to get back to phl in one peice. was on ac 255 so it was still in the old config. good thing we were light in economy and envoy cause i sure needed that crew rest.
hey guys ,
i will be working a/c 248 today to bru. i will try to take pics of the new business class. and i will let you know how it went and if the pax liked it or not .
take care.

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