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New Atlantic Routes?

ORD-MAN and ORD-DUB is already on the 757, downgraded from 76.

These 2 flights were never downgraded to a 757. They are still 767's and according to AA from an HI6 12-3-08, they are STAYING 767's. Apparantly the 757's aren't coming to ORD summer 2009, sounds like a work in progress. Also, ORD-BRU MIGHT become a 777. They are working on if a plane is available. If it changes, it would only be till OCT 2009. Are they having trouble with the new interior on the IFS version? Or just a change in plans? Does JFK get them first instead? Any ideas?
Possibly, but I doubt that would stop AA. I mean the pilots would have had decent seats, F/A's, not so much. Sounds like something else.
To all who don't think JFK-BCN will not go to the 757 - CAL currently flies two EWR-BCN nonstops daily. Their pilot crew rest seat is 1F, I believe. Unlike AA, CAL is allowed to sell the seat next to the resting pilot.]
If you think its going to suck on the 757 to Europe,you are correct.pax and crew hate it,except for the AVOD.CAL flies to many Euro cities out of EWR on the 757,including OSL CGN,TXL ,HAM and other German cities.Lots of fuel stops in the summer or loads were restricted (Germans don't play).BTW,our dweeb pilots only get FC crew rest if there is a seat available,before any non-revs or company business riders.If FC is full,they get the overwing exit row in coach,without a curtain or anything.Emabarrasing really.Same for the 767 !,though they are using it as a bargaining chip.As for us FA's,we get the last row of Y,with a curtain,but interestingly,widebodied aircraft are supposed to have 4 crew rest seats,but magically the union allowed the # to be changed for the 757.Nice .

Same circus,different tent.