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New Pilot TA breakdown

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DL employees - pilots and non-pilots - ended up with HIGHER total compensation AND PROFIT SHARING after the change in the profit sharing formula.

that's a fact.

and it is also a fact that I said that DL pilots should not accept any deal that would reduce their total compensation.

And the company is well aware of how popular profit sharing is and how any cuts to profit sharing that aren't matched by increases in scale salaries would backfire - and it should.

I haven't for one minute argued that DL employees - pilot or not - should accept any cuts.

Based on what some of the pilot forums have said, alot of DL pilots are not convinced.

WN has had higher base salaries but lower profit sharing; it appears that is where DL is headed with compensation for its employees - which is what Wall Street wants.
no it does not apply to that particular individual....   just saying....   🙄 😛h34r:
Hope777 said:
OUCH !!!!  Glad to see the Pilots no longer drink the Kool-Aid
One of the items in the proposed contract that surprised me in the sense that ALPA even allowed it to go forward for a vote was the total capitulation to AF-KL.  It is ludicrous to just switch to block hours from ASMs (or ASkm's).
This seemed to me like either DL was doing AF-KL a favor, or, more likely, DL wants to mainly concentrate on flying their own metal to LHR and CDG/AMS and then let their Euro partners carry the passengers to their final destinations (all the secondary and tertiary cities DL currently flies to).
Just my $0.02
700UW said:
the most accurate statement from the article since it also supports the situation that exists with a number of other airline labor groups.

In a note issued July 8, Cowen & Co. analyst Helane Becker anticipated the contract might fail.

"What happens if the pilot contract is rejected?" Becker asked. "In one word, nothing," she responded.

"Day to day operations and/or the near-term outlook for the company will be unchanged," she wrote. "The contract was negotiated well ahead of the December 31, 2015, amendable date, and it is not unusual for contract negotiations to go well past the amendable date. Delta and its pilots have a strong relationship and we believe the company and union will be able to strike a deal before the amendable date.
700UW said:
Looks like the delays on labor contracts will filter throughout all airlines.  Most of us are hoping the F/A's at SWA will vote theirs down.  At least the pilots were smart enough to see thru what DL was really after.  I am sure that the pilots offer had alot more labor rules concessions involved than most of us general public knew about.  Although this was an early offer by the co. they still have the rest of this year to the amendable date.  There will more than likely be another offer by this date.  What I found interesting was the one statement about wanting to remove ALPA and bring in an independent union.  Another statement about how Delta pilots are not getting the compensation they were receiving 10 years ago.  If they voted this down with the idea of going back with full restore of contract then yes it may even go on for some time for the pilots as well.  I have no idea what is going on with the F/A's over at UAL, but I do believe they have gone the longest without a JCBA since the merger.
No the pilots were smart enough to figure out the cuts in profit sharing was funding their raises.
700UW said:
No the pilots were smart enough to figure out the cuts in profit sharing was funding their raises.
Yeah but, according to what I gather from listening to you unions peeps, more money in your check is better than Profit Sharing. Especially when you, personally, compare our salaries to others, you never seem to want to include PS in over all compensation!
They were losing more then they were gaining, is that too hard for you to understand?

And from what is being posted around it had more to do with sick time and scope (loss of international flying to partners).
And how the FOs were losing bidding rights to check airman.

you mean those same bidding rights that AA and UA pilots don't have to the degree that DL pilots have?

and the no pilots were convinced they wouldn't lose while I saw plenty of yes pilots who were convinced that they wouldn't lose.

Even the no voters can't deny that DL employees, pilot and non-pilot, have enjoyed the highest level of profit sharing in the industry and will again this year because even if the TA was approved, profit sharing wouldn't have changed. And even if the TA was approved, the level of profit sharing would still be as high as WN and perhaps higher.

DL employees will easily enjoy 15-20% profit sharing this year - a rare air level of profit sharing anywhere in corporate America.
It was almost a two to one margin of no, where do you come up with this garbage ?
just because DL pilots voted down the TA doesn't change that other pilots at other airlines have to give up some of the same things that DL pilots don't want to give up.
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