then restate what you believe, Kev.
We have repeatedly heard that DL non-contract employees will give raises to fund pilot raises despite the fact that DL mgmt said that the 2012 pilot CBA was cost-neutral. We have heard that DL pilots are supposed to disproportionately benefit from changes to profit sharing despite the fact that all DL employees get the same percentage of their salary in profit sharing.
Help us undersatnd your position.
Is it not possible that DL, who is no more thrilled to have to deal with unions with its pilots, wants to make sure the pilots see non-contract employees winning MORE than pilots?
You didn't have to give up anything in scope in order to gain pay raises and yet the latest pilot CBA included large RJ increases - which pilots do not like - in order to get their pay raises. Pilots will give up some bidding priority for co-pilots as part of the training process (which also exists at AA and UA) as well as increased work hours and sick time revisions in order to get the pay raises in 2015.
what have non-contract employees given up that they didn't have before they got the pay raise and what will they give up?
btw, the latest MIT data is out for 2014 and as expected, AA employees saw cuts in pay, DL employees overall showed the largest increases in average compensation, and DL airport personnel are not only the highest paid compared to their legacy peers but are now within a single digit percent of their peers at WN.