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New Pilot TA breakdown

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Looks like perhaps all is not copacetic in the House of Delta.  I'm sure we'll soon hear about why (a) this was stupid of the pilots and they'll rue the day they defied RA, and (b) why this doesn't matter at all and Delta is still on its unstoppable path to world domination.  In the meantime, it's true that this will obviously have no immediate day-to-day impact on Delta, but it will nonetheless be very interesting to see what ramifications/implications this has for the industry writ large, and in particular at Delta.
Wow, that's not even close.  I haven't been following this.  Was this a surprise?  Seems odd the union leadership would send a TA out for a vote for which there clearly wasn't enough support.
Great post on another forum about this:

"No need to fear. RA and the gang might come out kicking, after all he was hoping to be a child star on the Investor's call on the 15th and now will have to answer about the TA being voted down.
Company will be back at the table within 12 months. We are gonna be hiring 700+ pilots/year for a LONNNNG time. OE trip pulls and 2 year seat lock for new hires is high priority for them to reduce the astronomic cost of trainning. A lot of money to be lost if they drag this out on these two clauses, let alone everything else.
If they drag it out for 2-5 years, I will keep my PS at $2.5b trigger and decent work rules. Its a win win for us. No need to rush and lets only sign a great TA.
We keep our JV
We keep DCI where it is
We keep our Profit Sharing
We keep OE trips
We keep reserve rules"

There is no benefit for the Delta pilots to rush this. They clearly have RA by the 'nads.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Its a win win for us. No need to rush and lets only sign a great TA.
We keep our JV
We keep DCI where it is
We keep our Profit Sharing
We keep OE trips
We keep reserve rules"

There is no benefit for the Delta pilots to rush this. They clearly have RA by the 'nads.

...And good on the pilot group for seeing through so much of the recent posturing/theater from the C-Suite...
Hubris from labor? Never. Plz show us how labor ever won a showdown with airline mgmt. Psst. AMFA at NWA? Dickie signs the checks and pilots will stand in line w WN's employees waiting for the lottery
2:1 against? That's not even close to close.

Then again, this was an 11:8 vote at the MEC to send it out. Clearly, just short of half the MEC reps knew a turn when they saw it, and they still chose to send it out.
WorldTraveler said:
Hubris from labor? Never. Plz show us how labor ever won a showdown with airline mgmt. Psst. AMFA at NWA? Dickie signs the checks and pilots will stand in line w WN's employees waiting for the lottery
eolesen said:
2:1 against? That's not even close to close.Then again, this was an 11:8 vote at the MEC to send it out. Clearly, just short of half the MEC reps knew a turn when they saw it, and they still chose to send it out.
The current MEC is on the outs. They are so far out of touch with the line pilots. The pilots lose nothing by turning this away.

This will not bode well for Delta going forward. Especially with them trying to hold off the other groups from organizing.

It will be interesting hearing RA explain himself and his statements during the next call. I doubt he had that speech written. See how the shareholders like him if he goes hardball.

There is a large group of young pilots who know that this could be their time to cement their future career.
WorldTraveler said:
... Richard Anderson made it clear that there will be no follow-on negotiations if the TA is rejected.
I understand what you're saying here, but that's not how the RLA works.

Given that WN's large labor groups are all years past their amendable and are coming up wiht fairly small increases and no retro, the chances are high that Richard will follow the same strategy that Gary Kelley has taken at WN so it isn't a given that a rejection will result in a quick return to the table.
Certainly possible, but as noted by others, I don't think the pilots are in any real rush?

700UW said:
Not just a no vote, a resounding NO.
I'd just like to say how nice it is that the DL MEC uses platforms like Twitter to get their message out quickly. Other labor groups should take note...
WorldTraveler said:
Hubris from labor? Never.
If there's been grandstanding from the pilot group, I haven't seen it. In fact, this whole thing has seemed to have a real pragmatic air about it
Glenn Quagmire said:
There is a large group of young pilots who know that this could be their time to cement their future career.
As you know,when considering any language, you have to see it as being in there forever. For those guys on the lower end of the seniority list, this clearly seems to have gone against their career expectations.
Whew........At least Kev won't have to subsidised their raise now.
southwind said:
Whew........At least Kev won't have to subsidised their raise now.
Wow. Just wow.

Clueless would not even be in to come close to how detached you are from what is happening at your employer.
given that southwind actually works for DL, he is a lot more qualified to know what is going on than someone who NEVER worked for DL.

It's funny that the RLA has been villified on here by labor for years as being incapable of giving labor the freedom to stop mgmt and now when labor votes down an agreement, labor immediately believes that DALPA will succeed at walking right back into mgmt and getting all the money that mgmt refused to provide the first time around.

There will be a whole lot of people who will find how costly this no vote will be in costing DL pilots hundreds of millions of dollars in raises that they will never see. Sure the company will lose some as well but it is naive to think that the company can't and won't act fairly quickly to implement their plan B - which they knew could happen.

I wish DL pilots and other employees well but given that WN employees have sat for years waiting for contracts and are getting peanuts and their pilots are getting nowhere, DL pilots will likely find how long they have to wait for the contract they thought they would get.
"Although investors reacted favorably to the news, the negative vote is a setback for Delta, which set a goal of concluding a labor deal months ahead of schedule.

In a fact sheet for pilots, the union quoted Delta's Chief Executive Officer Richard Anderson as saying, "Failure to ratify the agreement will lead to a very different and longer path that will not result in a better deal. Uncertainty will prevail, and that will not be good for anybody."

Delta said it could not confirm the comment."

Delta said it could not confirm the comment?

have you thought about bringing world traveler in to explain why its a good deal for the pilots? and scould them for turning it down?
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