New NWA Contract Terms

Would You Agree to a contract like this?

  • Yes Definately, I would love this treatment from my employer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, only because my spouse ordered me to do so.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe, because I am willing to sacrifice myself for love the company.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I don't think so because it just doesn't seem right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hell No! I believe that no self respecting person would accept this type of treatment from an employ

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Idid not TAKE this job for personel reasons. I took it because it paid well, gave me a chance to return to the desert for awhile, and that was where most of my crew from Dothan were going. I STAYED because I really do love a challenge, and to prove It could be done. Yeah, I admit to taking it as a personal challenge. Thats just my nature I guess. You alluded to possible insecurities over being called names. Perhaps you may have a point. But by the same token, would a black man be considered insecure if he got offended over being caled a n#$%@r? Should a woman be called insecure if she is angered over being refered to as a HO, or ####? does a Scottsman have the right to feel insulted after being called English without beng labeled insecure? Granted, these are extreme cases, but no more so, I would say, than being compared to rapists and child molesters.

Are you trying to convince me or yourself that your emotions did not play a part in your decision? When you make statements like "It became personal" or "Yeah, I admit to taking it as a personal challenge." the only thing I can conclude is that emotions did play a part.

Whether you want to admit it or not what happens at other companies does have an affect on you. Now that NWA has shown that they can bring in "replacement workers" other comapnies can use that during negotiations. So the next time the issues of raises come up "replacement workers" will be in the back of everyones mind. Who do you think will have the advantage then?

After reading how you were unaware of the various labor issues going on in the industry or what sort of maintenance certian airlines perform I have a suggestion. It would be in your own best interest to keep up on industry current events. That way you if the situation ever arises where you need anotehr job you can make an informend deciosn. That way you can avoid companies that are either having finaincial or labor issues. Example, in A&P school I knew a guy who had an in at TWA. With my military experince I could have gotten a job. However I knew enough about TWA's finacial situation to look elsewhere. Good for me becasue if I had hired in at TWA I would be out of a job.

It's easy to say that you would have no problem having somone come in and take you're job becasue it has'nt happened to you yet. Also it would be easy to say that at this point in the game becasue you have put very little time in at NWA. Now lets say you end up putting years and years there. Then one day your boss comes up to you and tells you they got someone else and to pack your bags. I wonder if you would be singing the same tune.

Interesting that you say SWA's approach seems to be working. An approach that does not include using threats.

You may think of yourself as an "outsatandin a&P" but guess what? There are thousands of outstanding a&p's out there who are just as qualified as you or even more so. And these other a&p's are not going to casue problems on the shop floor due to the fact they worked at NWA. You may think you are something special but as people like you like to point out everybody is replaceable.

P.S. If you miss the USMC so much why did you get out?

**Moderator Note: Please refrain from quoting a lengthy post. It just makes it easier for everyone to read follow-on posts. Thank you.**

Very, very, very well said CSAR. I have been trying to get that across to some people for months now.

The problem PTO is that you are not very good at it. You spend way to much time either trying to bait people or rambling on about how you think things should work.
If someone comes along who can do as good a job as me but cheaper, or a better job at the same price, I will congradulate him, help get him started, then be on my way. To me that is only decency.
Are you saying that if a company hires a replacement for your job at a lower wage and plans to kick you to the curb, that you would train this individual before your exit? :lol: :lol: :up: You are no doubt the Apitamie of a company "Bootlicker" and your not fit to tie a Marines boot laces.

rationalize your Scabbing all you want, you along with the rest of your scab buddies are helping to destroy the A&P craft in assisting Corporate America lower the standard of living for those who have fought generations to raise this craft to a respectable level. I would never let you watch my back, else a knife might find its way to my spine! If you truly were a Marine, your discharge was a glorious event to our U.S. Servicemen.