New NWA Contract Terms

Would You Agree to a contract like this?

  • Yes Definately, I would love this treatment from my employer.

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  • Yes, only because my spouse ordered me to do so.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe, because I am willing to sacrifice myself for love the company.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I don't think so because it just doesn't seem right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hell No! I believe that no self respecting person would accept this type of treatment from an employ

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You ask some very good questions, and I will try to answer them shortly. Before I do, I would like to re-iterate what led me to STAY. I was compared to rapists. I was compared to child molesters. I was threatened, cussed at, flipped off, and generally treated poorly. Maybe it was just the Jarhead in me, but I do love a good fight. It became personel.
As far as contracts goes, NWA's was indeed the best in CONUS. Remember, contractors, are by there very nature, temp workers. My paycheck was guarenteed by AVTECH, vice NWA, So the, at that time, possibility of BK was of no concern of mine.
I was unaware of any of the mgt vice labor issues of NWA until after I got here, other than the possibility of a strike. (I still say the bathroom door thing was INSANE!)
To be honest, NWA has honored EVERY part of my contract, including several extras that they were under no obligation to provide. Until they violate those terms, Ishall continue to uphold my end of the bargain.
I did a stint with a feeder for the brownshirted nazi's a few years back. Cargo is DEFINATELY the way to profitability these days. I also have heard nothing but good about SWA. Whatever they are doing seems to be working. I was, however, under the impression that SWA did very little heavy maint. If they are doing heavy checks, and if the location was right, I MIGHT be persuaded to work there.
I guess I should have been morespecific in that I prefer 145 operations as opposed to 121's. Many years ago I left a 121 regional because I refused to do substandard maintenence. I suppose on that occasion a union to back me would be a good thing. On the other hand, I dont think I could honorably have someone else fight my battles to get me back into ANY company that does substandard work.
I admit that my current employment does seem a bit contradictory. I prefer 145 to 121, prefer right to work vice closed shop, and definately prefer helo's to suck and blow troop haulers.
So why do I stay? Simply to try and prove all who said such vile things about us, who claimed we were nothing but a bunch of crack head cessna mechs,who swore you could not be replaced, WRONG!

If I'm reading this right one of the main reasons you took a job with NWA, and the reason you stay, is to prove a point and you take things personally. That has to be one of the worst reasons I can think of to take a job with a company. To take a job becasue someone you don't know calls you names? Sounds to me you might have some underlying insecurity issues.

Don't know if you have figured this out but you are no longer in the Marines. What works in the military doess not necessarily works in the civilian world. Your problems will not be solved by a full frontal assault. Becasue quite frankly no one cares whether or not you made a "point".

How could you have been "unaware" of the labor management issues at NWA? You are either being less than honest or you had your head in the sand. Did you think you were at NWA becasue they were one big happy family? Did you not hear about the conflict between not only the mechanics but also the flight attendants? By the way these problems do not crop up over night. It usually means there have been problems for a long time and things finally have come to a head.

How long do you think NWA will hold up their end of the bargin? Considering thier treatment of thier employees so far I would not hold my breath. When things start getting tough all they have to do is tell you "Soory but things are bad so were going to have to cut your pay 20%". What are you going to do then?

If you prefer 145 operators to 121 then you should go that route. By the way there's no succh thing as a "closed" shop in the sirline business. The definition of a closed shop is one where you have to be a memeber of a union just to get a job.

I'm still trying to figure out your earlier comment about preffering overhaul to line in your choices of employeers. If you were more familiar with the industry you would have known that SWA does some of their own heavy work. You also would have known that NWA has gotten rid of thiers.

Hate to break the news to you but the chances of you getting a job with SWA are preety slim. First if you want one with SWA you had better know somebody there. Now lets say you send your resume in and HR sends it to the appropriate people over at maintenance. The first thing the manager is going to see is that you were a "replacement worker" at NWA. Since the AMT's at SWA are AMFA he knows the what the reaction is going to be once you were to hit the shop floor. In the interest of maintaining harmonious labor/management relations he's probably going to move onto the next resume.

Before you get on you soap box about being a straight shooter, your skills and work ethic let me remind you there are thousnads of other guys who are "straight shooters", have "skills" and have a good work "ethic" who would not casue a #### storm on the shop floor.
If I'm reading this right one of the main reasons you took a job with NWA, and the reason you stay, is to prove a point and you take things personally. That has to be one of the worst reasons I can think of to take a job with a company. To take a job becasue someone you don't know calls you names? Sounds to me you might have some underlying insecurity issues.

Don't know if you have figured this out but you are no longer in the Marines. What works in the military doess not necessarily works in the civilian world. Your problems will not be solved by a full frontal assault. Becasue quite frankly no one cares whether or not you made a "point".

How could you have been "unaware" of the labor management issues at NWA? You are either being less than honest or you had your head in the sand. Did you think you were at NWA becasue they were one big happy family? Did you not hear about the conflict between not only the mechanics but also the flight attendants? By the way these problems do not crop up over night. It usually means there have been problems for a long time and things finally have come to a head.

How long do you think NWA will hold up their end of the bargin? Considering thier treatment of thier employees so far I would not hold my breath. When things start getting tough all they have to do is tell you "Soory but things are bad so were going to have to cut your pay 20%". What are you going to do then?

If you prefer 145 operators to 121 then you should go that route. By the way there's no succh thing as a "closed" shop in the sirline business. The definition of a closed shop is one where you have to be a memeber of a union just to get a job.

I'm still trying to figure out your earlier comment about preffering overhaul to line in your choices of employeers. If you were more familiar with the industry you would have known that SWA does some of their own heavy work. You also would have known that NWA has gotten rid of thiers.

Hate to break the news to you but the chances of you getting a job with SWA are preety slim. First if you want one with SWA you had better know somebody there. Now lets say you send your resume in and HR sends it to the appropriate people over at maintenance. The first thing the manager is going to see is that you were a "replacement worker" at NWA. Since the AMT's at SWA are AMFA he knows the what the reaction is going to be once you were to hit the shop floor. In the interest of maintaining harmonious labor/management relations he's probably going to move onto the next resume.

Before you get on you soap box about being a straight shooter, your skills and work ethic let me remind you there are thousnads of other guys who are "straight shooters", have "skills" and have a good work "ethic" who would not casue a #### storm on the shop floor.
:up: :up: :up:
Good God!

Before any of you guys gets a job anywhere, you better learn how to spell words.

I have never seen so many misspellings in one place in my life.

Good God!

Before any of you guys gets a job anywhere, you better learn how to spell words.

I have never seen so many misspellings in one place in my life.


In order to keep you happy I'll put my next post through spell checker. I have found that those who jump on misspellings usually have nothing important to say. Therefore they nit pick.
Good God!

Before any of you guys gets a job anywhere, you better learn how to spell words.

I have never seen so many misspellings in one place in my life.


Complaining about misspelled words is pointless since U.S. Aviation does not have a spellchekr. It is not only seen as childish, but it adds nothing to the topic at hand. Yes, basic english skills are appreciated, but typos happen. Just a fact of life, get use to/over it. Thank you.
I'm sorry.

The same misspelled words over and over again are signs of STUPIDITY not typos.

If you don't know how to spell, how do you communicate ACCURATELY on a job?

If I ever saw a misspelled word on a resume, the resume went into the waste basket.

By the way, your "get use to" should be "get used to".
so now you are an english teacher telling all of us on these boards how to correctly spell words? this is america and in Ameerica we spell and it may not always be perfect. we all do forget at one point or another
AMFA had better put something together that NWA will accept, othewise its members will get nothing.

NWA will approach AMFA. Maybe soon maybe later, but they(NWA) will bring something back to AMFA.

Living with the stigma of an ongoing strike, even a margianlized one, is not something NWA will ignore.
AMFA had better put something together that NWA will accept, othewise its members will get nothing.
why are you so anxious for NWA to do something? I guess you aint happy about working with other scabs there!
And dont be lookin for sympathies when the NWA pilots, F/As, or the ramp or inside agents walk out and shut the airline down
NWA has done everything, it is AMFA that has done nothing but decimate its members trust and watch its numbers at Northwest dwindle. I guess your wrong about working with other scabs cause I am having a hell of a time here. No sympathies required here robbed save them for the unemployed AMFA Boys and other union members that are ignorant enough to follow AMFA's footsteps.
NO PTO NWA has not done anything properly at all to try to get AMFA back. THey knew what they wanted to do with AMFA. It is simple and CLEAR. NWA wanted to have scabs like you to work on planes but the on time performance has sunk to what I call even worse than USAIR during our 2 stints in CH11
You just don't get it do you? NWA doesn't want AMFA back. Why do you have such a hard time understanding that?
Youre the one who doesnt get it PTO. NWA HAD NEVER INTENDED on NEGOGIATING in GOOD FAITH as per the RLA. THey knew what they wanted to do and they accomplished it the illegal way. They hired scumbum scabs like you to do the dirty work. WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?