New NWA Contract Terms

Would You Agree to a contract like this?

  • Yes Definately, I would love this treatment from my employer.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, only because my spouse ordered me to do so.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe, because I am willing to sacrifice myself for love the company.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I don't think so because it just doesn't seem right.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hell No! I believe that no self respecting person would accept this type of treatment from an employ

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Nov 27, 2005


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I think I understand why the AMFA members told them to stick it and found jobs with people who appreciate their skills. I wouldn't work for NW if I had to.

When your skilled you can afford to walk away.
I think I understand why the AMFA members told them to stick it and found jobs with people who appreciate their skills. I wouldn't work for NW if I had to.

When your skilled you can afford to walk away.
I could not agree more! My skills, my work ethics, and my reputation as a straight shooter assure me a place at any company that recognizes these traits over merelly occupying a spot on a company payroll for 20 years. If your skilled, AND YOUR WILLING TO GIVE 100 PERCENT, then the doors are wide open for you anywhere in this country.

Now thats funny!!! Good God, we need more people with a sense of humor around here!
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Would you accept a contract like this from your employer?

(Take the Poll.)
that contract is exactly it shoul;d be shoved! it is even worse than the IAM sponsored contract for Fleet Service at USAIRWAYS
After having just consumed TOO much HOT Mexican Chili, I'd have a "special USE" for that contract(in about a half hour from now) :blink: :huh: :unsure: :eek: :shock:

I could not agree more! My skills, my work ethics, and my reputation as a straight shooter assure me a place at any company that recognizes these traits over merelly occupying a spot on a company payroll for 20 years. If your skilled, AND YOUR WILLING TO GIVE 100 PERCENT, then the doors are wide open for you anywhere in this country.
Now thats funny!!! Good God, we need more people with a sense of humor around here!

I take it you work for NWA. If you are able to get a job anywhere why did you take one with NWA? I'm sure someone with your skills, work effort and a reputation as a straight shooter could have gotten a job with say SWA, Fed Ex or UPS.
I take it you work for NWA. If you are able to get a job anywhere why did you take one with NWA? I'm sure someone with your skills, work effort and a reputation as a straight shooter could have gotten a job with say SWA, Fed Ex or UPS.
To be honest, when this whole thing started, I had no intentions of taking direct employment with NWA. Thier offer just happened to be the best one going in CONUS, and we were laid off from dothan, so I said, "Why not?"
What made me go direct was the incredible level of hatred directed at me for reasons at that time I did not understand. After I was compared to rapists and child molesters,and after recieving thinly vieled physical threats, it became personel. I have never run from a fight in my life, and I was not about to start now.
Also, I have avoided the above companies for several reasons. Job location, unions,and a preference for overhaul vice line maintenence all combined to steer me away from the above mentioned companies. Also, there aint a single tail rotor on ANY of the them, NWA included. (hey, once a rotor head, always a rotor head)
To be honest, when this whole thing started, I had no intentions of taking direct employment with NWA. Thier offer just happened to be the best one going in CONUS, and we were laid off from dothan, so I said, "Why not?"
What made me go direct was the incredible level of hatred directed at me for reasons at that time I did not understand. After I was compared to rapists and child molesters,and after recieving thinly vieled physical threats, it became personel. I have never run from a fight in my life, and I was not about to start now.
Also, I have avoided the above companies for several reasons. Job location, unions,and a preference for overhaul vice line maintenence all combined to steer me away from the above mentioned companies. Also, there aint a single tail rotor on ANY of the them, NWA included. (hey, once a rotor head, always a rotor head)

So then why didn't you get a job as a helicopter mechanic.

So you got laid off and decide to be a SCAB and screw over someone else who was just, for all intents and purposes, forced out of their job after being willing to and trying to give 100%?

You're just a walking book of contradictions, aren't you.
To be honest, when this whole thing started, I had no intentions of taking direct employment with NWA. Thier offer just happened to be the best one going in CONUS, and we were laid off from dothan, so I said, "Why not?"
What made me go direct was the incredible level of hatred directed at me for reasons at that time I did not understand. After I was compared to rapists and child molesters,and after recieving thinly vieled physical threats, it became personel. I have never run from a fight in my life, and I was not about to start now.
Also, I have avoided the above companies for several reasons. Job location, unions,and a preference for overhaul vice line maintenence all combined to steer me away from the above mentioned companies. Also, there aint a single tail rotor on ANY of the them, NWA included. (hey, once a rotor head, always a rotor head)

Thiers was the best offer? Let's see here. An offer by a company that anyone familiar with the airline industry was headed to BK even before the strike. An offer by a company that obviously views it's employees as liablities and not assets.

I can sort of understand job location preference. However if the choice was between location and job stability/pay I'll pick the latter myself. As for unions one of the companies I mentioned has no union for it's mechanics. One thing all three have in common is that they make money and for the most part treat thier people halfway decent. Oh and I forgot one very important thing, they pay better. Found your comment about prefering overhaul to line somewhat odd. For the most part has'nt NWA shed most of their overhaul? By the way SWA does some heavy maintenance, since that's your thing.
So then why didn't you get a job as a helicopter mechanic.

So you got laid off and decide to be a SCAB and screw over someone else who was just, for all intents and purposes, forced out of their job after being willing to and trying to give 100%?

You're just a walking book of contradictions, aren't you.
You neglected to respond to the reason I stayed. I am curious why.
Thiers was the best offer? Let's see here. An offer by a company that anyone familiar with the airline industry was headed to BK even before the strike. An offer by a company that obviously views it's employees as liablities and not assets.

I can sort of understand job location preference. However if the choice was between location and job stability/pay I'll pick the latter myself. As for unions one of the companies I mentioned has no union for it's mechanics. One thing all three have in common is that they make money and for the most part treat thier people halfway decent. Oh and I forgot one very important thing, they pay better. Found your comment about prefering overhaul to line somewhat odd. For the most part has'nt NWA shed most of their overhaul? By the way SWA does some heavy maintenance, since that's your thing.
You ask some very good questions, and I will try to answer them shortly. Before I do, I would like to re-iterate what led me to STAY. I was compared to rapists. I was compared to child molesters. I was threatened, cussed at, flipped off, and generally treated poorly. Maybe it was just the Jarhead in me, but I do love a good fight. It became personel.
As far as contracts goes, NWA's was indeed the best in CONUS. Remember, contractors, are by there very nature, temp workers. My paycheck was guarenteed by AVTECH, vice NWA, So the, at that time, possibility of BK was of no concern of mine.
I was unaware of any of the mgt vice labor issues of NWA until after I got here, other than the possibility of a strike. (I still say the bathroom door thing was INSANE!)
To be honest, NWA has honored EVERY part of my contract, including several extras that they were under no obligation to provide. Until they violate those terms, Ishall continue to uphold my end of the bargain.
I did a stint with a feeder for the brownshirted nazi's a few years back. Cargo is DEFINATELY the way to profitability these days. I also have heard nothing but good about SWA. Whatever they are doing seems to be working. I was, however, under the impression that SWA did very little heavy maint. If they are doing heavy checks, and if the location was right, I MIGHT be persuaded to work there.
I guess I should have been morespecific in that I prefer 145 operations as opposed to 121's. Many years ago I left a 121 regional because I refused to do substandard maintenence. I suppose on that occasion a union to back me would be a good thing. On the other hand, I dont think I could honorably have someone else fight my battles to get me back into ANY company that does substandard work.
I admit that my current employment does seem a bit contradictory. I prefer 145 to 121, prefer right to work vice closed shop, and definately prefer helo's to suck and blow troop haulers.
So why do I stay? Simply to try and prove all who said such vile things about us, who claimed we were nothing but a bunch of crack head cessna mechs,who swore you could not be replaced, WRONG!
So why do I stay? Simply to try and prove all who said such vile things about us, who claimed we were nothing but a bunch of crack head cessna mechs,who swore you could not be replaced, WRONG!

Quite a few of the SCAB's are a bunch of "vile crack head cessna mechs", with little or no experience.

Many of the former AMFA members that are now SCAB's were the ones that were the worst of the employee's, the one's that screwed off, and the ones that were fired and the Union got their jobs back.

ALL of the SCAB's, including you, have SERIOUSLY compromised morals. You STOLE someone else's job, and are helping lower the wages of AMT's around the country.

You may be a fine mechanic, I really don't know.

But I firmly believe that it is only a matter of time before an NWA aircraft augers in because of substandard maintenance, either by NWA SCAB's, or outsourced vendors in the US and other foreign countries, like Singapore and El Salvador, where there is little oversight and people working on aircraft do not need an A&P license.

And the mecahnics have not been replaced effectively, since MEL counts and delays are at or near record levels, and that's with a greatly reduced schedule, and aircraft parked all over the place.