yeah right . then why is it always broken the next morning for the sju flt?One RONs in PHL each night for MTC.
yeah right . then why is it always broken the next morning for the sju flt?One RONs in PHL each night for MTC.
Tempe sez the seats will be more comfortable when they get “broken inâ€.
Ever thought about taking your own advise?Ever think that 8 hours is not enough time for them to fix what is wrong with them since they fly the heck out of them?
Having worked in the PHL hangar, I have witnessed it first hand, when you have pages and pages of job cards and only 8 hours to work the items, there is not enough time.
ETOPS requierements are very strict.
Stick to serving the passengers and not comment on things you have no idea about.
And Tempe's target market of the Wal-Mart customer typically has plenty of junk in the trunk, so the seat cushions should get broken in and worn out in no time.
Yes LGA can handle the A330..can an A330 even operate with a normal payload in and out of LGA?
don't worry . he always has an answer for something . and plus he wasn't a mechanic. he was a s#it pumper.Ever thought about taking your own advise?
Sorry.........The Swoosh STAYS!I worked the A330 the other day. They replaced the nice grey/purple fabric we had in envoy with the blue SHOOSH fabric. Of course they did it up ghetto style. The aircraft I had still had the purple fabric panel on the sides of the seat. Boom! Mismatched fabric tacky tacky tacky. It's like having one grey sock on and one blue sock. And please enough with the freaking SWOOSH. It's on the airplane, the bulkheads, the ticket jackets, the business cards, the seat covers, the tray liners....yeah yeah we get it but it making me dizzy. What's next, embossing the toilet paper with it? 🙄
S W O O O S H!
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a cute waiter at that.Make that stock clerk, you Waiter.
Hard to believe that US Airways would adhere to Nike's slogan, "Just Do It!" US would be better off merging with Haynes, at least you would have Mike and Cuba in their underwear running around a US plane! Maybe that would be the only way a person can feel comfortable aboard a US Airways plane.CNN Just reported:
Nike and US Airways to merge.