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You don't get it Mike.

As a bald, Polish and elderly gentleman, none of which I can control, I get a huge kick out of bald, Polish and old people jokes.

The only person who can "dehumanize" me is myself. You're stretching your credibility by stating the racial slurs were the foundation of slavery.

But I know your type. You are intolerant of views that do not match your definition of what is right. That is the true danger. Words cannot dehumanize. Off color insensitive jokes don't dehumanize anyone. Men imprisoning and controling men does that. That does not happen in this country. That era is over. And if you believe that it is not then you don't understand who controls your destiny.

For the record, it's the guy who looks at you in the mirror each morning. Not some moron telling an off color, insensitive, racist joke.

mwereplanes said:
As a bald, Polish and elderly gentleman, none of which I can control, I get a huge kick out of bald, Polish and old people jokes.
Good for you.

You're stretching your credibility by stating the racial slurs were the foundation of slavery.
Except that they were. Check it out sometime.

But I know your type.
:lol: Speaking of stereotyping!

You are intolerant of views that do not match your definition of what is right.
Nope. Perhaps you should think before applying stereotypes to others, eh? :huh:

Off color insensitive jokes don't dehumanize anyone. Men imprisoning and controling men does that.
And men who imprison and control other men justify it by dehumanizing those whom they control. And they do so through a consistent reduction of a class of citizens through stereotyping, often perpetuated via the guise of humor.

That does not happen in this country. That era is over. And if you believe that it is not then you don't understand who controls your destiny.
That era was over when the 14th Amendment was passed. Until World War II, when a bunch of Japanese were deprived of liberty and property, without due process, because of their heritage. Think it can't happen again? Have you been paying attention to people removed from the United States, sent to Gitmo, without due process, because of their heritage? It's the lack of vigilance on the part of all of us that allows it to repeat.

Who controls my destiny? I control a part of it, within the scope of the liberties permitted me by my government. It is the job of every one of us to ensure that we don't lose those liberties. The government is, indirectly, a collective representation of all of us. Reduction breeds dehumanization. Fear breeds a willingness to deprive liberty from those whom we dehumanize.
mwereplanes said:
You don't get it Mike.

As a bald, Polish and elderly gentleman, none of which I can control, I get a huge kick out of bald, Polish and old people jokes.

So you're a white male in America.

Big deal.

Perhaps if you were a member of a group towards whom insensitive comments are follwed up with actual actions such as economic discrimination or physical violence, your perspective would be a bit different.
Bear96 said:
So you're a white male in America.

Big deal.

Perhaps if you were a member of a group towards whom insensitive comments are follwed up with actual actions such as economic discrimination or physical violence, your perspective would be a bit different.

Blithely secure in the comfort, security and privilege of a status that we take for granted and often don't even realize we have it's real easy to shrug these things off as "harmless". They aren't. They do hurt other people. Maybe not everyone. Maybe not all the time. Maybe not directly. But often enough. You don't have to endorse politcal correctness to realize that and hold your tongue.
wow.... it's guys like mwere that make it hard on the rest of us bald white men thanks a lot.

and, again, this issue is not just about an insensitive joke. It was a slur aimed at a particular person on an internet board frequented by that persons colleagues.... it was not a bunch of buddies joshing with each other after a b ball game.

I dont think that there was an intent to harm, cuz we are not always aware of the consequences of our actions...
Al's must go. Plain and simple.

Otherwise ...Status quo....

Suha.....ha, ha, ha...what a effing joke. He'll be on the phone to Al's everyday. Why can't the company see that operationally ...Al's isn't the their guys..............
Do not underestimate Suha.

By the way he is a Turkish-American. Born in Turkey moved here many years (at least 36) ago.
This is the worst post I have ever read on US Aviation, and I really don't understand why it has not been locked yet. I would rather read a 700-A320 diatribe than this political garbage - at least they talk about US Airways in their posts. Grow up, all of you.
All right, you win. I promise to not laugh at any more jokes that are insensitive to my ethnic background or my lack of hair. And to not make comments on things I disagree with. And I'll hold my tounge if anything I think I might say would offend any race unless it offends just bald white men who take for granted their status and privilege. Even though most of us worked our ever lovin butts off to attain that status and privilege. And I'm proud to have it too. But I apologize for taking it for granted. BTW Bascom, that comment offended me.

I apologize for being insensitive to anything anyone said in these posts. Except that Al Crellin is truly incompetent. I would hope that anyone who works, or has worked, for US Airways would understand that.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I promise to boycott the Academy Awards TV show since that insensitive racist Chris Rock is the host. And if I happen to catch one of his insensitive jokes as I flip through the channels I promise not to laugh at it.

And I'll try to grow up too ISP. Thanks for the advice. Debating issues like these is just plain childish.

you know mwere, I had thought that your obtuseness was a deliberate device that you used to keep the rhetroric going with USA320, now I see it wasn't deliberate, just sad.
RowUnderDCA said:
you know mwere, I had thought that your obtuseness was a deliberate device that you used to keep the rhetroric going with USA320, now I see it wasn't deliberate, just sad.

Don't be sad Row. Disagreeing with opinions and mentally sparring with others is part of what makes these boards great. We all see things differently. Being obtuse and challenging ideas and opinons make people defend their opinions and thoughts. That's what I enjoy doing. I learn a lot from doing that. I have learned a lot from debating issues and playing devils advocate forcing people to defend their opinions.

As far as 320 goes he is just plain condescending. That's what makes it so fun to play with him. Rhetoric is just that. Keep the faith and good luck with US Airways. I think they have a good shot a making it if they can find someone to fix PHL and rally the troops.

After Piedmont received ATW's Airline of the year award the magazine said:
They were a model of how good an airline can be.

After Christmas/Presidents weekend/this weekend the PHL baggage situation could get us the:
How shi**y an airline can be to its customers AND employees award.