New Hub Director In Phl


Feb 15, 2005
As posted in the US News this afternoon:

Suha Arkan, a 36-year veteran of US Airways, yesterday
was named the new managing director for the
Philadelphia hub. In this new role, Arkan also will
maintain his responsibilities for System Baggage

Arkan started with PSA Airlines in 1969 and has held
numerous operational positions during his long career
with US Airways. He served as hub director for
Pittsburgh, project manager for the move to the new
Pittsburgh Terminal, and most recently as managing
director of Customer Service Systems, Training and
System Baggage Services.

"Suha Arkan comes to Philadelphia with the perfect
blend of operational and customer service backgrounds.
We are fortunate to have someone of his caliber taking
on the unique responsibilities of US Airways' principal
hub," said Donna Paladini, vice president of Customer

Greg Sayler, who has been in Philadelphia since
September 2004, will resume his role as Managing
Director of Customer Service, responsible for 27
stations in the US Airways system.

Regards, Flybywire55

Lord knows I'm not a management cheerleader - just ask Rico, UseYourHead, USA320Pilot or several others. So I hope you don't mind a little good natured ribbing.....

I thought just the opposite - at least they sent him back to his old job instead of promoting him.


Yes, this is the same Greg Saylor that was at Northwest. Greg was hired as managing director of customer service last fall, but was only in the job for less than a month when PHL's hub director was vacated. He was asked to step in on a temporary basis. From what I hear he was actually doing a great job, and has made some major improvements. However, DP wanted him to make a full-time commitment to PHL. Greg simply wanted to do the job for which he was hired, and thus did.
skyguy said:
Yes, this is the same Greg Saylor that was at Northwest.  Greg was hired as  managing director of customer service last fall, but was only in the job for less than a month when PHL's hub director was vacated.  He was asked to step in on a temporary basis.  From what I hear he was actually doing a great job, and has made some major improvements.  However, DP wanted him to make a full-time commitment to PHL.  Greg simply wanted to do the job for which he was hired, and thus did.

Yes everyone heard almost everyday in the news about the the fine job he was doing. USAirways at their best.
I am very skeptical about the appointment of Suha to the position of Hub Director in PHL. I would have prefered to see someone from outside the company, with new and creatives ideas and solutions to the problems there. If Suha shares the same mind set as Al (since they have worked together since the 1960's) then there will be more of the same and less "new" solutions to the real problems there.

This is the 5th or 6th new Hub Director for PHL in 7-8 years. When will we look past the Director for responsibilibty for the PHL fumbles and start looking a little higher. The Director doesn't set the staffing levels, doesn't set the levels for equipment allocated to the hub, etc. If history is any indiciation of what is to come, my bet is more of the same as before.
When I speak with other about the airline's so-called "changes," "new business model," or whatever terms use, I know the changes are only cosmetic. Nothing in truth really changes much on how things run on the inside. It's all pretty much the same people, same company departments/divisions doing their thing much as they always have.
PineyBob said:
Or at least a 7-11!!

Apologies I just couldn't help myself, I fully realize that this is politically incorrect.

Incredible comment and you even admit your ignorance!

You should be ashamed. And if it is true that CrystalCity reads this board then you should be excluded from any association with US.

Are you happy?
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Incredible comment and you even admit your ignorance!

You should be ashamed. And if it is true that CrystalCity reads this board then you should be excluded from any association with US.

Are you happy?
Thank You Come Again!
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Incredible comment and you even admit your ignorance!

You should be ashamed. And if it is true that CrystalCity reads this board then you should be excluded from any association with US.

Are you happy?

hu·mor (hymr) KEY


The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not see the humor of the situation.
That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.

C'mon it's a joke. Cant' we make jokes? Has everybody turned into humorless right-wing nut jobs these days?