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New Hire-$7.17 Per Hour

Bluestreak said:
You win Pitbul. Only a ramp agents making $50,000 a year should be trusted to handle our loyal customer's bags. We all see the disastrous effect Expressing our outstations has had on with respect to misconnecting bags.

Your propaganda doesn't hold up when you see the thousands of satisfied passengers passing through the F terminal in PHL. Granted things aren't as smooth running in F as they are in the mainline side, but they run smooth enough. The vast majority of customers have a possitive experience and arrive at their destination on time with bags in hand. Are you angry because express can do the same job for 1/3 the cost of mainline?

I'm not angry at all. More power to the express folks....for being able to load bags on a 50 seat prop.

I bet that would get real old real fast loading bags on an a/c with well over 150 seats 10 or 15 a/c per day in belching cold weather on the East Coast making a whopping $7 bucks an hour gross pay. Hell, coffee is $2 bucks a cup. They surely can't drink coffee and fuel the old tank to show up for work now, could they? That calls for a major, big choice here...coffee...gas....coffee...or gas...hmmm.

Wouldn't pay diddly for a back problem or knee joint problems in the future.

Express ramp employees load smaller planes than mainline, however they load three to five aircraft during each bank of flights. A crew of three express employees is responsible for loading the bags of over 150 pax during each bank. They are also responsible for the paperwork for each of these flights. In any time period an express crew in a hub is working as hard if not harder than their mainline counterparts. The work is difficult and the pay is bad, but somehow we continue to find employees to fill the vacancies. For an unskilled laborer there are worse jobs with lower wages than loading bags at US Airways Express.
If the ramp agents are loading 150 pax bags in a bank of flights...then what is mainline loading?

No wonder these agents have major back problems. What is the turnover rate on express? And you know I can find out tomorrow...so don't sit here and tell me its 10%.

I know that the f/a turnover on express is 40%.
the turn over rate at express is huge. It is something like 80%. My point is turn over doesn't matter. The cost of training a ramp employee is so low that it is cheaper for management to pay to train a new employee than pay second year wages to a senior express employee. They don't want life time ramp laborers. Management wants someone to come in and work hard for a few months and then quit. It's the same formula companies like McDonalds were built on. It's a crap system for an employee looking to make career of loading bags, but it works out for everyone else, including the guy that wants to work hard and make ramp supervisor and the guy that just needs a summer job to pay for school.

This argument is going round in circles. Time for bed... It's been fun sparring with the mighty Pitbull.

Do you really think the company would care if Pilots had an 80% turnover rate and were topped out at $15,000 per year for an Express captain?


You're right, the company wouldn't care. But if there was 80% turnover the industry would burn through all the trained pilots in the nation in less than a year. It takes close to ten years to take a pilot from his/her first flying lesson to become a qualified airline captain. Insurance compainies wouldn't give a policy to an airline with a core of inexperienced pilots.
Bluestreak said:
Express ramp employees load smaller planes than mainline, however they load three to five aircraft during each bank of flights.

Ive worked for both mainline and express and you cant compare the two, mainline is much more difficult. Fortunately for me I worked for 2 different companies and both treated their employees with dignity and respect.

The term you get what you pay for is going to come back and bite management in the arse. How much does it cost for a lost bag, what about a delayed flight due to misplaced or late bags?

Who do you think is going to have to answer for all those missed bags and delayed flights, the new hire making 7.00/hr?
Wrong ... its going to be middle management that's who but that's ok because they can be replaced just as easy if not easier than anyone that's covered by a CBA.

BTW, happy holidays...
The airlines don't want long-term employees in jobs that are easily trained. It's much cheaper to pay ditch-digger compensation, work'em till they overdose on drugs or just don't show up anymore, then get some new ones. Bush's free-for-all, open the flood-gate immigration policy would be a good fit into corporate American right now.

Even with pilots, all the company cares about is retaining a core of competent captains . . . and they know that by the time they're captains, they're virtually prisoners of the company due to the seniority system. They could care less about F/Os. They're the captain's problem. In a company I worked for, it was obvious that they wanted F/Os to quit after a couple of years. It was still cheaper to train a new pilot than to pay upper year wages. The captains complained about the policy and were told to "shutup and color."

Congrats to Lakefield and US Airways . . . . you're the vanguard of the transformation of the once-proud airline system into a cheap bus system. And congrats to the company cheerleaders fifth-columnists, and useful fools. They're counting on the lower wage employee unions to ben-over, vote themselves out of a job, and let the Lakefield and the pilots outsource everything without a penalty.
BoeingBoy said:
PSA Airlines / US Airways Express

AIRLING CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS PSA Airlines, doing business in US Airways Express, is seeking PT Gate & Ramp Agents at the Tri-City Regional Airport. $6.27/hr w/increase after 6 months. Kingsport Times-News


$6.27 isn't even minimum wage in my state. :down: :down: :down:
Bluestreak said:

... The work is difficult and the pay is bad, but somehow we continue to find employees to fill the vacancies.....
It used to be that working for an express carrier was something you did until a major was hiring. Maybe somebody forgot to tell these newhires that that concept is a dead one.
this company is on the verge of imploding.....

don't think will make much it much further....

bang......we is toast...........