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SWA is still hiring


Oct 23, 2010
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Hey guys, just a reminder for all of you interested. SWA is soon coming to an end of hiring mechanics. This past Monday we had over 2 dozen new hires hit the floor. And we are hearing that there will be approx. 5-15 more to be hired to help fill any empty slots left open. This month alone they have tested well over 25-30 more mechanics. They are still hiring but it will be winding down a bit, if not stop, until at least getting ready for the W/A to go away in late 2014.
I would also like to welcome all the new hires, and wish you all the best of luck during your probationary periods. I also hear we have had a lot of AA mechanics come over to SWA. Hope you guys had a very easy transition from AA to SWA, great to have your experience and knowledge. Remember if you don't know, ask, the SWA mechanics are willing to help you out, we don't expect everyone to know everything, and remember, 737's are all we work on (well, now 717's too, but you all get the point).

To the guy that has PM'd me asking for information about the testing at SWA; we have no idea or have seen the tests. All I know to tell you is study any and all info on the 737's. I have heard of AA mechanics studying hard on 37 manuals that really helped them get thru testing and interviews. All I got for ya, I usually won't respond to PM's any more, especially if I do not know you. Good luck brother, sounds to me like you have been selected to take the test. This is the first step, pass this test and they will select who goes on to the interviewing process (still a 3 step interview process, I believe) then mechanics will be chosen from there. Sorry for rambling on...