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New Hire-$7.17 Per Hour

Harry Callahan

Sep 16, 2002
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Another new hire gone:
The guy just loaded approx 200 bags in one end only to find out he had approx. that many more to put in the other. According to my source he just said F it I dont need this & left.
Pretty soon they will have no one.....
They've been paying that wage to express employees for over a decade and somehow we are always staffed. We might not be staffed by the best and the brightest, but the bags get loaded. It doesn't cost the company much money to train ramp personel. It is cheaper for them to deal with the high turn over and training costs than it is to pay a wage that retains employees. It's nothing personal; just basic arithmatic.
Ahh, yes but loading a prop with 30 bags is not like 16,000lbs on a mainline flight coming off then on.
Bluestreak said:
just basic arithmatic.
It's also basic arithmetic that says paying CEO millions and handing out golden parachutes to people undeserving makes paying pathetic wages necessary, while people like you defend it calling it "basic arithmetic"...while we all look at you and ask where is your basic logic and common sense!
Bluestreak said:
They've been paying that wage to express employees for over a decade and somehow we are always staffed. We might not be staffed by the best and the brightest, but the bags get loaded. It doesn't cost the company much money to train ramp personel. It is cheaper for them to deal with the high turn over and training costs than it is to pay a wage that retains employees. It's nothing personal; just basic arithmatic.
Same for Pilots..........its simple arithmetic
Bluestreak said:
They've been paying that wage to express employees for over a decade and somehow we are always staffed. We might not be staffed by the best and the brightest, but the bags get loaded. It doesn't cost the company much money to train ramp personel. It is cheaper for them to deal with the high turn over and training costs than it is to pay a wage that retains employees. It's nothing personal; just basic arithmatic.

ah, Bluestreak,

High turnover? How much can an airline risk with either lost bags, or delaying flights because of understaffing? Put that in your "basic arithmetic".

Your idea of the airlines being able to deal with "high turnover" in that arena will cost plenty of customer disatisfaction in the process...so, how much can an airline risk with competition this fierce?

If your in management...no wonder U is losing major $$$. :down:
The cost per delayed bag hits the airlines hard. ABC news reported airlines spend apx $100.00 per bag, to find, process, and deliver delayed bags to customers, and that is not factoring in the ill will and dissatisfaction generated. Since this has been going on years here at this airline, it is obviously part of the "cost of doing business" that we're now paying for with our labor contracts being torn to shreads. This is just one of the MANY areas this company could improve and lower operating costs, but all they see are our over paid wages and excessive benefits. But we can't lower managements salary much, or we might loose that "talent" to our competitors. :down:
PSA Airlines / US Airways Express

AIRLING CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS PSA Airlines, doing business in US Airways Express, is seeking PT Gate & Ramp Agents at the Tri-City Regional Airport. $6.27/hr w/increase after 6 months. Must be 18 years of age, have valid driver's license and the ability to lift 70 lbs. consistently. Must have strong customer service and computer skills. Flight benefits are offered. Please fax or email resumes to craig_miller@usairways.com, fax 412-472-2509, Attn: Craig Miller EOE M/F/D/V

Kingsport Times-News

Low paid express employees aren't a primary cause of late bags. Most express ramp baggage handlers work at out stations. It is not very difficult to get a a bag from the check in counter to the cargo hold of a CRJ in stations like GSP or SDF. I believe the source of most of our misconnected bags is mainline ops in PHL.


Do you ever fly the line? With the exception of frequent flyers, do you really believe most pax care about customer service? It's all about the ticket price. Most of our customers just want to get from here to there for the least amount of money. Sure they complain when things don't go smoothly, but it's all forgiven next time they go on orbitz and see $200 round trip to FLL. Have you ever bought a ticket on orbitz? Tickets are displayed by price and departure time. You click on the price, not the airline.

I'll agree with you that there is a point when customer service gets so poor people will refuse to fly with us no matter what the ticket price. But, I think we have a long ways to fall before we reach that level. People hate flying in our PSA CRJs. They are cramped, the FAs can be anoying, and we have a horrible on time performance. If customer service was the primary factor in drawing in pax our flights should be empty, but our load factors are at record highs. It's all about the price.
Thats right you get what you pay for.... new hires on the ramp that somehow manage to damage the aircrafts because their not properly trained.. so who's fault is that ?? (more money wasted )when not necessary...

bags are checked in at the counter and get to the aircraft.. no problem, but you need a a staff to complete this task...and with such a high turn over.. how the hell can you keep training people day after day.. whether its 50 bags or 300 bags... please offer a fair wage not an insulting amount .....
hey you get flight bennys but...... if you work in a mainline express station... don't you need to get out of your station first ....to use them ... can't achieve this on an aircraft that is full...

Seems like we have a revolving door on the ramp... see new faces one day.. next their gone... gee it wouldn't be the pay now would it???????..... :down:
Few would ever stay long enough for the company to have to provide healthcare, bet that makes them happy...
are you so sure that the passengers who get screwed by bad service are the ones who hop back on board when they find that the "hated airline" is now the one with the lowest price? With approx 300 million people in the US, there are plenty of people who have a bad experience and never return BUT there are always a few suckers who haven't been screwed so will give US a whirl (or whoever the service lagger of the industry is for the month). Further, an airline depends on getting some passengers who are willing to fly on their preferred carrier for far less than the lowest price. If you think that passengers will only fly US if they get the absolute lowest price, you have a low estimation of the service many of your colleagues provide.
Bluestreak said:
Low paid express employees aren't a primary cause of late bags. Most express ramp baggage handlers work at out stations. It is not very difficult to get a a bag from the check in counter to the cargo hold of a CRJ in stations like GSP or SDF. I believe the source of most of our misconnected bags is mainline ops in PHL.


Do you ever fly the line? With the exception of frequent flyers, do you really believe most pax care about customer service? It's all about the ticket price. Most of our customers just want to get from here to there for the least amount of money. Sure they complain when things don't go smoothly, but it's all forgiven next time they go on orbitz and see $200 round trip to FLL. Have you ever bought a ticket on orbitz? Tickets are displayed by price and departure time. You click on the price, not the airline.

I'll agree with you that there is a point when customer service gets so poor people will refuse to fly with us no matter what the ticket price. But, I think we have a long ways to fall before we reach that level. People hate flying in our PSA CRJs. They are cramped, the FAs can be anoying, and we have a horrible on time performance. If customer service was the primary factor in drawing in pax our flights should be empty, but our load factors are at record highs. It's all about the price.

Well genius,

We have one of, if not the most liberal FF programs of any carrier. AND THOSE ARE THE FOLKS WHO ARE BOOKING FLIGHTS! They are using up their miles at "warp speed".

And since you think the bookings are the answer to U's problems...please explain how we went from a $34 million profit in the 2ond quarter to a WHOPPING $232 MILLION the third quarter???????

ANSWER: There is little yield, and the pax will continue to fly us at cheap fares.


That's sure is good for business!!! :down:
You win Pitbul. Only a ramp agents making $50,000 a year should be trusted to handle our loyal customer's bags. We all see the disastrous effect Expressing our outstations has had on with respect to misconnecting bags.

Your propaganda doesn't hold up when you see the thousands of satisfied passengers passing through the F terminal in PHL. Granted things aren't as smooth running in F as they are in the mainline side, but they run smooth enough. The vast majority of customers have a possitive experience and arrive at their destination on time with bags in hand. Are you angry because express can do the same job for 1/3 the cost of mainline?
Hey, with $7.17 an hour ....For 1 hour's work you can buy about 3.5 gallons of gas for your car...Hmmm. That won't get you very far....

You only need about another 7 hours of work and you could fill it up.....wow!