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Latest Information on Flight Attendant Uniforms

I emailed them in December about Project Runway. Never heard a peep. Maybe if lots of people send them a note, they'll at least acknowledge the idea.
I noticed that project runway is looking for candidates for the third season. Maybe we should all send emails their way begging for a new uniform design. :up:
I'm looking forward to having some new uniforms. I would hope they would be comfortable, easy to maintain and stylish. Nothing too fussy or faddish.

Colorwise, I think a nice dark, neutral shade would be nice. A color that would work nicely with all shades of complexions and not show dirt. I don't mind the navy blue, it works with most skin colors but let's add a little color. A colored piping could answer that. I'm partial to red, but wouldn't mind something else. Also, something without a lot of metal buttons that set off the metal detectors in the "security" screening.

Given the climates we fly in and out of, having layers to add or take off would be a plus.

I like having a dress (one piece to have dry cleaned saves money since we no longer have cleaning allowances), but a suit of some sort seems more professional looking to me.

The "walking shorts" have grown on me. Not a bad idea. I'd like to have a cardigan sweater, a decent, well tailored blouse or a pullover sweater to go with them.

Oh, and let's not use Cintas. Their product is crummy. Poor fabric, poor sizing, and not terribly well made all the way around. In support of our country, the USA, let's find a supplier who uses American workers and American-made textiles. If we want to "fly the flag", let's do so! It's a good public relations boost, too.

We are a group of various body shapes. This needs to be considered. I do like the SWA approach: if you can't fit into the size 16, you need to lose weight! But let's not force those who are heavier into uniforms that just make them look ugly.

OK, I know I will be shot for saying this, but the last of the old PSA uniform -- the ones with the dark purple -- *did* work well. Having a number of blouses, from the hot pink to the white blouse with pin-striped pink and lavender gave us alternatives. I loved the raspberry Vee-neck pullover sweater. Of course, we got some cracks about looking like "Air Rash-Neesh" when they were in the news, but we thought it was funny! (for those of you too young to remember, Portland, OR was a landing point for this religious group who believed in wearing the "colors of the sunrise".)

Flight attendants do need to wear a uniform that conveys professionalism and commands respect. If we are to enforce FAR's and, God Forbid, command an evacution, we need to look the part.

Just my thoughts.

I'm glad we are back at the drawing board. It reminds me of the WTC blueprints that got the axe but provided ideas...or in this case, concepts.

As a man in my 40's that likes to stay with the styles, looks young, and can actually wear the latest, I like the CONCEPT that the ugly red shirt had. For those moments when I truly want to be biz cas, I like this concept....IF done right..because one problem I find with all guys is that with all the moving about, our shirts become our enemy. I feel I am constantly stuffing my shirt and because some are not as concious to this, they look sloppy. Remember this would be an option, but would need to be tailored and in a non wringle material so the material lays well and look nice.

Of course the traditional jacket and tie is needed but a little color is needed. I agree with Dea...some red piping or red/white combo.

I just want the option to dress up when I am inclined and to dress down when I feel. There are days when I LOVE to be in jacket and tie...usually winter...and times when I demand to stay cool. We guys HATE being hot on those summer days on an airplane without an apu. I just want options.
I buy my clothes at Sears and WallyWorld, so nobody should trust my judgment.

One morning I was channel surfing the satellite dish to find something to tape while I was gone. I saw a TeeVee show called Project Runway and programmed the machine to tape it because I thought it was about airplanes or airports or something.

Man, was I wrong.
i e-mailed ron cole about using a fashion school to design our uniforms . this was his reply . the first paragraph is his answer the second was my question to him. so i guess you have to read the second paragraph first......

A:This is a cool idea and it would be fun. I believe our issues revolve around getting 7000 FA happy with whatever is selected. It is difficult to get even 4 uniform reps to agree. My idea is to stick with the basics and not get fancy as we started to do the first time around. Fancy does not work for the longer term and you know these uniforms will need to carry us for a while. Let me think about your idea with regard to getting some progress going. Hope all is well #####, and thanks for sending this along.



From: ######@aol.com [mailto:######@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 6:28 AM
To: ron.cole@usairways.com
Cc: doug.parker@usairways.com
Subject: hey ron.


how are you? it's ##### . listen i had a suggestion on the uniform issue. i know that we have the e-mail address for this but i thought maybe you would be interested in this. why not go to one of the fashion schools in nyc like fit (fashion institute and technology ) and have some students come up with a uniform for the new company . you won't have to pay them because it will give the students name recognition and also give usairways some good publicity as well. you know like that show project runway. i think this would be a fun and awesome thing for the company. take care,

My idea is to stick with the basics and not get fancy as we started to do the first time around. Fancy does not work for the longer term and you know these uniforms will need to carry us for a while.


I couldn't stop laughing! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
They were black in color, and wore a striking blue shirt with either a scarf or no scarf. The men were also in black, no tie and the male FA told me that his uniform was a Hugo Boss knock off, very comfortable and stylish.

sky high states: Black uniform???....in PHX?? in the middle of summer? Neon blue shirt? On a FULL aircraft with NO APU in Florida with alot of humidity?

sky high states: Black uniform???....in PHX?? in the middle of summer? Neon blue shirt? On a FULL aircraft with NO APU in Florida with alot of humidity?


Actually, I was just about to cast my vote for a predominantly Black Uniform (perhaps with Red piping and maybe some small White accents, or a Bright Blue piping with White or maybe even Seafoam Green accents)?

Sure, I see your point with the heat of the Summer in warm climates like PHX, but let's remember this is a Year-Round Uniform which will be worn in many different cities, climates and Weather conditions, (not just PHX).

Black certainly has it's advantages:

Stands Out
More Formal Looking
Slimming (Big-Plus For Some)
Complimentary Color for Many
and not an Overly Popular Color for Airline Uniforms...so let's do something new!

Since we are evolving into the "New US Airways," let's allow our new Uniform to speak for us as well! Crisp, Clean, Stylish, Simple and Professional. This is the image we should want to project.
I think SkyHigh was referring mostly to the colored shirts.
When you sweat in a colored shirt, it is more obvious than a white shirt.
I think SkyHigh was referring mostly to the colored shirts.
When you sweat in a colored shirt, it is more obvious than a white shirt.

Oh I agree, a Lighter Colored Shirt, I think Basic White or as previously suggested, a pale Seafoam Green can look very nice and striking underneath the "Basic Black" Suit. I basically meant predominantly Black for the "Outer Garments".
The color now looks black. So, if they do end up black its not much of a change. And the world does not revolve around PHX. There are other places we fly to. Its actually warmer in Florida all winter than it is in PHX in the winter. As long as it is a light colored shirt. Maybe have a winter or cold weather shirt. Just like we have the long sleeve for winter and short in spring and summer. Maybe a darker shirt can be purchased in the colder months. A white or very light colored shirt for hot months. The material has to be light textured too. That way we dont sweat. I know I sweat in that dress in the summer. Thank god it is a dark color !
Psssst Don't tell Doug and the rest of Tempe.
🙄 🙄 🙄 Ah reminds me of the ol' PIT burger days, they believed they world began and ended in moon township... LOL, now look at um.....welcome to the world of a small- narrow minded litttle airline mentality-whether its PIT or PHX i see a pattern. AND ITS NOT A GOOD ONE!
If there is a more diverse workforce I've not seen it. Male, Female, Young, Old, In between, East Coast, West Coast, Midwest, Gay, straight, Multi-racial, fat, skinny and all point between make up the F/A group. Frankly all the more reason to hand it off to a fashion school have them come back with 2 or 3 concepts and have a vote.

Sky high states: Why hand it to a fashion school? Bob, you are a frequent GUEST onboard USAirways aircraft. You work in the corporate world......what would YOU like to see U F/A's wearing? or NOT wearing?
I think the frequent flyers should get involved. They're definitely a resourceful group of professionals who have good opinions. Make it a contest.........Winner gets 500,000 MILES. :up:
This information came from Bob, one of the uniform committee regarding the uniforms.
"Latest that we heard, the marketing team went shopping for suggestive off the rack items in NY and the PHX area. They have also contacted Banana Republic and Nordstroms to see if they would be interested in creating a line of uniforms for US Airways. In addition, they are seeking possible designers, and potential vendors to see if they would be intersted in creating a line of uniforms."

Bob is also looking into some information. He came across a flight crew in YVR at our hotel who work for Zoom airlines, a low cost, business casual company. They had very stylish uniforms and they looked awesome. They were black in color, and wore a striking blue shirt with either a scarf or no scarf. The men were also in black, no tie and the male FA told me that his uniform was a Hugo Boss knock off, very comfortable and stylish.
Here is a picture of Zoom Airlines Flight Attendants (A Low cost international carrier in Canada)

I found a better picture of ZOOM Airlines Uniforms.
I actually kind of like the original proposed USAir male f/a uniforms. The button down shirt and the zipfront jacket kind of reminds me of Zoom Airlines.



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