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new 514 president

BigMac... I am thinking the lack of voters shows that there is a lack of interest in the TWU. I am there too, but I am not about to allow someone like Hewett to get another chance to sell me out. So I voted. Maybe we should have got the word out better for who to vote for.
I voted also, but it's hard to vote for a president when they don't make the rounds on all three shifts to explain their views. Yes, I know that campaigning is discouraged. How does one vote for people they've never heard of except by reading the cards floating around, or leaving their work area to find the candidates?
FLYNFISH.... The first deal Cirri made would have allowed fleet service to work on the interiors of the airplanes right along side licensed AMTs that had been bumped down to OSMs. With the fleet service people making more money than the bumped AMTs. This was not acceptable. There were alternatives that could have been worked out, but once Cirri made his own deal he sold out his fleet buddies. There is a lot wrong with what went on and continues to go on. In my opinion, there should have been huge outrage throughout every work group when the TWU gave away the AMTs sick time pay and longevity (in 2003) while making sure fleet and stock clerks kept theirs. But the other work groups didn't seem to care. As a matter of fact, many stock clerks around here thought it was funny. I am of the thinking that we are either one union or we are not. This proved we are not so it was every man for himself.... The TWU way. I am sure fleet was very happy when Cirri was elected local 514 prez. When he campaigned I told him I would never vote for him because he did not understand my job and had not idea what it took to do it. I also told him he had no respect for the amount of responsibility that came with it. He told me he would fight for everyone. I told him sooner or later he would have to make a choice to either fight for all, or take care of himself and when that time came he would do like a good TWU guy and take care of himself. Turns out I was right. I wish you luck and I also wish things would have worked out differently, but the truth is that the TWU doesn't care about it's members and it's members don't care about each other.
There are several versions of the deal you speak of with Sam. It not by chance or just good old fashioned skill and qualifications that he was the only one of us to get a job that stuck. Debbie did receive her transfer into ac cleaner about 6 weeks ago. Now we will see if they really report to their awarded shops or if some sort of other arrangements are worked out. You mentioned all of fleet was happy when he was elected. More like stunned. There were only about 100 or so of us at the base. Maybe 1/3 of that amount even voted. We couldn't believe amt's would elect a fsc to run the largest maintenance local. That sent a loud and clear message to everyone of the deep divide that exists at the tulsa base. Hopefully the new president can pull your group together and help repair the image and distrust of the local.
I wish you guys would have filed a class action law suit. There was obviously funny business going on. No way those two should have been the only two allowed to transfer. And to cap it all off, Tiller is now title 1. As a very good friend of mine likes to say. "What a fine kettle of fish this is."
I got this 'word" last night at work (AMTRAK), which is the Rail division of the TWU, that the # two man, Harry Lombarbo, is going to run Against "Little JIM .
Lombarbo is a real Union guy from Philly, who started out as a car cleaner for SEPTA (South East Pennsylvania Transit Auth.).
I'm guessing that election time must be on the horizon, for the Top Dogs.

Anyone else hear anything along these lines ?
Yes, got emailed this link; http://www.lombardoteam.org/
I voted also, but it's hard to vote for a president when they don't make the rounds on all three shifts to explain their views. Yes, I know that campaigning is discouraged. How does one vote for people they've never heard of except by reading the cards floating around, or leaving their work area to find the candidates?
Honestly I did not know a lot of the candidates and depended on the opinions of others who's judgment I trust. I didn't vote for all positions of E board because I did not like enough of the candidates. In some cases it was the lesser of two evils. Much like many national elections I'm sorry to say. My biggest dilemma was that I honestly thought James Booker was the best choice. I also knew he did not campaign a whole lot and being on midnights was not seen by the majority of people. I did not want to vote for him and take a vote away from Danker and have Hewett sneak into the position. I finally decided to vote for Danker and it turned out to be the right decision. I thank God that Hewett didn't get elected as I can only imagine what a man who would sacrifice anything and everything for the promise of saving jobs would do to our profession and our careers. Time will tell how good a job Danker does. The good thing is if he is not what we need there will be another election before our next contract. That is if the TWU is still around and I am hoping they are not.
Honestly I did not know a lot of the candidates and depended on the opinions of others who's judgment I trust. I didn't vote for all positions of E board because I did not like enough of the candidates. In some cases it was the lesser of two evils. Much like many national elections I'm sorry to say. My biggest dilemma was that I honestly thought James Booker was the best choice. I also knew he did not campaign a whole lot and being on midnights was not seen by the majority of people. I did not want to vote for him and take a vote away from Danker and have Hewett sneak into the position. I finally decided to vote for Danker and it turned out to be the right decision. I thank God that Hewett didn't get elected as I can only imagine what a man who would sacrifice anything and everything for the promise of saving jobs would do to our profession and our careers. Time will tell how good a job Danker does. The good thing is if he is not what we need there will be another election before our next contract. That is if the TWU is still around and I am hoping they are not.
I voted for Danker also, mainly because he's the only one that put out a flyer that looked promising. I also only voted for e board members that I knew and thought they would do a good job. Like you said time will tell...
I wish you guys would have filed a class action law suit. There was obviously funny business going on. No way those two should have been the only two allowed to transfer. And to cap it all off, Tiller is now title 1. As a very good friend of mine likes to say. "What a fine kettle of fish this is."

Well we discussed many options but we decided to move on. They played their hand very well. There were many people involved in this charade. Sam got his transfer to electronics over the base closure. Sam admitted in his letter to the members of 514 that him, Debbie and other fleet service clerks were awarded transfers into title 2. Well somehow those transfers never did happen for the rest of us! Debbie got to stay in Tulsa on union business, her transfer to plant maintenance painter got overturned after it all got exposed. She did get a transfer into title 1 a few weeks back along with about 8 other fleet service clerks. I chose not to come back to be on the bottom of title 1. Very risky place to be with no seniority. Hopefully they can keep working in Tulsa without getting bumped out. Time will tell. As the old saying goes when one door closes another door opens. Good luck with those winds of change that are a coming.
FLYNFISH - Good luck to you. I hope you land somewhere that makes you look forward to going to work every day.
Seems everytime they recount they come up with different numbers. And these are our representatives??!!
Elections at ALL unions are able to be transparent. You can go and watch the vote counts. This is defined by the Department of Labor.

Stop crying and spreading BS. Research the facts and stop being arrogant. Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.
Elections at ALL unions are able to be transparent. You can go and watch the vote counts. This is defined by the Department of Labor.

Stop crying and spreading BS. Research the facts and stop being arrogant. Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.
When people vote for someone because of the "flyer" they put out, what difference does it make? Why not have debates or open forums so we can meet and ask questions of candidates? Rediculous to vote on a business card or flyer. We are our own worst enemy.
Elections at ALL unions are able to be transparent. You can go and watch the vote counts. This is defined by the Department of Labor.

Stop crying and spreading BS. Research the facts and stop being arrogant. Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.
You were saying?
July 31, 2013

TWU Local 514 Executive Board

TWU Local 514 Membership

To whom it may concern:

After much consideration, after reviewing all the events surrounding the recent election, I am tendering my resignation as Chairman of Stores as of August 2, 2013.

The perception amongst a small percentage of my union brothers and sisters are that this was a tainted election. I too, had my questions about the results. I want to make it very clear, that my belief is that the most important issue is that this election must uphold the credibility and integrity of our union.

It is for this reason I am resigning and asking our Executive Board to authorize another election for the position of Chairman of Stores.

I have every intention of being a candidate, and if successful, representing our title group to the highest standard for the next three years.

In solidarity,

Pat Bax

How's that foot taste in your mouth, pumpkin?
Still does not change the fact that anyone can go to their local during elections and watch the counting of ballots.

I too saw Pat Bax's letter also and that was a personal decision that Mr. Bax made by him and him alone. He did not have to do that by any means. I applaud him for making that personal decision, it shows some integrity. From what I’ve seen there was an extremely small percentage of TUL who voted in the first place.


TWU informer
I wish that there would be debates as well. Sounds like a good motion to make when they come out this way for the TWU convention. Who pays for them? Members? Locals? Candidates?
IM hearing Danker is discovering some crazy stuff down at the hall as he's trying to get things in order, and he's making all the special project people go back to work on the planes or go to work in management. I love it

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